72% of unvaccinated workers vow to quit if ordered to get vaccinated/ CNN and Kaiser Health
The Atlanta Journal Constitution tells us that Atlanta’s large public hospital, Grady Memorial, is requiring that seasonal flu shots be given to all employees. “Several factors led Emory officials to make taking the seasonal flu vaccine mandatory — protecting patients and providing a safe environment for workers; the fact that the seasonal flu and swine…
According to FDA, “while no safety concerns have been identified to date, a project will be initiated this fall to focus on the safety of the pandemic (H1N1) influenza vaccine and of antiviral medicines for pregnant women and their newborns…” [a.k.a. the ‘Shoot first, answer questions later’ principle–Nass] “FDA is collaborating with CDC, HHS, private…
The story comes from the Peoples Daily/Xinhua press release, and there does not appear to be independent reporting. The BBC has reported for two days on cases of pneumonic plague in a remote area of western China, said to be inhabited primarily by Tibetans. Although plague can be transmitted to humans via insect bites (due…
From the Washington Times: Last week, Republicans and Democrats in Congress joined President Obama in congratulating themselves for taming the National Security Agency’s voracious appetite for spying. By permitting one section of the Patriot Act to expire and by replacing it with the USA Freedom Act, the federal government is taking credit for taming beasts of its own…
According to Dan Tuohy at the Manchester, New Hampshire Union-Leader, The state is encouraging more than 80 people to take antibiotics and anthrax vaccine after an environmental sample at the United Campus Ministry in Durham tested positive for anthrax. The announcement today comes after a young woman remains in critical condition with gastrointestinal anthrax. She…
The Capitol Hill rag Roll Call is just as flummoxed as I am over the Janssen/ Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine being produced by Emergent BioSolutions. The FDA told them to ask J and J about it, but J and J declined to answer. Below is the first part of a long article that in…