The WHO, the Coup and You (your taxes, your body and your mind. WHO is not limited to diseases that spread across countries, either)

Tricks of the WHO Trade: Coverage not Care, Mental Health, Non-infectious diseases and Financing

Note: COVERAGE not care; a boon to the health insurance industry is what the WHO wants to achieve. The WHO is full of weasel words and everyone needs to read them correctly.

“We DIRECT AND coordinate the world’s response to health emergencies.”

Wait a minute, when did our nations turn over governance to the WHO to direct the world’s response? I thought that vote came next May, 2024. In the bottom right corner of this web page it says copyright 2023. Why is the WHO claiming powers it does not have?

One billion more people benefit from universal health coverage

Good health care is needed at all stages of life. That’s why universal health coverage (UHC) is vital to WHO’s efforts to ensure access to health as a human right. Our programmes and partnerships emphasize:

  • access to primary and preventative health care;

  • ensuring access to the medicines and health products that people need;

  • sustainable financing and financial protection for people and communities; and

  • workforce training and labour protection for health workers.

We provide leadership and the evidence base for international action on surveillance, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of communicable diseases, noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions.

We help countries to reduce the burden and threat of communicable and noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions, which together constitute a major challenge for development in the 21st century, undermine socio-economic development throughout the world and threaten the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We develop innovative global frameworks of policy, legislative and regulatory measures to encourage governments to establish ambitious national, multisectoral responses against these diseases and conditions. We engage leaders, civil society, the private sector and people living with these diseases or conditions to promote increased and sustained investments in countering them and in delivering essential services and interventions through health systems.

… Exacerbated by, but also preceding, the COVID-19 pandemic, there is increasing appreciation of the value of mental health and its contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Mental health conditions – including anxiety, depression and psychosis, as well as neurological and substance use disorders – account for a quarter of all non-fatal disease burden, and more than 700 000 people die as a result of suicide each year.

Despite progress in some countries, people with mental health conditions, including those with psychosocial disabilities, continue to experience discrimination and human rights violations across the world. WHO works to promote a rights-based, person-centred and intersectoral approach to mental health policy, planning and legislation, and to enhance access to evidence-based, quality care for people with mental health conditions.

I’d love to know what a rights-based, person-centred, intersectoral approach might be, and I can’t wait to see the evidence base for the WHO’s mental health care. My guess is that this is part of a plan to drug up those of us naysayers, just like the Soviets did. This was done to two of my doctor colleagues in Canada and Switzerland early in the pandemic: both were given forced antipsychotics. But they could also provide amphetamines and then call us psychotic or delusional.

After all, my medical board was insistent that I see their neuropsychologist to get a mental health diagnosis that they could then use to hang me. Instead, they had to use weaker bogus excuses like failing to follow the telemedicine rules that the governor had revoked. Less convincing.

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