Self (inflicted) defense can up risk / Balt. Examiner

Op-Ed, 11/23/08 Two clear facts shine from the clouded mystery of anthrax attacks on America and our government’s tenuous claim seven years later of closing the case with the suicide of a suspect. Fact No. 1: Government warnings about anthrax being a weapon of mass destruction were false. Somebody dispersed the most lethal strain our…

Blinded by the Science: Research Advisory Committee Report Includes Data from 9 Studies of Anthrax Vaccine and Gulf Illnesses

And every one of the nine studies found a relationship between receiving anthrax vaccine and developing symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome. In eight of the nine studies, the relationship was statistically significant. The study with non-significant results was partly retracted by the authors (from the group associated with Simon Wessely, a UK psychiatrist and controversial…

Costly program with a shady past // Sickening results

Deborah Rudacille of the Baltimore Examiner has two more excellent articles exploring the underside of anthrax vaccine; its manufacturer Emergent Biosolutions (formerly named Bioport); and how the anthrax attacks provided life support to both the vaccination program, which was about to be cancelled, and to Emergent, which produced only one product: anthrax vaccine. Exhaustively researched,…

Md. lawmakers consider anthrax investigation commission

By Sara Michael Baltimore Examiner 11/21/08 U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Washington, D.C., office was shuttered in 2001 after anthrax spores were found, so he’s “very sensitive” to the investigation into the crime, he said. Now, Cummings said he supports a review of the investigation. U.S. Rep. Rush Holt, D-N.J., proposed legislation in September to…

GWS Report: Funny How the Vaccine Message Changed

Reading the entire chapter on vaccines, the RAC report does a fairly good job of reviewing the evidence (with a few notable omissions) and its recommendations are sound: from page 125 of the report: Recent studies have indicated that the current anthrax vaccine is associated with high rates of acute adverse reactions, particularly in women….

Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans: Scientific Findings and Recommendations

A major report on Gulf War Illness written by the VA Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses (RAC) was made public on November 17. This is the most important document yet produced on Gulf War illnesses. About 1800 references are cited. The report gets it right about how many have developed the syndrome…

Scientific impossibility: Did FBI get their man in Bruce Ivins?

“Bruce Ivins was a cold-blooded murderer, a deranged psycho-killer, who in the fall of 2001, cooked up a virulent batch of powdered anthrax, drove to Princeton, N.J., and mailed letters loaded with the lethal mix to five news organizations and two U.S. senators. At least, that’s what the FBI says. The letters infected 22 people,…

US military chem-bio warfare exposures website unveiled

Justin Palk, Frederick News-Post From World War II through 1975, thousands of service members and veterans were potentially exposed to chemical or biological weapons as subjects or observers of tests carried out by the Department of Defense. The department unveiled a new website Monday to provide information about what happened during those tests. The…

My letter explaining the October PREPA Declaration, new anthrax vaccine purchases, the CDC vote on civilian vaccinations and their impact

October 2008 Dear Representative ——–, I am writing with concerns about a liability shield just issued for anthrax vaccine, a huge new waste of government funds in anthrax vaccine purchases by DHHS, and expansion of anthrax vaccinations to civilian first responders, which is poised to begin after a CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)…

Bioterrorism’s Deadly Math

From Judith Miller, let go from the NY Times for her poorly sourced, Iraq war drumbeat articles, who is now at Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, writing in their City Journal (reprinted by a long and valuable piece on the biodefense enterprise that has developed since 9/11. It includes the following: Moreover, while there…

NY Post: Scientists Slam FBI ‘Thrax Probe In Bid To Clear Buddy ‘Dr. Doom’

Susannah Cahalan’s NY Post story provides a needed counterpoint to last week’s Washington Post puff piece on the Bruce Ivins case. Who would have expected to find higher journalistic standards at the NY Post than at its Washington namesake? New information in this story includes the fact that the FBI was renting the house next…

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