Letter to state legislators about medical mandates, informed consent, the doctor-patient relationship
Medical professionals and scientists: please consider signing
This is a project of Childrens Health Defense, written by Michael Kane and myself.
Medical professionals and scientists: please consider signing
This is a project of Childrens Health Defense, written by Michael Kane and myself.
My Board hearing starts today, new booster fake data, and some odds and ends.
My Board hearing starts today, new booster fake data, and some odds and ends.
Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/my-interview-with-daniel-horowitz Here is his intro: One thing we all should have learned from the COVID experience is that not all is well in the land of mass vaccination and we need to rethink our approach to regulatory oversight. Instead of taking a pause, the FDA and CDC are about to blitz us with…
And how it will be spun to push avian flu shots on poultry and people
And how it will be spun to push avian flu shots on poultry and people
Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/fyi-i-am-giving-talks-this-week-inOct. 25, 2022 Kennebunkport. American Legion Hall 6-8 pm, 102 Main St., Kennebunkport October 28, 2022 Ellsworth. John Linnehan’s Constitution Hall 6-8 pm, in the former Ellsworth movie theater, High Street, Ellsworth. (next to Hannaford’s) October 29, 2022. Tiptoe to Tyranny (online) a documentary about the effort by Big Pharma to get rid…
Everything is great, we are thrilled with our vaccines and the only problem is not enough people are up to date, so stop the misinformation already, got it?
Everything is great, we are thrilled with our vaccines and the only problem is not enough people are up to date, so stop the misinformation already, got it?
Attorney Miecke Terhorst explains this, and asserts the WHO Constitution does not allow it, either
Attorney Miecke Terhorst explains this, and asserts the WHO Constitution does not allow it, either