New article showing lack of evidence for healthcare workers’ flu shots/ PLOS

The issue of healthcare worker (HCW) flu vaccine mandates is of particular interest because no one has shown the shots help patients.  Healthcare workers have had to accept many vaccines, including that for Hepatitis B, for decades.  But flu vaccination mandates are particularly egregious. The flu shot is given yearly.  It does not prevent flu…

Draining the swamp: moving in the right direction/ Reuters

From Reuters came a short piece on a new Executive Order, without much commentary to put it into perspective re how things worked in former administrations. President Donald Trump on Saturday put restrictions on the kind of lucrative lobbying gigs his White House aides and other administration officials can accept after they leave government.  Trump,…

Robert F Kennedy Jr. on why we have a vaccine problem and a CDC problem

MERCURY and VACCINES RFK, JR manifesto on mercury and vaccines > I am pro vaccine. I had all of my six children vaccinated. I believe that vaccines save millions of lives.  So let me explain why I edited the book Thimerosal: Let The Science Speak, which exposes the dangerous—and wholly unnecessary—use of the mercury-based preservative thimerosal in vaccines being given to millions of childrenand pregnant…

Most Physicians Overestimate Treatment Benefits, Underestimate Harms/ Medscape

An interesting study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, was discussed yesterday on Medscape.  Unsurprisingly, it appears we doctors overestimate the benefit of what we do, and underestimate the risk–by a lot. “Clinicians are likely to underestimate harms and overestimate benefits of tests and treatments, according to the results of a review of 48 studies published online January…

Why is the Deep State Fighting So Hard Against Trump? His treatment of women, Mexicans, Muslims is the last thing they care about

From Mike Whitney at Counterpunch, what we all should consider, as we seek to understand the craziness of the last several months :  “Trump wants to fundamentally change Washington’s  approach to policy, that is, he wants to abandon the destabilizing wars and regime change operations that have characterized US policy in the past and work collaboratively with countries…

Trump is saying/doing some great, important things, and people aren’t getting it

I don’t understand why many people are still upset about Donald Trump’s election victory. The movement to keep all things Trump stirred up is unprecedented. The only conclusion I can draw is that many Americans have gotten lost in the jungle of identity politics that was created by and for the Hillary campaign, and are…

Here is the EEOC decree on forced HCW flu vaccinations: Hospital must notify employees of their right to a religious exemption, and hospital has no right to judge a religious belief/ EEOC

Below is the EEOC decree on the Erie, PA hospital’s flu vaccine mandate from December 23, 2016. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of the end for flu vaccine mandates for healthcare workers.  And also the beginning of the end for financially-motivated flu shots for all patients hospitalized from October to April each year, unless…

National Law Review discussion of mandatory flu shots for HCW: the NLR assumes the shots help patients (while the evidence says they do not) religious beliefs trump hospital policy on mandatory shots, per EEOC

Will Requiring Flu Vaccinations Leave Employers Feeling Under the Weather? Wednesday, January 4, 2017 With flu season quickly approaching, health care employers may be considering mandatory influenza vaccinations for their workforce. Mandatory vaccination policies may dramatically increase patient safety, but they may also cause friction within the workforce when employees object on religious grounds to…

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