Federal government fails to take this major emergency seriously

CDC, located near disaster areas in Atlanta, with 12,000 employees, has made a public service announcement for gas stations, and invites people (without power) to its website


Below is the sum total of CDC’s disaster response according to DHHS:

  • “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry have many website health and safety materials available, including storm safety, food safety, and power outage safety information. CDC/ATSDR has shared vital health and safety messaging and communication materials with public health officials in impacted states.

  • CDC/ATSDR also worked with GasStationTV to play a CO poisoning and generator safety Public Service Announcement at gas stations in the affected areas in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas. CDC/ATSDR is assessing if further support is needed.”

And the CDC Director, Mandy Cohen, used to be the chief public health officer of—North Carolina!!!

Meanwhile, VP Harris makes fatuous remarks about the disaster in Augusta, Georgia.


When you cannot rely on the federal government to handle an emergency, how could you possibly expect the WHO or UN to manage one, as they have sought to do in versions of the Pandemic Treaty, IHR amendments and Pact for the Future? No doubt they will continue to seek this power. But disaster solutions must be local, not global.

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