Would you give anthrax vaccine to a child? DHHS Secretary Sebelius would
“The safety and efficacy of Biothrax in a post-exposure setting have not been established.” http://www.biothrax.com/prescribinginformation_biothrax_us.pdf
“The safety and efficacy of Biothrax in a post-exposure setting have not been established.” http://www.biothrax.com/prescribinginformation_biothrax_us.pdf
Fomites These are inanimate objects like doorknobs, shared computer keyboards, surfaces where droplets from coughs and sneezes land, or where hands have touched, which may transmit the virus. Questions that the authorities should be making every attempt to answer include the following. a) What % of infections are transmitted via fomites? (In other…
Not a single doctor or paramedic of the 2,000 working at public hospitals in Pune, India have accepted free flu shots offered to them by state government, according to the Times of India. Yet hospitals in the US increasingly force their employees to receive these inoculations, although they have not been shown to reduce infections…
You must have heard by now of how the feds quietly got compliance with pandemic control measures, enforced federal treatment protocols and vaccine mandates. By printing gobs of money (that everyone knew would cause massive inflation) and using it to bribe virtually every entity involved in pushing out the new rules, from states to cites…
Anthrax Suspicions: Why an independent look at the FBI probe is essential Friday, September 19, 2008; Page A18 THERE’S NO better proof of the need for an independent review of the FBI’s anthrax investigation than the words of Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.). Mr. Leahy was one of the intended recipients of anthrax-filled letters sent…
Could this really be from 1930? I am thinking the music sounds 1940s-ish. It is fun no matter when it was made. Thanks to CAF for finding it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDJmwlsA2eQ&ab_channel=SkyNewsAustralia