WaPo claims dramatic rise in child deaths from flu–but CDC graph shows lowest percentage of hospitalizations in children of past 5 flu seasons

The Washington Post  claimed last week: ‘Swine flu’ strain returns; dramatic rise in deaths of young adults, children.  But CDC does not collect info on young adult deaths.  It does collect info on child deaths, however.  And it collects data on hospitalizations. It is actually the 50-64 year olds who are suffering more hospitalizations this…

GCHQ collected, stored webcams of 1.8 million users during a six-month period in 2008 /Guardian

This article is also based on documents from the Guardian’s Snowden cache. How can people believe that NSA, GCHQ and their ilk are not storing all phone calls (full audio files, not just metadata) when it takes so much more storage to college webcam information? Let’s get real.  Every digital signature you have left during…

Mumps outbreak at Fordham University — every affected student had been vaccinated/ ABC

From ABC News in NYC: The outbreak of the mumps at Fordham University has spread from one campus to another. There are now 13 reported cases, 12 at the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx and one at the Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan.  The symptoms are similar to the flu, but the virus can…

Combating Corruption by Creating an International Corruption Police Force/ NY Times

Alexander Lebedev penned the following NY Times Opinion piece.  He is “a businessman and former senior officer in the K.G.B., is an owner of the Moscow newspaper Novaya Gazeta and publisher of The London Evening Standard and The Independent” according to the Times. He suggests that $30 trillion (yes, with a T) has been embezzled worldwide…

CDC reports high FLU death rates in young Americans, but may be overestimating by 300%

CDC notes the following, where P stands for pneumonia and I stands for influenza: Among 14,628 P&I deaths reported through the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System from September 29, 2013 to February 8, 2014, a total of 571 (3.9%) were influenza-associated (i.e., they had influenza listed on the death certificate as an underlying or contributing…

In 2011, Tony Blair told Rebekah Brooks (editor, News of the World) how to beat the rap: publish a “Hutton”-style report. Hutton whitewashed David Kelly’s almost certain murder for Blair./ BBC

David Kelly was the UK WMD expert and weapons inspector who was found “dead in the woods” in 2003 after he told a BBC reporter that the Blair government memo on WMD did not conform to the facts, and specifically that Saddam could not hit the UK with a nuke in 45 minutes.  This undermined…

How does the US minimum wage compare to other developed nations?/ The Guardian

The UK Guardian published the following chart in October 2012.  PPP stands for purchasing power parity, or how much the minimum wage is able to buy in its country.  In terms of PPP, we are still beaten by every nation with a higher minimum wage, except Japan.  So we cannot say the US’ low minimum…

World press freedom index 2014: USA sinks to #46

The World Press Freedom Index is issued yearly by international NGO Reporters Without Borders. The methodology for ranking nations is described here. 180 nations are included.  At #46, the US is assessed as having less freedom of the press than Papua-New Guinea, Romania, Slovenia, Latvia, and South Africa, to pick a few. However, we did beat…

EU losing an estimated 120 Billion Euros yearly to Corruption/ EU

It is great to have this long-awaited EU report on corruption make the news around the world. Yes, corruption is now visible almost everywhere, from petty officials demanding bribes from anyone to the awarding of major government contracts.  We knew that.  Now this is an estimate of size.  However, when you estimate the magnitude of…

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