Compliance with COVID-19 vaccine mandate for city workers worst among police, firefighters/Chicago SunTimes

34% said hell no.   They are the first responders.  They saw the injuries.

When you add up the number who reported their status–but were unvaccinated–you see that those who failed to report plus those who reported no vaccination equalled 34% of Chicago’s police and fire department–Nass

Out of 12,770 CPD employees, 4,543 had failed to report their vaccine status by the midnight Friday deadline. On Monday, employees who have defied the mandate were being called in by their supervisors and given one last chance to report their vaccine status on the city’s portal.

More than 35% of Chicago Police Department employees and 28% of the workforce in the Chicago Fire Department could face disciplinary action after defying Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s mandate to report their vaccination status.

The Chicago Police Department registered the lowest compliance rate of all city departments, with 64.4% providing their vaccination status to the city; the fire department was second-lowest, at 72%.

Of the 12,770 CPD employees, 4,543 failed to report their vaccine status by the midnight Friday deadline. The overwhelming majority are sworn officers, but the list includes a small percentage of civilians.

Of those who did follow orders, 6,894 reported being fully vaccinated, while 1,333 reported are not fully vaccinated — meaning either that they are not vaccinated at all or have received only the first shot of the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccines…

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