More on health financing (NYT Blog): How Do Hospitals Get Paid? A Primer

Wonderful article by economist Uwe Reinhardt clarifying bizarre hospital charges and third-party reimbursements, and how much of the healthcare dollar they waste. Excerpt: Americans can be forgiven their ignorance on this issue because, as I put it in a recent paper on the subject, the pricing of hospital services is best described as “Chaos Behind…

Army releases some e-mails from anthrax suspect/Frederick News-Post

Article by Justin Palk The U.S. Army released 33 pages of Bruce Ivins’ e-mails Thursday from his account at Fort Detrick. The e-mails, obtained by The Frederick News-Post under the Federal Freedom of Information Act, span the period from September 1998 through January 2002. The documents contain 16 threads of communication, some including multiple e-mails…

Defense attempting to block report about anthrax trial/Haaretz

Excerpts from the article: … IDF soldiers were given seven doses of an anti-anthrax vaccine developed by the Nes Tziona biological institute. But there was no extended medical supervision of the vaccinated soldiers. A year and a half ago, a group of soldiers vaccinated in the experiment asked the IDF and Defense Ministry for all…

Litigants Argue U.S. Regulators Lacked Basis to OK Anthrax Vaccine

Global Security Newswire articleNational Journal Group Friday, Jan. 16, 2009By Elaine M. Grossman WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration violated its own regulations three years ago in approving the anthrax vaccine to prevent infection by a “weaponized” form of the disease, attorneys for eight Defense Department employees alleged in a brief filed last week…

Critique of the “chemical signature” assertion and other points by Barry Kissin

Barry Kissin, an attorney in Frederick, Maryland, analyzes several assertions in Scott Shane’s January 4 article, by reviewing media and other reports published since 2001. These include the unsupported claim that the “chemical signature” of the water used to grow the letter anthrax could only come from Frederick, Maryland, and that other US government and…

Frederick Police Report out

The Frederick Post has made available a pdf of the Frederick Police Department report regarding its investigation of Ivins’ last days. I have several questions after reading this material. First, I would assume that Ivins made two trips to the Giant Eagle pharmacy an hour apart in order to drop off prescriptions then pick up…

NYT: Portrait Emerges of Anthrax Suspect’s Troubled Life

Scott Shane’s newest, detailed exploration of Bruce Ivins can be summarized in Shane’s statement, “unless new evidence were to surface, the enormous public investment in the case would appear to have yielded nothing more persuasive than a strong hunch, based on a pattern of damning circumstances, that Dr. Ivins was the perpetrator.” Let me make…

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