FDA: Mold seen in 83 vials of the steroid linked to fungal meningitis outbreak / Boston Globe

The Globe updates us on the NECC tragedy/scandal. The outbreak of fungal meningitis due to contaminated drugs from New England Compounding Center  brings to mind a 1997 FDA inspection and report of the Lansing, Michigan anthrax vaccine manufacturer, which at that time was a state of Michigan subsidiary:  Michigan Biologic Products Institute.  Many of the…

Experimental Staph Vaccine Linked to Multiorgan Failure and Death / Medscape

Merck’s new vaccine candidate, V710, was designed to prevent post-op staph infections, a frequent and potentially devastating complication that occurs after many types of surgery.  However, in a large clinical trial that studied over 3500 patients, not only did the vaccine fail to provide this protection, but there were many initial adverse reactions, and recipients…

AMA (American Medical Association) Code of Ethics issued June 2011 supports medical, religious or philosophic reasons to not be immunized / AMA

Opinion 9.133 Routine Universal Immunization of Physicians (from the AMA Code of Ethics) is very clearly against universal immunization mandates.  Here is the language: As professionals committed to promoting the welfare of individual patients and the health of the public and to safeguarding their own and their colleagues’ well-being, physicians have an ethical responsibility to take…

Union cites possible ‘philosophical or religious objections’ as B.C. nurses balk at forced flu vaccinations / National Post

After 50 years of flu shots, governments still cannot demonstrate they save lives.  In fact, getting a flu shot in 2008 made you twice as likely to actually get sick from a case of the flu in 2009.  But these facts, discussed in earlier blog posts, are ignored as mandates increase for yearly flu inoculations….

Reversible blindness in bilateral optic neruritis associated with nasal flu vaccine

Flu vaccines would be fine for everyone to take each year if the benefit exceeded the risk plus cost.  The cost in a drug store to be vaccinated is about $25.  No benefit can be demonstrated in those over 65 or in younger children, where 90% of flu deaths occur.  (See several posts from earlier…

European Report on Narcolepsy and Pandemrix gets thumbs down from Finland, France and Norway

From the September 2012 European ECDC report titled, “Narcolepsy in association with pandemic influenza vaccination” commissioned by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, but produced by the Brighton Collaboration: (page 149) Finland’s Squalene — ASO3 blockbuster: “Contrary to previous studies, studies at THL suggest that squalene (AS03) produces an antibody response. Preliminary studies suggest that…

Did the Pandemrix vaccine cause other diseases in addition to narcolepsy? Report delayed

From Helsiningin Sanomat: Report delayed on correlation between swine flu vaccinations and various illnesses  print this The (Finnish) National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) report on the correlation between swine flu vaccinations and incidences of various illnesses will be delayed, writes the Oulu-based daily Kaleva.      Originally, results were meant to be available already during the…

Swine flu vaccine linked to child narcolepsy/ AFP and Raw Story

From AFP/ Raw Story: … In Finland, 79 children aged four to 19 developed narcolepsy after receiving the Pandemrix vaccine in 2009 and 2010, while in Sweden the number was close to 200, according to figures in the two countries. Both countries recommended their populations, of around five and 10 million respectively, to take part…

Flu Shots May Not Protect the Elderly or the Very Young / Scientific American

From yesterday’s Scientific American: Despite government recommendations, there is little evidence that flu vaccines help individuals older than 65 or younger than two. Every year around this time, 120 million Americans roll up their sleeves to get their annual flu shots. Since 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended yearly jabs…

New report questions science behind flu vaccine efficacy and use policy / Calgary Post

The entire article from the Calgary Post is below, as it is important.  The article cites well known flu experts Danuta Skowronsky and Michael Osterholm (who is first author of a report that forms the basis of the piece) acknowledging the vaccine just doesn’t work all that well as has been claimed.  The report “… suggests…

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