Iran Wants War (cartoon)/ Zero Hedge
Finally, putting Iran’s aggression in context:
Finally, putting Iran’s aggression in context:
It is interesting… in the days when Americans paid for vaccines ourselves, in cash, we were allowed to choose them for ourselves. We did so, judiciously and appropriately. No, I’m putting the wrong slant on this: there was no “allowed” about it. Back then, who ever imagined a future US government inserting itself into our…
The NY Times had a comprehensive article about NYC’s preschool flu shot mandate last January 2015. I blogged about the issue here; and now, in December, a judge has thrown out the mandate. Children aged 6 months to 5 years and who attended any preschool program licensed by NY City were required to receive a…
Over 1,300 people who received the Pandemrix swine flu vaccine in 2009-10 developed narcolepsy. Demographically, adolescents were hardest hit. The vaccination caused profound neurologic disability and frequent personality changes in those affected. All governments that gave out swine flu vaccines were required (by manufacturers, the World Health Organization and pre-existing contracts that had been…
I blogged (here and here) about how the Inspector General System, set up by Congress to provide independent oversight of the 70 plus executive branch federal agencies, has been prevented from doing its job during the Obama administration. In this post I discuss another way 3 federal health agencies (FDA, CDC, NIH) have been redirected…
The story about the NIH funding for concussion research is confusing, because neither NIH nor the NFL will say exactly what transpired. But the NFL gave (or merely promised) $30 million to the NIH Foundation in 2012. But it seems there were strings attached. NFL was unhappy with a researcher given the NIH grant, and…
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