Thailand’s Government Will Pay Compensation for Vaccine “Side Effects” and Deaths: One Billion Baht/ Bangkok Post via Global Research
What is important in this report by the Bangkok Post is that the Royal Thai Government (member state of the UN and the WHO) firmly acknowledges the deaths and adverse events affecting Thais who have taken the vaccine jab.
“Out of the 11,707 people who filed a claim with authorities, 8,470 people, or 72.3% of all claimants, have been compensated”.
1,962 individuals, namely 23% of the claimants “were left permanently paralysed or died after receiving their Covid-19 shot”.
The implications are far-reaching.
People in Thailand and around the World will be informed of the decision of the Thai government and will refuse to take the jab.
And this decision establishes a legal precedent. Class action law suits as well criminal charges against Big Pharma and corrupt governments are forthcoming.
National governments will no longer be able to deny the devastating impacts of what is widely recognized as a killer vaccine.
Nor will they be able to impose a vaccine passport.
Also, if you have any doubts read the report on the “Confidential Report” by Pfizer released under Freedom of Information which confirms unequivocally the criminal nature of the mRNA vaccine which has resulted in a Worldwide wave of deaths and injuries:
“What is contained in Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity. This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.”
The Strange Story Of Remdesivir, A Covid Drug That Doesn’t Work
Dr. Peter McCullough MD Vaccines Failed in Stopping COVID-19 and Mandates Have to Be Dropped”
“The vaccines themselves have basically now become obsolete as the virus has continued to mutate,” McCullough told NTD’s “Capitol Report” in an interview broadcast on Wednesday. “So at this point of time, the vaccine mandates have to be dropped across the board.”
Pfizer or Moderna, effectiveness dropped from around 65 to 70 percent down to around 10 percent by 20 weeks after the second dose,” the report (pdf) states.
On Wednesday, the CDC published a study showing protection from prior infection, or so-called natural immunity, was better than the protection from COVID-19 vaccines against the Delta variant.
McCullough also said the vaccine mandates lack the ethical or legal standing in the first place because the COVID-19 vaccines are “investigational.”
“All the vaccines are still investigational and in research. Mandates had no ethical or moral or legal standing from that perspective. No one can be forced into research against their will or be coerced into it.”
…“We can’t have Americans have fear about losing their job or school or travel related to a failed vaccine,” McCullough said. “But even more so we need to re-examine what we’ve done with respect to our public health priorities and COVID-19.”
McCullough said that in March and April 2020 America should have had large randomized trials and moved very quickly into studying multi-drug treatment. However, the federal authorities refused to do so and made a big push for vaccines.
McCullough also shared the treatment for COVID-19 patients with the Omicron variant.
“Fortunately with the Omicron variants very mild, the main treatment is oral nasal virucidal washes with dilute povidone-iodine or hydrogen peroxide 12. Clinical trials show the biggest benefit of that is more than any other form of treatment,” McCullough said.
…“And for severe cases we can use Sotrovimab, which is the GSK monoclonal antibody, may be in a high-risk senior or special case,” McCullough said.
Doctor in Middle of Battle to Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID Patients Resigns as Professor
By Jon Jackson On 1/6/22 at 1:15 PM EST
A doctor who sued a hospital in an effort to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment announced Tuesday he had resigned from his position at a Virginia medical school.
Dr. Paul Marik worked at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) since 2009, where he held the positions of professor of medicine and chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine. He also had privileges in the intensive care unit at Virginia's Sentara Norfolk General Hospital.
Marik announced his resignation from the school in a Tuesday news release put out by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCCA). Marik said in the statement, "This was not an easy decision to make, but I felt it was time to focus my attention and energy to other interests in both academia and public health."
Thailand had reported a total of 94 deaths from covid back on April 1, 2021, when country began the covid death shot experiment on its people.
Then, prior to shots: death rate in Thailand of 1.34/1,000,000.
94/70,074,151 population * 1M = 1.34.
Thailand's rate is now 315/1M, increase of nearly 300X — with, now, 22,079 deaths.
Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 signed into law by United States President Reagan as part of a larger bill on November 14, 1986.
NCVIA’s purpose to eliminate the financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury redress of grievances claims not needed if vaccine is safe, it’s for no liability for vaccine injuries.
Summary: H.R.5546 — 99th Congress (1985-1986)
The law
“Provides that no vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death: (1) resulting from unavoidable side effects; or (2) solely due to the manufacturer’s failure to provide direct warnings.”
Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 for vaccines including experimental vaccines and including if developed
Big pharma Disinfectant Injections even while conflicting first amendment ignore redress of grievances in 1st amendment because Reagan signed so even if something goes wrong of no matter?
Pls ignore the following per vaccine injuries,
1 Amendment U.S. Const.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Abridging the freedom or the right of the people peaceably to assemble to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Forget it social distancing required for this for vaccines especially! Since ~1986
The following proposals by the President of the United States are covered
under the Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 too
Trump Wants To Inject People With Disinfectant To Kill Coronavirus?
Jason EasleyThu, Apr 23rd, 2020
After a presentation on the effectiveness of bleach and rubbing alcohol on killing coronavirus, Trump asked if people could be injected with disinfectant.
Trump said at the coronavirus briefing:
Before I proceed, I should make clear what I think of the President. In my opinion, Donald Trump is a pathological liar.
After a presentation on the effectiveness of bleach and rubbing alcohol on killing coronavirus, Trump asked if people could be injected with disinfectant.
And I think you said you’re going test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning.
Poland's former president and Solidarity leader Lech Walesa contracts COVID
• 21/01/2022
Poland’s former president and Solidarity pro-democracy movement leader Lech Walesa said on Friday that he has contracted COVID19.
The 78-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate said on Facebook that he was surprised to find out he is infected despite the three vaccination doses he has received.
“I can't believe it: I received 3 shots but I'm infected.”
“I have a headache, I can't warm up my body. I feel like my flesh is tearing away from the bones,” Walesa wrote.
“After this painful lesson I will never separate from my mask,” he stated.
Walesa was fitted with a pacemaker in 2008 and last year he had heart surgery.
In the 1980s, Walesa led the nationwide Solidarity or Solidarność movement that eventually toppled Poland’s communist leaders through an election in 1989.
Incarcerated for his activism in the early 1980s, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983.
Walesa served as democratic Poland's first popularly elected president in 1990, with his term ending in 1995.
Walesa is an open critic of Poland's current PiS-led right-wing government, which has accused him of being a paid communist informant, an allegation he has vehemently denied.
Sweden decides against recommending COVID vaccines for children ages 5-12
Jan 27, 2022