Hong Kong: 1 in 2700 teenaged males develops a clinical case of myocarditis after the 2nd Pfizer shot/ Clin Inf Dis

About 180,000 adolescents received Comirnaty vaccine in Hong Kong.  33 developed myocarditis.  88% were males and 12% were females.  82% followed the second dose, and 18% followed the first dose.  The mean age of these cases was 15.  One in 2700 boys got a diagnosed case of myocarditis after their second shot.

Epidemiology of Acute Myocarditis/Pericarditis in Hong Kong Adolescents Following Comirnaty Vaccination



Age-specific incidence of acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination in Asia is lacking. This study aimed to study the clinical characteristics and incidence of acute myocarditis/pericarditis among Hong Kong adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination.


This is a population cohort study in Hong Kong that monitored adverse events following immunization through a pharmacovigilance system for COVID-19 vaccines. All adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years following Comirnaty vaccination were monitored under the COVID-19 vaccine Adverse Event Response and Evaluation Programme. The clinical characteristics and overall incidence of acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination were analysed.


Between 14 June 2021 and 4 September 2021, 33 Chinese adolescents who developed acute myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination were identified. 29 (87.88%) were males and 4 (12.12%) were females, with a median age of 15.25 years. 27 (81.82%) and 6 (18.18%) cases developed acute myocarditis/pericarditis after receiving the second and first dose, respectively. All cases are mild and required only conservative management.The overall incidence of acute myocarditis/pericarditis was 18.52 (95% Confidence Interval [CI], 11.67-29.01) per 100,000 persons vaccinated. The incidence after the first and second doses were 3.37 (95%CI 1.12-9.51) and 21.22 (95%CI 13.78-32.28 per 100,000 persons vaccinated, respectively. Among male adolescents, the incidence after the first and second doses were 5.57 (95% CI 2.38-12.53) and 37.32 (95% CI 26.98-51.25) per 100,000 persons vaccinated.


There is a significant increase in the risk of acute myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose.

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  1. In Europe the vaccine naming protocols are different. It can be called Comirnaty there under emergency use, but in the US that name can only be used for the licensed vaccine

  2. Thank you, Dr. Nass.

    I find the "27 (81.82%) and 6 (18.18%) cases developed acute myocarditis/pericarditis after receiving the second and first dose, respectively. All cases are mild" part bizarre. How can acute myocarditis/pericarditis ever be considered "mild"? I can't quite bring myself to give this large group of scientists the "language issues" pass….

  3. Hi Old Leon,

    I have the feeling that if you don't say that, your article does not get published.

    These numbers appear to be the most reliable yet, better than the VAERS and the VSD data, which has crazy low rates of everything.

    Myocarditis is mild when it is someone else's child.

  4. Hi again, Dr. Nass. Thanks for your reply to my post. Hadn't thought of the angle re. getting a paper published. Part of the sad commentary on our times. Wishing you all the best, as always.

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