Community nurses in Hong Kong: only 27% reported willingness to accept swine flu vaccine in June 2009/BMC Infectious Disease

“Similar to previous findings conducted in hospital healthcare workers and nurses, we confirmed that the willingness of community nurses to accept influenza A (H1N1) vaccination is low. Future studies that evaluate interventions to address nurses’ specific concerns or interventions that aim to raise the awareness among nurses on the importance of influenza A (H1N1) vaccination…

Seminar Nov. 29, 2010 on the anthrax letters investigation

From Lew Weinstein’s blog The University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) and The UC Washington Center Cordially invite you to attend a seminar: The Anthrax Mailings Investigation Monday, November 29, 2010, 1:00 – 5:30 pm UC Washington Center, 1608 Rhode Island Ave. NW FBI has closed the 2001 anthrax mailings investigation. …

U.S. nuclear missile base (50 nuclear missiles) loses communication with Washington/CBC

From Canadian Broadcasting:   “A computer failure caused a break in communication with 50 nuclear missiles at Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming during the weekend, military officials said Tuesday.”  The military did not see fit to inform the President until today, 3 days after the incident.  You didn’t really think Obama was running this…

Australian flu vaccine has all kinds of problems, but not sure why it causes seizures at 9x normal rate/ The Australian

Excerpts from the Australian: The Health Department has exposed drug company “inconsistencies” but ruled them out as the cause of fits in children given a flu vaccine. CSL’s world-first combination of seasonal and swine flu strains was suspended for the under-fives in April, after it triggered febrile convulsions in young children at nine times the…

Glaxo pays the USG $750 million for selling tainted drugs–but no patients were (officially) harmed, of course,

Excerpts from Bloomberg: GlaxoSmithKline Plc agreed to pay $750 million to settle a U.S. government false-claims lawsuit over the sale of defective drugs. The affected drugs included the antidepressant Paxil CR and the diabetes treatment Avandamet. “We regret that we operated the Cidra facility in a manner that was inconsistent with current Good Manufacturing Practice…

Nick Clegg: “I think anything that suggests that basic rules of war, conflict and engagement have been broken or that torture has been in any way condoned are extremely serious and need to be looked at.”/ Guardian

From the Guardian: [UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg was] asked if there should be an inquiry into the role of British troops, [and] said: “I think anything that suggests that basic rules of war, conflict and engagement have been broken or that torture has been in any way condoned are extremely serious and need…

UN calls on Obama to investigate human rights abuses in Iraq/ Guardian and Todayonline

From TodayOnLine: LONDON – The United Nations has called on United States President Barack Obama to order a full investigation of the involvement of US forces in human rights abuses in Iraq, after the massive leak of military documents by the WikiLeaks website. The intelligence logs show how the US authorities failed to investigate hundreds…

Alice in Afghaniland: Karzai gets bags of cash from Iran and US acquiesces/ CNN

Why are we still turning Afghanistan into chopped liver?  Why are we spending our children’s blood, money we don’t have, and our reputation on Hamid Karzai and his country, which has been the destroyer of empires and may yet destroy ours?  What precisely is the treasure our leaders are seeking?  I feel like the USA…

Gouging the US government on anthrax vaccine/ Guardian

From the October 20 Guardian (UK): Military contractors’ epic overcharging The government needs to know the true cost of the products it’s purchasing to avoid getting fleeced by unscrupulous suppliers A soldier being inoculated for anthrax in 2000. The Pentagon has paid the manufacturer of BioThrax $1.3bn, for a vaccine that an independent report calculates…

NIH’s Experts Estimate 59% of the US population is already immune to swine flu

Tony Fauci (head of NIH’s NIAID), alsong with David Morens and Jeffrey Taubenberger, both renowned flu experts, have run the numbers and concluded that a majority of Americans are already immune to swine flu, either from last year’s vaccination (62 million) or a prior exposure.  Most of those exposed never got sick. In a paper…

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