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More details on the Israeli anthrax vaccine settlement, including acknowledgement of illnesses/ Haaretz
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Musing on issues of mandatory flu vaccinations
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“U.S. scientists say uncertainties loom about Ebola’s transmission, other key facts”/ Reuters
Reuters’ Sharon Begley has to be one of the very best science journalists in the US. She always gets to the meat of the matter. Here she gives us the highlights of what scientists said remains unknown about Ebola transmission, at an IOM meeting November 3. The full article is below, and it confirms what…
CDC now admits there IS a (low) risk of infection, if you are on a plane or in a room with a symptomatic Ebola patient/ CDC
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Vaccine Makers Struggle to Speed Output: Cell-Culture Technology Hastens the Process, but Slow-Growing Virus Remains a Problem
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HUGE TURNAROUND: Republican National Committee goes FAR condemning NSA surveillance and seeks to hold officials accountable / Atlantic and TIME
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