WHO getting desperate over the Treaty. Maybe because it could lose tens of billions for its annual budget if it fails to gain approval?

Today they call it a pandemic accord. They refuse to use a single name to confuse the unwary.

Are they faith-based partners or are they paid-off flunkies? The apron, with the GAVI logo and a title “Oral Cholera Vaccine” says everything you need to know about who owns WHO and sets the agenda. https://www.who.int/news/item/28-03-2024-faith-based-partners-voice-support-for-pandemic-accord

Note the final sentence below: this statement was not released by the WHO, oh no, it was released by the astro-turfers themselves. https://www.who.int/news/item/27-03-2024-world-of-work-stakeholders-voice-support-for-the-pandemic-accord-highlighting-workers–rights-and-needs-during-pandemics

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