WHO and Pharma partner to test drugs in outbreak situations, fostering very cheap clinical trials with abbreviated data collections
Ebola, here we come! Another chance to administer Run-Death-Is-Near
Ebola, here we come! Another chance to administer Run-Death-Is-Near
While Biden and Mayorkas refused to provide him secret service protection, his campaign wracked up a few $million for Security
No surprise there
And not an instant too soon. Newspeak is going bye bye
I and Philippe Kruse gave a detailed briefing to Senator Borghi on the WHO in 2023. Senator Borghi became Italy’s champion fighting the WHO. Thanks to everyone who facilitated that meeting!!!
https://jimhaslam.substack.com/p/jeff-sachs-covid-was-made-in-a-us?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web https://iceni.substack.com/p/spartacast-17?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web
And there was plenty of sound, with Democrat Senators routinely raising their voices in outrage. So, I have very little to add but this
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2025/jan/28/state-bills-expand-vaccine-exemptions-gain-tractio Bills to limit mandatory vaccines for childhood illnesses such as measles and polio have surfaced in more than 15 states, buoyed by President Trump’s pick for Health and Human Services secretary. The flurry of legislation comes as vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. prepares for a fraught Senate confirmation process that would put him…
Why not focus more resources on TB, HIV and malaria which kill millions each year?
The dominos start falling
The answer is YES, unless Congress acts to require its ratification of the process. The President can certainly stop his executive agencies from interacting with the WHO immediately.
A shortening of Hillel’s famous 3 questions.
Poxy monkeys, rats and fleas, and neverending crises…
Go here to sign: https://ima-action.revv.co/rfk-letter IMA Action is the 501C4 of what used to be called the FLCCC. The former FLCCC, now IMA, will be meeting with legislators this week—Meryl
Is the timing coincidental?
Room 215 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building
Now shut up and go home. Wash your mouth out with soap. Don’t ever let me hear such things from you again!–vaccine injuries being the first medical subject to be powerfully cancelled
Complaining that RFK, Jr. does not have a medical degree is hypocritical
Is it only about the $250 K Mike Pence paid Leo’s PR firm, or is there more to this story?
This one is not up yet on the website that lists the EOs yet
Amendment IV: No search or seizure without cause. Tulsi was challenged on Section 702 searches by Senators.
“And everything will be revealed. Give that to RFK”
I did not start taking notes until about 10 minutes in, sorry
These are 6 old slides of mine that I hope can help convince the naysayers why this may be the most important thing President Trump is doing right now. It could save the planet.
h/t to Nic Hulscher. BTW I am getting a lot of negative comments, which means I am over the target and the deep state is not happy about this.
And he still cannot come up with a single good reason to stay, and he could not get the usual outlets to publish his plea, either.
Germany had 11 “polio detections”–but the last wild polio CASE was in 1990. All this means is some vaccinated Germans have the vaccine virus in their gut forever, and in their poop.
This is how you take control of agencies that have been spewing misinformation without heed and ordering awful policies like the bird flu culls. Now Canada is culling ostriches, but cows can live?!!
The hearing is set for Wednesday, January 29 with a possible second day on the 30th
A worthwhile if long read. APPARENTLY I READ THE WRONG SOURCES ABOUT DUGIN and he is not Putin-associated. Sorry.
I remain gobsmacked with all the good news. It has not sunk in yet.
David Schonbrunn took my list of issues and organized them in the most useful way, making what is being done to us and what must be fixed, so much clearer
I saw the video. I don’t have the language yet. Will post it below when I do
The apparatchiks can’t come up with a convincing argument for remaining. The BMGF, which provides much of WHO’s “technical assistance” was not mentioned by Jha.
Both the US and UK reported 80% vaccination rates; the US population is 5x greater. The US offers a higher maximum payout; the UK pays nothing for injuries under 60% disabling.
Steven Kritz, MD, just woke me up, pointing out that virtually all efficacy studies fail to extend beyond roughly 6 months, which is when efficacy turn negative and the vaccinated get sick more.
