Officials recall more swine flu vaccine/ SF Chronicle
In a previous post, I cited literature that showed the nasal vaccine had been only 29% effective in adults in a previous year, even when fully ‘potent.’
In a previous post, I cited literature that showed the nasal vaccine had been only 29% effective in adults in a previous year, even when fully ‘potent.’
A quarantine will help stop cases appearing in the US in the near-term, but may mean that fewer medical professionals will volunteer to work in Africa, making control of Africa’s epidemic harder, thus making things worse for the US in the long-term. (Only 0.5% of MSF staff or less have developed Ebola.) From today’s WaPO:…
STAT News, a medical online news service that includes Pharma-paid content, issued an article by Elizabeth Cooney, citing CDC this morning. The powers that be fear they are losing control of the suppression of ivermectin, a highly effective drug for Covid that was derived originally from a soil organism in Japan. Look at the article for a… Children will only get Covid vaccines if vulnerable Ministers decide against mass vaccination for teenagers on advice of scientists ByEdward Malnick, SUNDAY POLITICAL EDITOR17 July 2021 • 9:00pm Britain has opted against mass Covid vaccinations for all children and teenagers, with ministers instead preparing to offer jabs to vulnerable 12 to 15-year-olds and those about to…
Just in case you still think the US government has a functioning system of checks and balances, the following article in yesterday’s NY Times’ by Eric Lichtblau should disabuse you of such a quaint notion. As the article explains, the Inspector General (IG) watchdog system was instituted in the wake of Watergate to provide independent…
Please read the entire article by Paul Elias Alexander, who is furiously compiling the evidence on recovered immunity (over 80 articles) and other important issues. I am only posting the second half below. Here are six studies that make the case for not vaccinating children: 1. A 2020 Yale University report indicates children and adults display…
Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open label non-randomized clinical trial 20 patients were treated, 16 patients (unmatched, nonrandomized) were controls, 6 treated patients lost to followup, in some cases due to worsening Update: on March 25, India banned the export of hydroxychloroquine. And has approved its use prophylactically: “The…