WHO, pandemic preparedness and world takeover

Before the World Health Assembly meeting last week, Dr. David Bell provided an excellent explanation of the WHO, pandemic preparedness and the pending proposals and still-being-negotiated treaty. https://brownstone.org/articles/a-primer-on-the-who-the-treaty-and-its-plans-for-pandemic-preparedness/ The meeting ended two days ago.  Many of the amendments proposed by the US and about 30 supporters were withdrawn during the meeting.  A simple majority of…

What is the FDA planning for more vaccine authorizations in June? Toby Rogers explains

https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/fda-announces-updated-schedule-for?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2&s=r FDA announces updated schedule for the June meetings regarding five pivotal vaccine decisions Who needs data when you’ve got regulatory capture? Toby Rogers May 29 I. The June FDA meetings This week the Washington Post copied and pasted from a Pfizer press release to announce yet another scientific miracle(TM) that will completely fail in…

Journalist, trained attorney and activist Shabam Palesa Mohamed of South Africa covers the WHA meeting and related events

 https://shabnampalesamohamed.substack.com/p/africa-objects-to-us-proposal-on?s=r Africa objects to US proposal on controversial IHR amendments Meanwhile India discovers irregularities in WHO financial audit Africa Day, 25 May, has made an impact. In a rare show of African power and solidarity, several African member states objected to proposed International Health Regulations amendments, discussed at the World Health Assembly 75 this week…

Moneypox Biowar Smoking Guns?/ Kevin Barrett

Do not miss this discussion of drills morphing into reality, companies being saved by biowarfare events, and more–Meryl https://kevinbarrett.substack.com/p/monkeypox-biowar-smoking-guns An incendiary conversation with HelenOfDestroy Kevin Barrett May 28 Watch the full uncensored False Flag Weekly News on Rumble; click HERE for links to the stories under discussion By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor My “COVID-19 Bioattack Smoking Gun”…

Here’s what you should know about the latest Money Pox

Smallpox, money pox, and the vaccines they will try to frighten you into receiving The WHO released a clever statement to introduce the idea of mass money pox vaccination to the public: The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that the growing monkeypox outbreak remains “containable,” and that there’s no immediate need for mass vaccination against the…

MONEY Pox May 28. I explain why the Daily Mail “everything you need to know” claims are unsupportable

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10826157/Q-deadly-monkeypox-cure-treated-worried-be.html SEE MY COMMENTS IN BOLDED BLUE–NASS EVERYTHING you need to know about monkeypox: Strain ‘transmits through sex’ and is about as deadly as the Wuhan Covid variant — but a vaccine does exist Seven cases in UK could be tip of iceberg as health chiefs hunt for common link  First time ever spreading in…

Latest Uvalde Update, with new information on how the last two US mass shootings were linked contemporaneously with the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021, HR 350 as well as gun control

1.  Normal people have no interest in killing children, especially ones they do not know, especially in large numbers. 2.  In my view, only people subject to mind control (please investigate Sirhan Sirhan or read about US intelligence agency attempts to create mind controlled assassins beginning in the 1950s) or people taking certain drugs, or…

WaPo spills the beans on Uvalde school shooting. Police kept people out of the school for one hour as things unfolded. Parents have video.

  UPDATE on Uvalde, May 27. Even the Washington Post, a CIA rag owned by Jeff Bezos who also has the CIA cloud contract, could not keep the news of the bizarre, if not criminal, behavior of law enforcement at Uvalde quiet. Per the WaPo: The shooter was “not confronted by anybody” as he walked…

WHO. Dastardly difficult to get info on the IHRs and Treaty. But the members raised WHO’s budget about 30% and reelected Tedros.

Here is what the WHO put out today as news regarding the IHRs.  You can see that it is clear as mud.  I think the outrage and publicity has slowed the adoption of amendments down, which is very good. Here you can read about the goings on from Alexis Baden-Meyer, the Political Director of Organic…

The Guardian runs a One Health propaganda narrative today. WHY would you want to “phase out intensive farming” when famines are being pedicted?

I have reproduced the second half of an article in today’s Guardian, which is clearly a propaganda piece of the type I warned about yesterday, blaming humans for pandemics and suggesting that the way forward is with One Health, more financing for public health, more focus on climate change, and reducing intensive agriculture and logging. …

School shootings. I am sorry but this needs to be said.

1.  Normal people have no interest in killing children, especailly ones they do not know, especially in large numbers. 2.  In my view, only people subject to mind control (please investigate Sirhan Sirhan or read about US intelligence agency attempts to create mind controlled assassins beginning in the 1950s) or people taking certain drugs, or…

China locks down Tianjin allegedly in search of zero COVID

Except that is not possible, because: 1.  Zero COVID policies are instead “Delay COVID” policies, as exemplified by Australia and New Zealand.  You can get it now or you can get it later, but until a certain proportion of your population develops good immunity (which unfortunately is variant dependent) your population is at risk.  You…

Providing you background facts on smallpox and monkeypox so you can evaluate what you are hearing

You can relax now, says WHO, as it releases a clever statement to introduce the idea of mass monkeypox vaccination: The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that the growing monkeypox outbreak remains “containable,” and that there’s no immediate need for mass vaccination against the orthopoxvirus; since May 7, a total of 131 confirmed cases and 106 suspected cases…

MULTIPLY UPDATED May 24: This post is a winding story of current events and their linkages to hidden agendas. I am in hospital with a fractured hip and it is hard to write. This is not polished but is full of important information

MY RECENT HISTORY I arrived in Europe May 12 with hopes to attend several conferences, but only got to one.  The Scandinavian Freedom / Northern Light conference was wonderful. I made many new friends and encountered so many zoom friends whom I finally met in person.  Being in the same room with people you like…

FDA approves a booster for kids as young as age 5, since their vaccine no longer works and may actually encourage infection

FDA gave the booster (3d dose) for elementary school children its blessing today.    https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-expands-eligibility-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-booster-dose “On Jan. 3, the FDA authorized the use of a single booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for administration to individuals 12 through 15 years of age after completion of primary vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Today’s action…

Emergent BioSolutions had to throw away 400 MILLION doses of COVID vaccines…but how many went into arms?/ Russell Brand finally gives you the lowdown

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyp8jdfPlmA In addition to 4 different vaccines the company was contracted to produce, there were 5 different drug and serum products the company was making for COVID as well. I have been warning the public about this company since September 1998.  Hopefully now the regulators will finally listen!

