Fed. Dist Court Judge Leon Rules Against NSA and in favor of Klayman wrt phone records/WSJ

From the WSJ: WASHINGTON—A federal judge on Monday ruled against the National Security Agency’s collection of phone records, saying the program “almost certainly does violate” the Constitution. However, the ruling will have little immediate effect and faces a lengthy future of court proceedings. U.S. District Judge Richard Leon, who was nominated to the Washington, D.C.,…

Anonymous sources are increasing in news stories, along with rather curious explanations/ Washington Post

Anonymous sourcing is far too common in major media.  Usually, when unsourced comments appear in articles about controversial subjects to do with government, the source is providing officially sanctioned disinformation, imho. As a way in to this issue, the WP is talking about the cockamamie excuses that sources have given for refusing to allow publication…

More harm than Good? Statins, Acid Blockers (PPIs) and ARBs for blood pressure/ Pamela Weintraub

Pam Weintraub, editor of Discover Magazine, has an in-depth piece on problems with commonly used drugs on the ExperienceLife website.   The acid blockers (proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec or Nexium), sold over-the-counter or by prescription, can cause a variety of problems from long-term use.  Getting off them can be a challenge, because a hyperacidity…

Is the NSA Blackmailing Its Overseers In Washington?/ Washington’s Blog

Are the Intelligence Committees Being Blackmailed? During the Vietnam war, the NSA spied on two prominent politicians – Senators Frank Church and Howard Baker – as well as critics of government policy Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King, and a Washington Post humorist. A recently declassified history written by the NSA itself called the effort “disreputable if not…

217 Congress members who voted NOT to rein in the NSA’s phone spying dragnet received double the defense industry campaign contributions as those who voted to rein in/ WIRED

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Howard McKeon, (R-California), speaks to reporters following a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Tuesday, May 21, 2013. AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta From Wired: An excerpt, but suggest you read the whole story and see where your rep fell. The numbers tell the story — in votes and…

No Nation Wants to Destroy Syria’s Chemical Weapons, So Destruction to take Place on the High Seas / Bloomberg

Although Secretary of State Kerry said there were multiple nations with whom the US was negotiating to take and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons, none took him up on the offer. So the US, working with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, plans to take a US cargo ship and turn it into a…

Irish narcolepsy patients told they would lose medical benefits if they sued; today gov’t rescinds threat

The risk of narcolepsy was 13 times higher among those given the Pandemrix vacciney Ireland’s Health Services (HSE) wrote to families of children with narcolepsy with the threat to withhold health benefits from Pandemrix vaccine-induced narcolepsy sufferers if they sued for benefits.  Sufferers went to court today to quash the health system’s order. In response, HSE’s…

Seymour Hersh: Obama Administration Distorted the Facts Surrounding Syrian Chemical Weapons

Hersh has written an in-depth piece on the intelligence about Syria’s chemical weapons attack in the London Review of Books, suggesting parallels with the justifications created for the war on Iraq in 2003. His final two paragraphs note that Al-Nusra rebels may be the only group left with access to sarin in Syria soon: The…

International (Un) Law: 54 Countries collaborated with US extraordinary rendition program/ Washington Post

How do governments do business with each other?  Of course they often share goals, and may benefit jointly from certain actions.  But at the most basic level, they offer each other carrots and threaten each other with sticks. Using some combination of these two strategies, the US government obtained the cooperation of 54 governments to…

Obama misleads us on NSA surveillance/ NY Times, NBC

From NBC  we learn Obama is going to give Americans more “confidence” in the NSA.  “I’ll be proposing some self-restraint on the NSA and initiating some reforms that can give people some more confidence.” But lack of confidence is not the problem.  Setting up a straw man to knock down “is an intentional misrepresentation of an opponent’s position, often used…

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