Nineteen years ago, I warned of the broad power grab that proposed legislation would bring when a pandemic or bioterrorism was declared. We are now living through the results of this usurpation of the citizens’ authority. The Model Emergency Health Powers Act Creates Its Own Emergency THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY PIECE OF LEGISLATION Meryl Nass, MDApril 8, 2002 – One year ago, the Centers for Disease Control began negotiations for a model piece of legislation that would help states deal with a bioterrorism epidemic. Why focus on the…

USG buys too much vaccine. Governments Sign Secret Vaccine Deals: Here’s What They Hide/ NYT

Check out this NY Times article published today. The US government is buying much more vaccine than is needed for every American. But it also has signed contracts restricting the overseas sale of some of its purchases.  So if it can’t be sold, why is the government committed to buying so much?  Is the plan…

3 Cabinet Ministers Die from Covid–Suddenly Ivermectin Becomes Legal for Use in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe OKs use of Ivermectin after officials’ deaths ‘We have to be careful to protect patients as well as not to deny them effective treatment regimes,’ says Health Ministry John Cassim   |28.01.2021 HARARE, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe has approved the use and import of the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients.  “In these difficult…

In order to fake (reduce) the rate of anaphylaxis immediately after Moderna’s vaccine, CDC uses a prohibited database 01/28/21 Did CDC Deliberately Mislead Public on Allergic Reactions to Moderna Vaccine? The CDC had more accurate and up-to-date data that it could have used to calculate the rate of severe allergic reactions to Moderna’s COVID vaccine — why didn’t it By Meryl Nass, MD and John Stone On Jan. 13, California health officials issued a hold on…

Israel and Pfizer just discovered facial nerve (Bell’s) palsy is a side effect of Pfizer’s shot/ We knew it December 17

Israel National News reports below that new side effects are discovered when you vaccinate 2.5 million people at once with an experimental vaccine.  Funny, even before one Israeli was vaccinated it was reported in this blog on December 17 that the mRNA vaccines caused Bell’s Palsy. Don’t you think Pfizer and Moderna knew it too? What…

Two prominent med school professors confirm what I have been saying: You get excellent immunity after having Covid, and while it has only been studied for an 8 month duration, there is every reason to think immunity will remain robust for the forseeable future

Quoting from Martin Makary, MD and Monica Gandhi, MD in MedPageToday: Gandhi:  my favorite paper had natural immunities which I will tout to the ends of the Earth because I just couldn’t believe how well done it was — it was this Science paper that was just published in November — because it had the longest data. This was Jennifer…

My “Rapid Response” to the BMJ about the concept “Fitness to Vaccinate”

Re: Covid-19: Doctors in Norway told to assess severely frail patients for vaccination/ Fitness for Vaccination The deaths of frail elderly after vaccination, and subsequent advice to Norwegian doctors to perform an assessment instead of issuing universal guidance on vaccinations for their patients, has reanimated an old medical concept: fitness for vaccination. Vaccination used to…

Twitter Censored Brazilian Ministry of Health for telling Brazilians to request early COVID treatment

It is incredibly hard to believe.  But Jack Dorsey (Twitter’s billionaire founder), Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and the US government’s health agencies don’t want us to get good care.  They don’t want the pandemic to end yet.  I don’t know their end game.  But their actions to censor knowledge about effective early treatments have led…

NJ governor has power to drain a gym’s $165,000 bank account for staying open? “BELLMAWR, New Jersey, January 14, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The owner of a New Jersey gym who has fought to keep his business open during the COVID lockdown said that overnight the gym’s bank account was 100% drained of its funds by the state government. Atilis Gym co-owner Ian Smith released the shocking news in an Instagram video…

80 year old woman improves on ivermectin in ICU, taken off ventilator, then new doctor refuses to continue it while she worsens “The patient’s son, Michael Smentkiewicz, said hospital officials had told him and his sister, Michelle Kulbacki, on Dec. 31 that their mother’s chance of survival – as an 80-year-old Covid-19 patient on a ventilator – was about 20%. He said doctors at the hospital also told the family that Smentkiewicz would probably be on…

Pfizer admitted the vaccine does not prevent Covid infection, and other vaccine problems; and how EMTs are being lied to and shamed to force vaccine uptake

People have asked why I was not blogging about the Covid vaccines.  To be honest, I felt there was not enough information for me to be decisive, and I was waiting for more information to become available. However, someone called me this morning and told me about a lot of allergic reactions, including one anaphylactic…

What happens if something goes wrong after you receive a Covid vaccine?

I am reposting this because a lot of people missed it–Meryl All Covid-19 vaccines have been designated as “countermeasures.”  If you are injured by a vaccine or other “countermeasure” designated by the DHHS Secretary as intended for a pandemic or bioterrorism threat (Covid-19, Pandemic Flu, Anthrax, Smallpox) your options for receiving any financial benefit are…

Is the virus real? Has it been photographed? What about Koch’s postulates? What to do?

Even though I thought I had answered these questions, smart people who I respect keep asking if the virus is real.  So here is another stab at explaining this. Yes, the virus is real.  A misleading CDC/FDA document originally written in February but reposted months later stated there was no “quantifiable” sample of SARS-CoV-2 available. …

How you can receive early effective treatment for Covid

US Doctor groups willing to treat Covid patients with appropriate medications: 1.  Dr. Zev Zelenko‘s new website. He pioneered HCQ treatments in the US: 2.  Dr Peter McCullough et al’s protocol–please scroll down to the gray area to click on a small spot to download the full text 3.  version 7 of iMASK protocol 4. …

First country bans ivermectin, a lifesaver for Covid–will the US be next?

Ivermectin, a cheap generic drug used for hookworm, heartworm and scabies, with a half life causing it to remain in your system for months, is used as a “worming” medicine in children, dogs, horses.  Due to its tremendous value as a highly safe and effective drug, a Nobel Prize was awarded to its developers in…

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