Japan anticipates H1N1 vaccine loss at $853 million/Sankei

From Kyodo News: TOKYO, Jun. 28, 2010 (Kyodo News International) — Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said Monday it has agreed with Swiss drug maker Novartis (NYSE:NVS) AG to cancel part of a deal for H1N1 influenza vaccine because of a larger-than-expected surplus. The cancellation agreement covers around 8.38 million doses, or 33.5…

Excellent: FDA Advises Against Routine Antibiotic Use in Animal Feed/WaPo

After decades of discussion, the most important step has been taken by FDA to reduce the emergence and spread of multidrug-resistant bacteria. From the WaPo: “We have the regulatory mechanisms, and industry knows that,” he said. “We also think things can be done voluntarily. We’re not handcuffed to the steering wheel of a particular strategy,…

Doctors: 29% don’t want swine flu shot; another 29% not sure

UPDATE June 17 from the Times of India: “The imported doses of the swine flu vaccine, specially procured by the Union government for doctors and paramedical staff, have found few takers in Maharashtra. Only 811 of the state’s 34,300 medical staff involved in treating H1N1 patients took the shots…” From The Telegraph, UK: One third…

Concern on Capitol Hill about Afghanistan war grows/ WaPo

From the Washington Post June 15: … Senior military and defense officials, none of whom was authorized to discuss relations with the White House, said congressional questions and a series of negative stories in the media have increased requests for explanations… Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee who has…

Pakistani agents ‘funding and training Afghan Taliban’ — Why are we in Afghanistan, anyway?/ BBC

UPDATE June 14 (NY Times):  The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials. It turns out that the information on Afghanistan’s level of…

Swine Flu pandemic response due to conflicts of interest? Journal Nature rebuts this claim

Nature’s Declan Butler examines and rebuts the claim that WHO experts’ paid consultancies affected the advice they gave WHO on the swine flu pandemic.  Butler correctly notes that many governments ordered some swine flu vaccine before WHO declared a Level 6 Pandemic.  He further reports that scientists said, “severity is impossible to pin down until…

Report condemns swine flu experts’ ties to big pharma/ Guardian

From the Guardian‘s Randeep Ramesh: Scientists who drew up the key World Health Organisation guidelines advising governments to stockpile drugs in the event of a flu pandemic had previously been paid by drug companies which stood to profit, according to a report out today. An investigation by the British Medical Journal and the Bureau of…

9 x increase in seizures after swine flu vaccine: Australian gov’t investigation

INVESTIGATOR: Australian Nobel Prize winner Professor Peter Doherty is leading an investigation into Australia’s baffling spike in severe side-effects from flu jabs.  From Perth Now: SEASONAL flu shots can trigger febrile fits in young children at nine times the expected rate and should not be given to healthy under-fives this winter, the Chief Medical Officer…

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