CDC’s “Respiratory Protection Information Trusted Source” tells you that you must be tested for the fit and seal of an N95 for it to work, and there must be limited reuse. So why do you think that surgical mask facsimile is going to protect you?

 https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/topics/respirators/disp_part/respsource3basic.html The National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) NIOSH NPPTL Respiratory Protection Information Trusted Source Frequently Asked Questions Facebook   Twitter   LinkedIn   Syndicate The Respiratory Protection Information Trusted Source Respirator FAQs General What is an N95 filtering facepiece respirator (FFR)? An N95 FFR is a type of disposable respirator where the filtration media…

Protected by Propaganda/ John Day, MD’s Substack

Wonderful writer and cancelled doctor John Day on censorship, surveillance, propaganda, the incestuous links between Big Tech, 3 letter agencies and Obama, and more. https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/protected-by-propaganda Independent journalist Gonzalo Lira, who has been podcasting from Kharkov, Ukraine, and was arrested last Friday by Ukrainian “authorities” is alive and has been released. He is “rattled”, repeats himself, cannot…

Selfish: The King of Covid Epithets. Recognize propaganda when you see it / Brownstone Institute

BY GABRIELLE BAUER   MAY 6, 2022a https://brownstone.org/articles/selfish-the-king-of-covid-epithets/ Enter “Covid” plus “selfish” in a Google search box and you’ll get over 28 million hits. Here’s the type of headline that pops up: “Don’t be one of the selfish idiots putting us all at risk” (Edinburgh News, Sept. 24, 2020) “Too many Americans are selfish, and it’s killing people”…

If your region was a success story wrt COVID cases earlier, it will be a failure now, or later. Vermont, for example…

AP: CDC: Half Of Vermont’s 14 Counties Have High COVID-19 Levels  Half of Vermont’s 14 counties have been rated as having high community levels of COVID-19, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rankings are based on a handful of factors including new hospital admissions for COVID-19, recent case counts, and…

Twitter Launches New Purge of Covid Contrarians/ Brownstone Institute

BY GREG PIPER   MAY 5, 2022   https://brownstone.org/articles/twitter-launches-new-purge-of-covid-contrarians/ Several Twitter users known for questioning U.S. government COVID-19 messaging have found themselves locked out of their accounts or suspended, even as the social media company reckons with a takeover by pro-free-speech billionaire Elon Musk and advancing litigation by journalist Alex Berenson. It’s not clear whether the timing is coincidental…

A great set of tips for discussions with people who have opposing views/ Nathan D’s Substack

 https://unrestrainedinquiry.substack.com/p/eight-tips-for-changing-minds-of Eight Tips for Changing Minds of the Dogmatic and Unquestioning Nathan D Jan 14 13 Over the years, I have participated in many discussions about the vaccine issue with the dogmatic and unquestioning. Often, these discussions have been with medical and scientific community members. Unfortunately, some of these conversations are often filled with vitriol….

Now there is legislation to legalize asset seizures and kickbacks, under the guise of helping Ukraine

https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/05/02/beyond-a-slush-fund-biden-33-billion-ukraine-package-includes-8-8-billion-to-establish-state-dept-global-disinformation-bureau-and-international-civil-asset-forfeiture/ A friend of 50 years insisted I must change the title, so I have–Meryl

Michigan Investigated Hundreds of Doctors, Nurses Over COVID-related Complaints/ Epoch Times

Thanks to a reader for putting this article into a comment.  It gives us a taste of how big the movement to censor medical professionals really is.  Hundreds of doctors and nurses are being investigated in Michigan alone.  Many states (and their medical boards) got their marching orders to create new crimes, and so, apparently…

Pfizer and FDA reveal Paxlovid fails clinical trial, as FDA tries to evade its responsibility by emphasizing the drug is not approved, not even for COVID

Suddenly Pfizer’s website and the FDA want to emphasize all the problems with Paxlovid.  So in the case of this drug, these two co-conspirators apparently think that disclosures will save them from something. Just look at this language!  Compare to the lack of disclosure of adverse effects long known to be due to the COVID…

Warrantless searches conducted on 1/100 Americans last year/ Epoch Times

 https://www.theepochtimes.com/fbi-warrantless-searches-of-americans-data-doubled-from-2020-to-2021-odni_4436786.html The FBI performed warrantless searches (which are illegal according to the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights) on 3.4 million Americans last year.  That is 1% of the US population, and twice as many as only a year earlier.  Why is the US’ premier domestic law enforcement agency breaking the law to surveil…

A Lot of Americans Don’t Want Those Shots.

The New York Times provides daily updates from the CDC on the numbers vaccinated.  Since nothing that comes out of CDC’s mouth can be considered reliable, they may be accurate, or they may exaggerate the numbers that are vaccinated. Pay close attention to the numbers. 257.6 million (of a total 334 million Americans) got at least one dose of vaccine.  That…

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