Proven Ways to Avoid Influenza Safely and Inexpensively

How well does flu vaccine work? Two major reviews have come out in the past two months.  Michiels et al from the University of Antwerp found that the vaccine does prevent influenza among those aged 6-65, “however, there is strikingly limited good-quality evidence of the effectiveness of influenza vaccine on complications such as pneumonia, hospitalization…

Judge says no to inquest on weapons inspector Dr Kelly/ Mail

And the judge adds insult to injury by asking retired surgeon Halpin to pay Attorney General Grieve’s legal costs.  The Mail provides the details: A retired surgeon lost a major court battle yesterday in his campaign to secure a proper coroner’s inquest into the death of weapons inspector Dr David Kelly. Dr David Halpin was…

Judge to hear campaigner’s plea for inquest into Dr Kelly’s controversial death/ Mail

From the Daily Mail: A retired surgeon campaigning for a full coroner’s inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly will have his case heard by a High Court judge  on Monday (December 20). David Halpin, 71, is seeking permission to challenge the Government’s decision in June not to order a coroner’s inquest into the…

SIGA’s sweetheart deal for smallpox drug questioned by Anderson Cooper/ CNN

This story, detailed by David Willman in the LA Times (and blogged by me 4 weeks ago) has now been re-reported (in great detail for television) by CNN.  It certainly deserves plenty of scrutiny, especially after SIGA’s stock rose 32% yesterday, supposedly due to board member Fran Townsend’s denying company interference with the contract.  DHHS…

FDA disqualifies advisory committee member due to “intellectual conflict of interest”/

Sidney Wolfe, MD, is a well-known drug safety advocate and founder/ director of the organization Public Citizen’s Health Research Group.  FDA finally blessed the quality of his work and reputation by inviting him to join its Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee in 2008. But suddenly FDA has disqualified him from full voting membership…

Fukushima nuclear catastrophe closer than thought/ The Australian

The Japanese government and TEPCO have released new information (based on simulations, however) on the extent of damage to the Fukushima nuclear reactors.  The Australian reports on the catastrophe: MOLTEN nuclear fuel in one reactor at Japan’s stricken Fukushima Daiichi plant burned through the steel pressure vessel and three-quarters of the surrounding concrete containment vessel…

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