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  1. ''BOMBSHELL: 'Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective inTreating COVID'' — BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC''

    1.) "Documents stored on a TOP SECRET folder on the computers of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) prove that the medicines ''Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Interferon were PROVEN “Curative” of COVID-19 in April, 2020'' – 'the cures were buried' as “Top Secret.”
    and concluded:

    "The revelation of these documents, sneakily stored in a TOP SECRET folder on government computers prove that the federal government of the United States KNEW in April, 2020, the entire “COVID-19 Pandemic” was completely curable through the use of these common medications…"

    The proof is in provided in the January 10, 2022, Project Veritas video at

    At time = 0:32, is displayed an unclassified DARPA document which states:

    A.) SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus. It was created by an EcoHealth Alliance program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), as suggested by the reporting surrounding the lab leak hypothesis. The details of this program have been concealed since the pandemic began. These details can be found in the EcoHealth Alliance proposal response to the DARPA(i) PREEMPT(ii) program Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HR00118S0017, dated March 2018(iii) – a document not yet publicly disclosed.

    And at time = 0:39:

    B). SARS-CoV-2, hereafter referred to as SARSr-CoV-WIV, is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors and inserted into a recombinant bat SARSr-CoV backbone. It is likely a live vaccine not yet engineered to a more attenuated state that the program sought to create with its final version. It leaked and spread rapidly because it was aerosolized so it could effciently infect bats in caves, but it was not ready to infect bats yet, which is why it does not appear to infect bats. The reason the disease is so confusing is because it is less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitch-hiking a ride on a SARSr-CoV quasispecies swarm. The closer it is to the final live attenuated vaccine form, the more likely that it has been deattentuating since initial escape in August 2019.

    ''Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloriquine, identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor, as is interferon (identified May 2020 as curative).''

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