Seminar Nov. 29, 2010 on the anthrax letters investigation

The University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) and The UC Washington Center
Cordially invite you to attend a seminar:

The Anthrax Mailings Investigation

Monday, November 29, 2010, 1:00 – 5:30 pm

UC Washington Center, 1608 Rhode Island Ave. NW

FBI has closed the 2001 anthrax mailings investigation.  The alleged preparer and mailer of the anthrax, U.S. Army scientist Bruce Ivins, committed suicide, so the case was never tried in court.
A group of experts (see agenda below) assembled by Kenneth Dillon at Scientia Press and UCLA-based researchers Dr. Peter Katona and Prof. Michael Intriligator, will discuss the investigation, the scientific aspects, the lessons learned, and the broader implications of the case.  (Speaker bios are attached.)

Please RSVP, acceptances only, to Joseph R. McGhee at the IGCC Washington office:  Phone (202) 974-6295; Fax (202) 974-6299; email: .  For more on IGCC, see


1:00 pm:  Registration, coffee and tea
1:30 pm:  Welcome:  Peter Katona, UCLA, Master of Ceremonies
1:45 pm:  Panel I:  The Science of the Case
  • Moderator:  Kenneth J. Dillon, Scientia Press
  • Sergei Popov, George Mason University
  • Meryl Nass, Mount Desert Island Hospital,
3:00 pm:  Break
3:15 pm:  Panel II:  The Investigation
  • Moderator:  Lewis Weinstein, author, Case Closed
  • Scott Shane, New York Times
  • Ross Getman, author, Anthrax and al Qaeda
  • Paul Kemp, attorney of Bruce Ivins
4:30 pm:  Panel III:  Lessons Learned and Broader Implications
  • Michael Intriligator, UCLA
  • Peter Katona, UCLA
  • Leonard Cole, Rutgers University, author, The Anthrax Letters

                                             5:30 pm:  End 

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One Comment

  1. Sergei Popov? Really? Why not take the opportunity to ask him this: Is the Russian Government likely responsible for the anthrax mailings? Motive: even after 9/11 the American government was still supporting Chechen jihadis, so this attack was a kind of slap in the face of America to wake us up about the religious aspect? Leahy was tough on Russia over Chechnya. Maybe that's why he was the target.

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