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Frankly, I need $ for my legal defense and for a legal defense fund we hope to establish at CHD-Europe
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Frankly, I need $ for my legal defense and for a legal defense fund we hope to establish at CHD-Europe
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Standing Together--People learning how to tell the government who is boss, after all
Standing Together–People learning how to tell the government who is boss, after all
And should I restrict comments to the substack?
And should I restrict comments to the substack?
Hope to see you there, if they still have tickets. Supper and music too.
Hope to see you there, if they still have tickets. Supper and music too.
Over 2/3 of California's 984 dairies already affected
Over 2/3 of California’s 984 dairies already affected
'The Science' is invoked to insist that COVID came from a bat, not a lab. Clearly this is an important narrative for the future plans of the globalists.
‘The Science’ is invoked to insist that COVID came from a bat, not a lab. Clearly this is an important narrative for the future plans of the globalists.