The Revolving Door: All 3 FDA-authorized COVID shot companies now employ former FDA commissioners

System of corruption.

Have an experimental drug that needs rapid authorization from the FDA in order to be sold to the masses? Looking to siphon billions of dollars from the U.S. taxpayer for your newfound pharmaceutical product? In today’s America, you can buy yourself a former FDA commissioner, and use the public-sector private-sector revolving door system of corruption to impose your will on the American public, and make a windfall for your executives and shareholders in the process.

Mark McClellan–J and J

Steven Hahn–Moderna

Scott Gottlieb–Pfizer

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  1. In case the other site does not work.

    Biden Busted As 'Pfizer Admits There’s No Vaccine Approved By FDA' In The U.S. In Recorded Call (Video).
    Seems like the Biden Regime is knowingly pushing vaccine mandates based upon lies…

  2. Senator Ron Johnson: “There’s No Point to Mandate Whatsoever – With COVID Vaccine We’ve Had 16,766 Deaths in 10 Months”

    …People in the White House are not being mandated, employees of the CDC are not being mandated, a lot of Democratic lawmakers are not being mandated to get vaccines, and people that work for Pfizer are not being mandated. Why is the general public being mandated? Why are they trying to give vaccines to children that barely get COVID? There’s a very sinister thing going on. And the reason why it’s going on and on is because we comply.

    When we talk about evil, Fauci's an epitome of evil. If you know what Fauci did in the days of AIDS. The things that Fauci does, Fauci is the epitome of evil. And you know what, the good news about it is, at the end of the day, all of us are going to have a creator that judges.

  3. When I was in Uni, my Industrial Micro professor used to say the #1 step to get your medical device/product/process approved was to hire a former FDA official. He had several patents and worked for several large companies in his time. He said if you didn't do that you'd go bankrupt trying to get your product approved otherwise.

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