Two stories: Israeli Army cedes supervision of experiments on troops to the Ministry of Health; Israeli Air Force refused to give pilots anthrax shots,7340,L-3510509,00.html Anthrax tests on troops to be conducted ‘strictly under supervision’Aviram ZinoPublished: 02.24.08, 14:19 / Israel News Following deliberation on petition protesting IDF medical experimentation onsoldiers, government announces Ministry of Health to supervise suchexperiments. State officials reported to the High Court of Justice on Sunday that allmedical experiments on IDF soldiers are to be conducted…

Editorial: Israeli government admits anthrax experiment caused injuries and takes responsibility for their care

w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m Last update – 02:23 20/02/2008 Experiments in full responsibility By Haaretz Editorial The state’s response to a High Court of Justice petition by soldiers who were subjected to medical experiments with anti-anthrax drugs (the experiments known as Omer 2) is…

One reason drugs may be used for years before risks become evident is that we have no active drug surveillance system-Mark McClellan, FDA Commissioner

Although no significant improvements in drug safety occurred while he was FDA Commissioner from 2002 to 2004, Dr. McClellan now acknowledges the need for improved safety surveillance at FDA, in a commentary in the April 26, 2007 New England Journal of Medicine. This issue contains several articles on FDA assessment of drug safety. Jerry Avorn,…

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