What are world leaders proposing to do about NSA snooping at this point? / Guardian, CNN

From the Guardian: [A new NSA document revealed in Germany’s Bild newspaper said there was a] “… not legally registered spying branch” (illegal under German law) in the US embassy in Berlin, the exposure of which would lead to “grave damage for the relations of the United States to another government”. From the Washington Post: Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich…

Anger Growing Among Allies Over U.S. Surveillance / Obama Lies / NY Times, Reuters, WaPo

 From the Times: Leaders and citizens in Germany, one of America’s closest allies, simmered with barely contained fury on Thursday over reports that American intelligence had tapped into Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone… Ms. Merkel herself angrily demanded assurances from President Obama that her cellphone was not the target of an American intelligence tap as soon…

StopWatching.us: New anti-surveillance coalition video (w/Hollywood stars), Rally, Websites

From the organization itself: StopWatching.us is a coalition of more than 100 public advocacy organizations (especially the Electronic Freedom Foundation) and groups from across the political spectrum. Join the movement at https://rally.stopwatching.us.  This video harnesses the voices of celebrities, activists, legal experts, and other prominent figures in speaking out against mass surveillance by the NSA. Please…

NSA spying programs galore: “everything you’ve ever done on the internet”–spyware–phone recordings / Le Monde, CNN

Le Monde (France’s leading newspaper) discussed spyware and various NSA programs used to obtain information.   Discussing internal memos it has obtained: We discover here the proof of the existence of the GENIE programme, one of the most topical in the NSA: the remote delivery of spyware to computers… The document specifies the techniques used to…

Dianne Feinstein remains NSA’s biggest defender, while she herself was subject of NSA wiretaps early on / Business Insider

I’ve wondered why Dianne Feinstein so persistently defends NSA and other surveillance abuses.  Now she is proposing a bill designed to avoid reining in these abuses–an attempt to circumvent other, more substantive bills such as that of Jim Sensenbrenner and Pat Leahy–and yesterday she penned a paean to surveillance in USA Today that, more than anything, sounds…

NSA collects millions of e-mail address books globally (and plenty more) / Washington Post

How does NSA avoid the legal restrictions that exist in FISA (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) regarding data collection on US persons?  The Post article is explicit about how the law is trampled by collecting the data on Americans from outside the US: from non-US nodes in the worldwide internet. And who maintains the web…

Privacy Fears Grow as Cities Increase Surveillance / NY Times

The NY Times details how (borrowed) federal money spares no expense to equip US cities to achieve a level of surveillance of citizens thought only possible in science fiction, i.e., George Orwell’s dystopic 1949 novel, titled 1984.  Here.  Now.  In America. OAKLAND, Calif. — Federal grants of $7 million awarded to this city were meant largely…

“What, in Fact, Is the Evidence That Vaccinating Healthcare Workers against Seasonal Influenza Protects Their Patients? A Critical Review” / Int’l J Family Medicine

Israeli doctor Zvi Howard Abramson reviewed the literature on healthcare worker flu vaccinations in 2012 and found the evidence to support vaccinations wanting. Read the whole article or his key points: (i)There are no studies showing that healthcare workers are at increased risk of influenza and its complications or that the vaccine is more effective…

Libya’s Prime Minister asks for help securing 3-8,000 surface to air missiles (SAMs) and other loose weapons / BBC

Rumors of Syrian rebels being armed through weapons coming from and transiting through Libya abound.  Rumors I cited earlier suggest that the Benghazi consulate (which some suggest is a CIA base, not a consulate) attack had to do with several hundred surface to air missiles that were being secured. Today the BBC lends support to…

Don’t forget to charge your homing device, I mean cellphone / NY Times

The Times titled this article: In Test Project, N.S.A. Tracked Cellphone Locations.   In his testimony, Mr. Clapper revealed few details about the project. He said that the N.S.A. does not currently collect locational information under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the provision the government says is the legal basis for the N.S.A.’s once-secret…

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