One step could dramatically improve hospital care and patient safety

Information has many ways of falling through the cracks in hospitals and medical practices. The wrong test may be mistakenly ordered by the doctor. The ward secretary may order the wrong test. The lab may perform the wrong test, or rarely perform it on the wrong person. The result may not be available until after…

More on the Israeli anthrax vaccine experiment on soldiers

From the Jerusalem Post From the AP Excerpts from today’s Ha’aretz: Dr. Reuven Porat, who chaired the medical committee, told Haaretz the panel had not been presented with any official documentation that shows the decision to develop, test and produce the vaccine had been authorized by the government. Similarly, there was no authorization presented from…

Medical panel: Anthrax experiments on IDF soldiers were unjustified

Another fascinating article on the Israeli anthrax vaccine experiments by Yossi Melman in Haaretz. Excerpts follow. It seems no one in Israel would take any responsibility for the experiment, which is being laid at the feet of (assassinated) former Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin — but no documentary evidence was given to the Israeli Medical Association…

Preventing Bioterrorism (Op/Ed by Rep. Rush Holt)

Preventing bioterrorism: Thursday, March 12, 2009BY RUSH HOLTLast year, the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism — itself an outgrowth of the 9/11 Commission and its recommendations — issued its report. It used alarming language to prod our government to act. It affirmed something that was demonstrated with the…

FBI Press Release details the meaning of the ASM presentations in Baltimore last week–with comments

For Immediate ReleaseMarch 6, 2009 Washington D.C.FBI National Press Office(202) 324-3691 FBI Responds to Science Issues in Anthrax Case FBI Laboratory Director D. Christian Hassell, PhD issued the following statement: During a recent American Society for Microbiology Biodefense (ASMBD) meeting in Baltimore , Maryland , questions were raised regarding two scientific analyses conducted during the…

Israeli Ministries take ‘full responsibility’ for anthrax vaccine trials

Article in THE JERUSALEM POSTMar. 4, 2009Yaakov Lappin The Defense Ministry, Health Ministry and IDF said they took “full responsibility” for all side effects suffered by participants in a test of an anthrax vaccine, in a joint statement issued Wednesday. The statement will be submitted to the High Court next week as a reply to…

Remembering the anthrax attack

Glenn Greenwald‘s March 4, 2009 Salon article on Representative Rush Holt’s bill and the ramifications of the anthrax attack is a must-read. Great links. Here is an excerpt: The ultimate establishment organ, The Washington Post Editorial Page, issued numerous editorials expressing serious doubts about the FBI’s case against Ivins and called for an independent investigation….


For Immediate Release Contact: Zach Goldberg March 3, 2009202-225-5801 HOLT INTRODUCES ANTHRAX COMMISSION LEGISLATION Bill Would Create 9/11 Commission-Style Panel to Investigate Anthrax Attacks and Government Response (Washington, D.C.) – Rep. Rush Holt (NJ-12) today introduced the Anthrax Attacks Investigation Act of 2009 (HR 1248), legislation that would establish a Congressional commission to investigate the…

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