72% of unvaccinated workers vow to quit if ordered to get vaccinated/ CNN and Kaiser Health
From the WaPo our fears are confirmed–vaccine has been leaking out of this plant despite the fact that the plant was never authorized by FDA. Still wondering if this was related to some of those clinic shut-downs?The storyline is that the unapproved vaccine went to Canada and Mexico. Are you relieved yet? From the WaPo:…
Government Corruption beats Terrorism and Fears of Economic Collapse by a mile. Little wonder, with two presidential candidates who each have crooked foundations (used at a minimum for money-laundering and apparent foreign policy ‘quid pro quo’s’ for the Clinton Foundation). Hillary stole White House furniture and gifts when she left in 2000, while Trump used…
https://www.c-span.org/video/?516920-1/justices-hear-case-vaccine-test-mandate The beginning of the proceeding was muted on C-SPAN. I am confused re whether the Solicitor-General of Louisiana presented? An attorney for the National Federation of Independent Business, Mr. Keller, presented first. The Justices are very verbal about the fact that a terrible epidemic is occurring with 750,000 new cases daily. They have also…
This article is also based on documents from the Guardian’s Snowden cache. How can people believe that NSA, GCHQ and their ilk are not storing all phone calls (full audio files, not just metadata) when it takes so much more storage to college webcam information? Let’s get real. Every digital signature you have left during…
The interview was broken up into 3 segments: The first segment, including my history in the field: https://rumble.com/v1da3yp-the-lord-is-my-shepherd-an-interview-with-dr.-meryl-nass.html The Fauci coverup of COVID origins: https://rumble.com/v1da4u3-tony-fauci-and-jeremy-farrar-convened-a-phone-call-designed-to-cover-up-the.html Monkeypox vaccine: https://rumble.com/v1da5ex-why-the-big-rush-by-the-fda-to-license-the-monkeypox-vaccine-in-2019-when-t.html
On June 29, 2007 a Government Accountability Office report was issued regarding the military Vaccine Healthcare Centers, which were formed in 2001 to take care of injuries from anthrax vaccine. They have treated 2,400 ill soldiers, the vast majority for illnesses developing in close proximity to anthrax vaccinations. Page 4 of the report says, “Officials…