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Italy: Not So Fast
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Fauci blames people for the pandemic. Daszak promises thorough investigation. WEF writes the scripts.
It’s not that hard to read between the lines… These slides I made for a talk 2 years ago this month.
Hong Kong: 1 in 2700 teenaged males develops a clinical case of myocarditis after the 2nd Pfizer shot/ Clin Inf Dis
About 180,000 adolescents received Comirnaty vaccine in Hong Kong. 33 developed myocarditis. 88% were males and 12% were females. 82% followed the second dose, and 18% followed the first dose. The mean age of these cases was 15. One in 2700 boys got a diagnosed case of myocarditis after their second shot. Epidemiology of Acute…
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Why we are still in Afghanistan: One trillion $ in minerals/NPR
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India has not been making any A-Z COVID vaccines since December. Serum Institute willing to give away 200 million doses/ Fierce Pharma
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No enemies of da USA state per funding by da taxpayers experts & obvious math mummamia mummamia!!