Nancy Haigwood was central in defining Bruce Ivins as a psychopathic criminal. Why?

How did Professor Haigwood come to make the case against Ivins?  It appears that (like Jean Duley, Ivins’ trainee therapist who was under house arrest when she was brought by FBI to obtain a restraining order against Ivins, then was trotted out for all major media by the FBI before she went into hiding) Haigwood too received considerable coaching from the FBI.  A very long interview with Nancy Haigwood is posted here by Frontline/ProPublica/McClatchy.  The statements below come from this interview.

It is telling that Haigwood learned from the FBI that Ivins meant to harm her (back in graduate school) by damaging the brakes on her bicycle.  The FBI told her Ivins stole her lab notebook in graduate school. The FBI told her “that it was reasonable for me to be frightened.” and “they warned me on a regular basis.” “Be careful,” they said. “The best thing you could possibly have done was to move to the West Coast, where you’re out of range, out of driving range.”

“… I just think at any point things could have gone differently. What if I wasn’t so careful? If I hadn’t called the FBI? Might I have been a victim?”

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  1. Dr. Nass,

    I think you have some things backwards. Nancy Haigwood called the FBI to tell them that Ivins could have sent the antrhax letters when she received an email from the American Society for Microbiology asking for names of anyone who could have been behind the attacks.

    Haigwood contacted the FBI and told them that Ivins could have done it.

    YEARS LATER, Ivins told the FBI that he'd once thought about damaging the brakes on Haigwood's bicycle back in the 1970s, but he changed his mind. So, he told them he was capable of harming her.

    It was certainly reasonable for the FBI to tell her to be careful. It would have been irresponsible for the FBI to NOT warn someone that they might be a target of a mentally disturbed individual.


  2. There are about 50 civil depositions newly uploaded to the USAMRIID Electronic Reading Room.

    Some of the most important are still coming. Thanks so much to USAMRIID for working to get people on the same page in advance of this summer's GAO report.

    Recently uploaded deposiitions include the Deposition of Reynolds M. Salerno, PhD (head of Sandia team that inspected USAMRIID) in 2002.

    and Colonel Elliott who led the Inspector General team in November 2001 in its inspection of USAMRIID.

    Links not uploaded include the full civil deposition Jeffrey Adamovicz, Stephen Little, Patricia Worsham, Russell Byrne and Gerard Andrews.

    Jeffrey Adamovicz civil deposition …

    Gerard Andrews deposition (uploaded in 3 parts) …

    Stephen Little civil deposition …

    Patricia Worsham civil deposition …

    Russell Byrne civil deposition …

  3. For summer beach reading, I highly recommend the French language novel AMERITHRAX (2014) by French bacteriologist John N. Turner. It has wonderful graphics. A mostly black cover with a red band with a tantalizing message. Adapted from FBI materials.

    The names have been changed to protect the innocent. And the readers of this blog, I believe, think Dr. Ivins was innocent.

    It still would be a great addition to your book shelf (if you can read French). And a great novel to be translated into English.

    Disclaimer: John is now a personal friend and I love everything French.

  4. "Amérithrax" de John N. Turner chez Ed. de l'Aube (La Tour-d'Aigue, France)
    Publié le 14 avril 2014.

    • Auteur : John N. Turner
    • Genre : Policiers
    • Editeur : Ed. de l'Aube, La Tour-d'Aigue, France
    • Prix : 22.90 €
    • Date de sortie : 07/01/2014
    • GENCOD : 9782815908825


    Alors que le World Trade Center n'en finit pas de tomber en fine poussière sur Manhattan, un retoucheur photographique d'un tabloïd de Floride succombe, foudroyé par un mal rapidement identifié, l'anthrax. Dans la foulée, quatre autres victimes en Virginie, à New York et en Nouvelle-Angleterre. Des lettres truffées de poussière mortelle circulent à travers les États-Unis ; l'angoisse paralyse l'Amérique, passe par Bagdad, contamine l'Europe. Pour Darrin Speman, agent du FBI, débute une enquête particulièrement difficile. Celle-ci se perd vite dans l'hystérie collective et la désignation d'un coupable trop évident, avant de s'échouer dans les méandres d'une analyse scientifique indéchiffrable… Inspiré de faits réels, ce roman narre l'une des plus vastes et complexes investigations de l'histoire moderne du FBI. Palpitant.

    John N. Turner est bactériologiste, spécialiste notamment de l'anthrax ou «maladie du charbon». Il signe ici un brillant premier roman.

    La revue de presse : Michaëlle Petit – La Croix du 9 avril 2014

    Anthrax. Voilà bien un mot qui nous replonge illico en septembre 2001 au coeur de New York, sur les cendres encore fumantes des Tours écroulées…
    Voici donc, treize ans plus tard, le roman «policier» de l'anthrax, efficacement bien nommé : Amérithrax. Un pavé de plus de 500 pages, mais un pavé qui s'avale aussi facilement qu'un documentaire bien renseigné où bons et méchants font palpiter un juste tempo de suspense. Son mystérieux auteur sous pseudo – John N. Turner, français, bactériologiste spécialiste de la «maladie du charbon», amoureux des States selon son minimaliste blog ( – réussit en effet le tour de force de passionner («Attendez-vous à être contaminé» proclame d'ailleurs la couverture du livre) le lecteur avec une histoire vraie dont le déroulement et finalement le dénouement sont connus depuis quelques années maintenant…
    500 pages comme une série télévisée bien addictive.

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