How am I to treat patients with H1N1 flu? How am I to protect them from the treatment?

The 2009 “Swine flu” A (H1N1) outbreak has been recognized for the past six weeks. It has been studied intensively, we are told, and a number of Americans have died from the disorder, although less than 1% of those diagnosed with this specific virus. It apparently is a bit more contagious than the usual flu,…

The Anthrax Vaccine: A Dilemma for Homeland Security/LtCol Tom Rempfer

This article, from the journal Homeland Security Affairs, recaps the history of the anthrax vaccine program and explores how the anthrax letters attack might be related to it. Past problems with the Department of Defense anthrax vaccine currently impactnational emergency response plans approved by the Department of HomelandSecurity and Department of Health and Human Services….

CDC’s anthrax vaccine safety studies defunded/ Science online

from Science: Michael McNeil’s portfolio of flawed anthrax vaccine safety studies at CDC is going away. Drum roll, please. This is a good thing, since the studies were basically a boondoggle lacking a scientific foundation. Even Army vaccine scientists, as well as this blog’s owner, published criticisms of the laughable methodologies used by the CDC…

FBI Anthrax Investigation Under Scientific Review/ Science online

Brief article by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee: A long-awaited review of the scientific evidence relating to the investigationof the 2001 anthrax letter attacks is finally getting off the ground. The study,to be conducted by the National Academies, will check the validity of thescientific techniques used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in solving thecase. What the study…

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