Official UK government report claims that 98% of adult blood donors have antibodies to COVID.
“Based on antibody testing of blood donors, 98.0% of the adult population now have antibodies
to COVID-19 from either infection or vaccination compared to 18.7% that have antibodies from
infection alone.”
UPDATE Nov. 20: I did not know what to make of this statistic, so I just put it out there. Thx for comments. It would be really useful to see which people with known positive antibody titers later gets a clinical case of COVID, if any do. If none or very few in both the vaxxed and unvaxxed recovered groups get COVID, then this antibody test is probably a good surrogate for immunity. Once that is established, we would have stronger evidence to demand that immunity, measured by this test, precludes vaccination. BTW Dr. Ryan Cole says the Ortho antibody test, used by the Red Cross, is probably the most sensitive test available.
57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations.
I am still waiting for the anal swabs which were "a thing" shortly after toilet paper shortage:) Who says the globalists lack sense of humor?
We all have to get it because they are afraid to single out the high risk. What happened to the CDC alerts in Maine about hepatitis!? There use to be at least a few each year. I can only think of one off the top of my head since the covid scandemic began, Remember they were always from some fast food restaurant worker in some sanctuary town? If you went to the restaurant in last X day you needed to be tested. What happened to those alerts!? Now we all are expected fo wear a mask to protect from covid but no more hepatitis alerts from Maine CDC. What is the ethnic demographic for hepatitis globally and in Maine?
Yeah, these data from the UK are strange. The sample population is healthy adult blood donors, aged 17 years and above. The group includes donors up to 84 years of age, which doesn't sound quite right to me. The report doesn't tell us how many individuals are in each age group; all of the data are reported simply as percentages.
Two assays were used to attempt to differentiate between natural and vaccinal immunity, both made by Roche: antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein (N) and antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein.
"Nucleoprotein (Roche N) assays only detect post-infection antibodies, whereas spike (Roche S) assays will detect both post-infection antibodies and vaccine-induced antibodies."
So, if a patient is N negative but S positive, then that person has evidence of vaccinal immunity only – at least, according to these assays.
Overall, across all age groups and regions, the seroprevalence of antibodies to the N protein (= recovery following natural infection) was only 18.7%, as of 07 October 2021.
Even in the regions with the highest N antibody seropositive rates (London and North West), the rates were only 27% and 26%, respectively. All other regions were below 20%.
Even in the age groups with the highest N antibody seropositive rates (17-29 yrs and 30-39 yrs), the rates were only 29% and 24%, respectively. All other age groups were below 20%.
In other words, these data from healthy adult blood donors are showing a very low incidence of immunity following natural infection – at best, 25-30% of individuals have evidence of natural immunity. Does that sound right to you?
According to this report, the "fully vaccinated" rate in the UK is just over 60% (66.4% for dose 1 and 60.9% for dose 2, as of 31Oct21), and coverage is highest in the oldest age groups (who are least likely to be healthy blood donors).
And yet 98% of these healthy blood donors are seropositive for antibodies to the S protein while most (79%) are seronegative for antibodies to the N protein??
While I could imagine a scenario where individuals most likely to be "doing their bit," as the Brits say, and donating blood would also be those most likely to be vaccinated against COVID, these numbers just don't add up.
I think there is something amiss with Roche's assay, when it comes to identifying a humoral response to natural infection. I would not be relying on these data to make a case for or against natural immunity.
Ah. I should have read the fine-print:
"Seropositivity estimates for S [spike] antibody in blood donors are likely to be higher than would be expected in the general population and this probably reflects the fact that donors are more likely to be vaccinated."
"Seropositivity estimates for N antibody will underestimate the proportion of the population previously infected due to (i) blood donors are potentially less likely to be exposed to natural infection than age matched individuals in the general population (ii) waning of the N antibody response over time and (iii) recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination."
Come again? Antibodies to the viral nucleocapsid protein — i.e., evidence of naturally acquired immunity to the virus — appear to be lower in fully vaccinated individuals who are subsequently infected with the virus?!
Interesting! Does this mean that the vaccine is doing its job and stopping the virus in its tracks (hence, less need/opportunity to generate antibodies to the N protein), or is the vaccinal immunity interfering with the development of natural immunity during subseqent viral exposure?
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Interesting! Does this mean that the vaccine is doing its job and stopping the virus in its tracks (hence, less need/opportunity to generate antibodies to the N protein), or is the vaccinal immunity interfering with the development of natural immunity during subseqent viral exposure?'
i, too, wonder about this. if a vaxxed person get covid, is his/her future immunity thereby increased/enhanced? all the vaxes interfere with natural immunity re anything, correct?
i've never had any flu shots, etc, but am a frequent in past blood donor. so, if i seek out a place to give now, will they give me a covid antibody test, and me a copy i could use should it be helpful, ie flying, showing proof of immunity at some point/?
Wouldn't it be nice, and logical, to get proof of immunity with a lab test and then use it for travel, admission to venues, etc.?
Our federal health agencies won't let that happen,. They refuse to allow you to use any proof of immunity or prior infection for any purpose. Instead, immune or not, you must be vaccinated. And so the CDC makes up fake scientific studies to "demonstrate" that even the recovered do better after a shot. But it is hard to see how much better a shot can do when recovery gives you about 99% protection.