Today Louisiana became the first US state to deny jurisdiction to the WHO, UN and WEF

Governor Landry signed SB133, which will go into effect immediately

Here is the bill.

It is very like a model resolution I drafted, based on the best of existing bills and resolutions, in late 2023. But the Louisianans had the brilliant idea to add the WEF and the UN to their bill.

Here is a press release about it:

For immediate release

May 28, 2024


                  Joe Gebbia, Founder and CEO

                  State Shield


Governor Landry and the Louisiana Legislature Say “NO” to the World Health Organization

 Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed SB 133 into law this week. SB 133 is a legislative measure affirming that neither the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, nor any other unelected international body has jurisdiction to override the will of the people of Louisiana.   Senator Thomas A. Pressly sponsored the bill along with Sen. Valarie Hodges and Rep. Kathy Edmonston, addressing the threat head-on.

This action is particularly timely, as the World Health Assembly is meeting Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss a proposed Pandemic Treaty and amended International Health Regulations.  These proposed agreements would dramatically increase the authority of the World Health Organization over federal and state public health policy and grant WHO broad powers to dictate healthcare policy, threaten our rights to be free from international mandates, and endanger the sovereignty of every state in our nation.

With Governor Landry’s signature, Louisiana becomes the first state in our nation to reject the authority of the WHO over state healthcare policy and reassert Louisiana’s rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to manage its own public health system.

“State laws should be made by our state’s elected officials, not international organizations. The Louisiana Legislature and Governor Landry recognize the importance of sovereignty on behalf of Louisiana,” Sen. Pressly said.

State Shield congratulates these Louisiana leaders for their bold action to keep unelected, international bureaucracies out of Louisiana’s business.  The measure represents a loud cry for freedom from imposed mandates and sends the federal government a much-needed reminder that it has no right to surrender our freedom of choice over healthcare decisions to an unelected international organization such as the WHO.

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