Japan leads the (both good and bad) way. 20,000 marched in Tokyo on Saturday against the WHO and the even more dangerous COVID replicon sa-mRNA vaccine

Japan to roll out self-amplifying vaccines for COVID to the elderly starting this week

Here I am in a sushi restaurant where all the speakers dined after our presentations. I am flanked by Dr. Yasufumi Murakami and Dr. Masayasu Inoue.

Dr Inoue wrote a book roughly titled “Exit the WHO” which has become a million seller in Japan! We will look into an English edition, since the WHO and UN show no signs of rolling over yet.

Historian Chikatsu Hayashi and Dr. Inoue (who have both organized this movement) sported the T-shirt which said “National Movement to Protect Lives from the WHO.” Many others at the march wore the same T-shirt. Robert Malone guessed 30,000 were there. it was hard to tell since speeches and performances began at noon, and the march did not start till around 3 or 4, and many people came just for the march and so we saw huge numbers keep arriving and going off to march; they did not all gather in one place. I watched the performances and so I wound up missing the march, which was okay, since several speakers had injuries and could not march, so we hung together.

i have much to write about the self-amplifying vaccines, ICS 6 and the UN’s Pact for the Future. But I am still jet lagged and can’t think properly so I will go to bed and hope to write more tomorrow.

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