Biothrax for Kids is Back! Now for an Ethics Review! / DHHS

The DHHS’ momentum to test anthrax vaccine in kids did not abate after the NBSB advisory committee suggested the pediatric trial should go forward, following review by an ethics panel.  That way the NBSB members would not be the last ones holding the bag. On January 10, DHHS Secretary Sibelius (ex-Governor, insurance commissioner and lobbyist)…

The emperor is marching around buck naked/BMJ

The validity and quality of research underpin the entire research enterprise worldwide.  However, a number of studies have shown that many researchers take “shortcuts” and that perhaps 1-3% of research is grossly false, fitting into the category of research misconduct. Research misconduct has been defined in US federal law as fabrication, plagiarism and/or falsification.  Identified…

Effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination in healthcare workers: a systematic review.

J Hosp Infect. 2011 Dec;79(4):279-86.  Abstract is here. Ng AN, Lai CK. Infectious Disease Control Training Centre, Hospital Authority/Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR, China. Abstract Vaccination is considered a key measure to protect vulnerable groups against influenza infection. The objectives of this review are to determine…

Afghanistan’s Soldiers Step Up Killings of Allied Forces/ NY Times

Damon Winter/The New York Times The NY Times obtained a classified coalition report that acknowledges “a rapidly growing systemic homicide threat, a magnitude of which may be unprecedented between ‘allies’ in modern military history”– i.e., US soldiers are being murdered by the very Afghani forces they are training and working alongside.  A full 6% of…

Mental scores decline precipitously at 30 months after anthrax vaccine, but CDC spins study to say vaccine safe/ Vaccine

A new paper on anthrax vaccine safety, presumably published to support DHHS’ desire to test the vaccine in small children, has just been published online.  Its authors are all from CDC, and most have previously published papers of very poor quality supporting the so-called safety of anthrax vaccine.  I don’t understand why they still have…

Anthrax jabs stockpiled in (Olympics) biological terrorism alert/ London Evening Standard

Interesting that the authorities vaccinated 500 health workers with smallpox vaccine, but are only stockpiling anthrax vaccine, not using it preemptively.  Yet you can vaccinate with smallpox vaccine up to several days after an exposure and it will still prevent the disease, due to smallpox’s several week long incubation period.  On the other hand, one…

Clinical Trial Tests Unsafe Anthrax Vaccine For Post-Exposure Use

 From The Vaccine Exchange: We have been writing about the anthrax vaccine here at Vaccine Xchange for some time. It seems clear that Emergent BioSolutions, the maker of the only human anthrax vaccine (BioThrax) currently available in the US, is working to aggressively market the vaccine, including ensuring that its vaccine is authorized for use…

Compensation paid out for vaccine-related narcolepsy sufferers/ YLE

Per YLE, the government of Finland is paying out small sums to 80 children who developed narcolepsy after Pandemrix vaccination, while 30 cases are still being evaluated.  That is a lot of childhood narcolepsy in a country of only 5.4 million people, and only about 44 swine flu-related deaths. Compensation is being granted to youngsters…

My Guantánamo Nightmare/ NY Times

In my view, the term “American exceptionalism”had a meaning, which stemmed from our adherence to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Those days are gone, and institutionalized brutality is no longer unlawful.  The NY Times essay below, published on the 10th anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo prison, was written by the former Sarajevo Red…

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