Nov. 2: Sen. Ron Johnson to Hold Expert Panel on COVID Vaccine Injuries, Federal Vaccine Mandates

On Tuesday, Nov. 2, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson will hold a panel discussion from 10 a.m. – Noon ET with doctors and medical researchers who have treated COVID-19 vaccine injuries and are researching the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

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U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) will hold a panel discussion Tuesday, Nov. 2 from 10 a.m. – Noon ET with doctors and medical researchers who have treated COVID-19 vaccine injuries and are researching the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. Johnson will also talk with patients who have experienced adverse events due to the COVID-19 vaccine and discuss vaccine mandates.

Children’s Health Defense will host Sen. Johnson’s live panel discussion on CHD.TV.

The senator will discuss the importance of early treatment for COVID, Americans’ health care freedom and natural immunity. Johnson will also cover the impacts of mandates on the American workforce and the economy, and the lack of transparency from federal health agencies in response to his COVID-19 oversight requests.

Sen. Johnson will talk with:
  • Cody Flint, an airline pilot from Cleveland, Mississippi, who accumulated 10,000 hours of flight time was diagnosed with left and right perilymphatic fistula, Eustachian tube dysfunction and elevated intracranial pressure following Pfizer vaccination.
  • Ernest Ramirez, a father from Austin, Texas, whose only son collapsed playing basketball and passed away from myocarditis following Pfizer vaccination.
  • Amy and Abby Alvo from Los Angeles, California, whose daughter suffered an adverse reaction from her first dose of Pfizer vaccine, having been denied a medical exemption twice, she will be kicked off her collegiate cheer team if she is not fully vaccinated.
  • Doug Cameron, farm operations manager from Idaho, permanently paralyzed following vaccination.
  • Kyle Werner, a professional mountain bike racer from Boise, Idaho was diagnosed with pericarditis following vaccination.
  • Suzanna Newell, a triathlete from Saint Paul, Minneapolis, was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and reliant on a walker or cane to walk following vaccination.
  • Kelly Ann Rodriguez, a young mother from Tacoma, Washington is reliant on a walker following vaccination.
  • Maddie de Garay, a 12-year-old Pfizer clinical trial participant from Cincinnati, Ohio, is confined to a wheelchair and feeding tube.
  • Brianne Dressen, an AstraZeneca clinical trial participant from Utah, co-founded, a patient advocacy organization dedicated to increasing awareness of adverse events.
  • Dr. Joel Wallskog, an orthopedic surgeon from Mequon, Wisconsin, was diagnosed with transverse myelitis following Moderna vaccination.

The following medical experts and doctors will take part in the panel discussion:

  • Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, Brigade Surgeon for the 1st Aviation Brigade, Ft. Rucker, Alabama, U.S. Army.
  • Dr. Linda Wastila, professor and Parke-Davis chair in Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.
  • Dr. Robert Kaplan, a faculty member at the Stanford School of Medicine Clinical Excellence Research Center.
  • Dr. Peter Doshi, associate professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.
  • Dr. Joseph Fraiman, board-certified emergency medicine physician.
  • Dr. Patrick Whelan, associate clinical professor of pediatrics in the Division of Rheumatology at the University of California, Los Angele.s
  • Dr. Aditi Bhargava, professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Center for Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco.
  • Dr. Retsef Levi, J. Spencer Standish (1945) professor of operations management at MIT
  • Dr. David Healy, professor in the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University in Ontario.
  • Dr. Iona Heath, retired general practitioner from Kentish Town in London and past president, Royal College of General Practitioners.
  • Kim Witczak, international drug safety advocate and speaker, serves as a consumer representative on the FDA Psychopharmacologic Drug Advisory Committee

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  1. Listening to the testimony and I am crying, I am angry, and I am praying. Our government, the WHO, and the Technocrats care nothing for mankind. I do and I am doing my own thing. I am making signs with listed web sites and asking the general public to educate themselves. I am driving to Marietta Square, parking near the courthouse and attaching these signs to my car. I will leave there and drive to other sites (Target, Home Depot etc…) My hope is that at least one person will care enough to educate their self and hopefully carry that message to their family and friends. The question I ask is "What would you do if these adverse reactions happen to your child, your spouse, parent, friend, what would you do?" "How are you going to feel in this JAB hurts or God forbid kills a child, a child, my God!" Are we not compassionate, do we not care about our most vulnerable our children! I am 65 years old, my death date grows nearer everyday I live. That is natural, why we are mortals. My generation is vulnerable only by the nature of growing old. Children have the same rights that we had, to grow old as healthily as possible. IT IS OUR duty as seniors to ensure that they have that right.

  2. What does it imply to incorrectly politicize “medicine” sticking physicians in the middle of it all carrots for cashing in and patients in field margins of unnecessary sickness camps, work camps & death camp panels visions deliberately blurred for political planetary mess for needing desperate desperados in remote chance sos to outer space to anyone more human then humans out there unlikely hearing to
    assist stuck on whatyoumaycallit political over spinning planet earth?

  3. Dr Vernon Coleman GP

    As this horror becomes ever more unbelievable, a thousand hidden fears struggle to the surface of our consciousness. The more informed we become the greater our fears. Antoinette’s fear is that we will not be allowed to visit a dentist. Every other day she asks me if I think it is time for her to have all her teeth removed. She worries, entirely reasonably, about being in pain with a bad tooth but unable to find anyone prepared to help an un-jabbed patient. I tell her that when we reach that point there will be nothing left for us in this world and it will be time to leave it. That is what Gates, Blair, Schwab, Fauci, Rothschild, Whitty et al have done to us. May they all rot forever in a deep, dark hell made especially for the truly, unforgivably evil.

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