NGOs and USG begin sowing the ground for the new pandemic treaty etc.
'The Science' is invoked to insist that COVID came from a bat, not a lab. Clearly this is an important narrative for the future plans of the globalists.
Jordan Schactel told us today about a conference happening in Washington today and tomorrow to push the COVID zoonosis (it came from a bat, dammit!) agenda (and others) as Science.
Let’s look at some of the conference materials. Note that speakers are from the State Department, EcoHealth Alliance (which is still operating, unbelievably, and probably still collecting and creating deadly viruses from its grantees in 31 countries around the world) and the NGOs that coalesce around a big pot of money ($7 Billion/year in the US before the pandemic, and considerably more since) for so-called pandemic preparedness, from which pot the money was spent to create new PPPs (Potential Pandemic Pathogens), which Fauci’s organization was supposed to oversee, but didn’t, according to his deputy Hugh Auchincloss, whose FOIA’d email revealed that not a single coronavirus experiment had been looked at by the PPP committee that approved Gain of Function (aka biowarfare) research.
Now I present a couple of paragraphs from the 2021 Annual Report of the Global Health Council, which is the organization holding this meeting. Note the use of the “Build Back Better” meme and the hat tip to “Examining language to make the case for US investment in global health, which is intended to shift the narrative around global health security.” Also don’t miss the “focus on increased global health funding” where global health is now the justification to spend large sums via multinational organizations, with little making it to the people whose health is truly at risk.
It seems that the Global Health Council is mainly a policy amplifier. And the policies they will amplify this week are those they are paid to amplify.
Back in May, this is what the Global Health Council told the World Health Assembly about the International Health Regulation Amendments (IHRs). Rah Rah!
Hope I have not wasted your time. This is the means by which a so-called consensus is manufactured, by using these bought NGOs to parrot whatever is desired. This is being rolled out now because the IHRs and the Pandemic Treaty/ Accord or whatever name they give it are coming soon.
Just for fun: