Treating COVID-19 in 2023

RFK, Jr. suggested going to my website for info on HCQ and IVM during
his Town Hall yesterday with Sean Hannity, I am updating the info.  Here is the 3 minute clip of RFK and Sean Hannity discussing COVID treatment in which I am mentioned.

What’s New with respect to Treatment?

COVID-19 virus has mutated considerably since it was sequenced in Wuhan
in December 2019. I heard Dr. Didier Raoult, one of the pioneers in
the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, recently state that
hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is much less effective against current COVID
variants than it used to be. I cannot find a document to cite so I
don’t have any more to say about that.

But he would know,
so perhaps ivermectin should be our go-to drug for COVID-19 today, in
addition to vitamin D, nasal irrigation with non-irritating viral
killers like dilute betadine (iodine) solutions, and other
supplemental items as needed. As always, the FLCCC guidelines are my go-to source:


But what about the research supporting the use of ivermectin? As RFK, Jr. said, there are currently 99 controlled trials
(total) that have looked at how ivermectin prevented COVID deaths,
hospitalizations, ICU stays, ventilation, and cases. Several of the
studies were funded by Bill Gates and other shady characters and those
studies’ methods are extremely questionable.
I have written about that before, as have Tess Lawrie, Pierre Kory, Phil Harper and many others.

Only a subset of studies looked at each of these outcomes, which are called ‘endpoints.’ The wonderful website
has collected all the studies for all the drugs and OTC remedies used
for COVID-19, and has broken them down into different categories, as
well as displaying useful information. [That the hardworking authors
remain anonymous to avoid repercussions tells you something.]

If you look at all these 99 studies together, including those that appear to me and others to be fraudulent,
you get the following statistics regarding ivermectin: 77% show
benefit and 23% show harm. Including all, the overall benefit is about
62%. Used prophylactically, the benefit is over 80%.

If, however, you look at only the best studies, chosen using very specific criteria as Dr. Harvey Risch has done,
you find that ivermectin is 77% effective at preventing deaths and 69%
effective at preventing hospitalizations. Mortality and hospitalization
are considered solid, non-subjective endpoints.

National or regional governments in 22 countries recommended or provided ivermectin to their citizens for COVID.

has a long half life, and will last for weeks in your body’s tissues.
Getting an adequate dose in early is important. It is difficult to
overdose on ivermectin, unless you take the dose that is recommended for
a horse or a moose. (I live in Maine.) IVM has very few side effects.
You must check for drug interactions with other drugs you may be
taking. Luckily, websites exist where you can do this yourself, such as
his one.
Ivermectin has many different pharmacologic actions, and while it is
always best to take the drug early, it is also useful later in the


available data on hydroxychloroquine were mostly collected prior to the
current variants. The drug was assuredly beneficial, since national or
regional governments of
42 countries chose to recommend or provide hydroxychloroquine to COVID patients.

is a great drug with multiple actions, including viral inactivation and
immune modulation. I have taken it several times and used it in 100 or
200 or more patients
before COVID without problems—though I had to take one patient off it because someone else prescribed a high dose for too long.

it can cause fatal arrhythmias when overdosed. Therefore I urge anyone
who uses it to be careful of the dose, which should be reduced in those
weighing less than 60 kg (132 pounds). It also accumulates in the body
tissues due to a very long half life, but its accumulation does not
appear to cause cardiac rhythm issues, and is actually beneficial for
COVID—a 5 or 7 day course would last several weeks.

The org website reveals that there are now 402 controlled trials of HCQ for COVID.
Most show benefit.  However, several of the largest studies used
too-high doses of HCQ, which almost certainly led to excess deaths in
those studiesI believe the studies were designed to make the drug appear
dangerous. I discussed these studies at length in 2020 and two of my
several articles were reposted
here and here.

must be given early to be really effective, unlike ivermectin, so I
tend to only look at studies in which the drug was given early. If you
wait till someone is hospitalized before using this drug, usually 10-14
days into the illness, it has very little benefit. When given early,
mortality is reduced by 72%.  Throwing all the early treatment studies
(37) together with the different endpoints, the benefit is 62% overall.
 Only 3 of the 37 were negative, and all were small studies.
Here is the list:

of the 402 studies were in hospitalized patients, (easier to perform
because the patients come to you, and you don’t have to beat the bushes
to recruit them) — but the problem with this is that HCQ does not do
much once the virus is dead, which occurs about 10 days after disease
onset. Unless you are highly immunocompromised, the later stage of
COVID illness that occurs in some people is due to your body attacking
itself.  Most people go to hospital in the second stage of illness, when
it is too late for HCQ, and the primary drug needed is a steroid to
suppress the immune response.

If you restrict the studies you evaluate to only the best studies, Dr. Harvey Risch drew the following conclusions, with extremely statistically significant results:

one of 10 studies of high-risk outpatient hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) use
has shown risk reduction for hospitalization or mortality. Meta-analysis
demonstrates 44% reduction in hospitalization, and 75% reduction in


Having said all this, COVID
is no longer the killer it once was. Most people who develop COVID now
have a degree of immunity from prior exposure (nearly 100% in the US)
and the virus is less virulent. Most COVID cases will not require these
medications. But if you do need them, I hope this discussion has been

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