Here is a scorecard to use
Now you know why the Rotary has as its major fundraising project the elimination of polio—because it gives to the WHO and BMGF gives to Rotary. Rotary is #8, having received about $1.3 BILLION from the BMGF. (Which is now called the GF.) Go down to #48 and see that BMGF has given a quarter…
Deb Lerman expands on her piece from 4 days ago
And I watched every boring minute of the announcement
Followed by a bill to remove the US from the WHO Constitution (a treaty we signed shortly after World War 2)
The US rates so poorly in health outcomes that there is a lot of low hanging fruit to be plucked, if Big Pharma and its minions allow us to do so
Cluck Cluck. h/t to Barbara Honegger
Instead of pinning medals on us for our perspicacity the NYT prefers slander
Current status, and Vanesa Beeley provides the terms
Molly Taft/ December 20, 2024 After some shocking discoveries a few years back, Maine has led the charge in banning the use of sewage-based fertilizers, which have been found to contaminate farmlands with PFAS. Getting national policies on the books, however, may prove much harder. https://newrepublic.com/article/187106/pfas-milk-maine-texas-biosolids-sewage In late December 2022, a rancher in Johnson County,…
Why was there such compulsion to end vaccine exemptions right before COVID? This is one of my best articles on vaccines
On Day One, West Virginia’s new Governor issued an executive order for his state.
Jim Haslam pointed this out to me today; I had missed it. Great links.
Devex is essentially an online newspaper for the development community. This article provides yet another reason to be wary of the “do-gooder” industry and realign development funds and goals
A delicious meal and a great talk on cars
Let’s be blunt: the US Government collected the closest progenitor to SARS2 In 2017 from a bat cave outside of China JIM HASLAM OCT 02, 2023 https://jimhaslam.substack.com/p/lets-be-blunt-the-us-government-collected?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web If you have been infected with SARS2, your human body has Covid antibodies to a bat virus found in a remote Laos bat cave. Those bat samples were…
And is the Prime Ministership his reward? And who gave the mean, bungling Starmer these orders?
As I have said for years, this had to have been designed as a bioweapon
I hope the new administration can get the USDA and HHS to explain what their bird flu plan is and how spending billions on this faux pandemic makes any sense
Snapshots of unseemly donations in the US, Australia, New Zealand and the UK
Richard is a friend for 20 years, used to live down the street, with his wife Lindy founded North Atlantic Books, is a prolific writer and he now searches out books for publisher Inner Traditions
15 minutes. A very brief and clear explication of what the WHO was trying to do, in cahoots with the EU, G20, UN, World Bank and USG, which is what they still want to accomplish.
From Professors Ulrike Kammerer and Klaus Steger in Germany
Join the fun: webinar on Jan 14
Last week, independent journalist Alex Berenson reported that a preschool-aged child died of “cardio-respiratory arrest” after taking a dose of Moderna’s Covid mRNA vaccine during its clinical trials. Despite federal requirements to report all trial information, the company withheld the truth for years as it raked in billions from its Covid shots. [This is illegal—Nass]…
Good job Elon. Tremendously important.
Consider spending an hour watching our 3 presenters on geoengineering and NEXRAD. Then ponder whether Dubai might have hidden lessons for us. Then everyone asked the first question that popped into our minds: And THEN before you could say Jack Robinson the media and fact-checkers had the answer: of COURSE the flood was not due…
John works even harder than I do, trying to fix everything wrong in the world singlehandedly
Assisted by a sweet young thing who has climbed the journalism ladder by trying to destroy truth tellers
My friend and colleague John Day, MD noted in the comments that anonymous physician substacker Ah Khin Syed (“I Can Say It!”) wrote a very intriguing article about Samoa’s measles outbreak, postulating that it was actually due to a measles-coronavirus chimera that was created by Ralph Baric. What?! I know nothing about that. What I…
Others lost their blue check. What happened was weird
I was wrong–it occurred in the other (nearby) Samoa–the former territory of New Zealand, not the US territory. I visited the US’ Samoa.
Measles also killed some babies. Bobby Kennedy is getting the blame. The Blob will try anything to smear him.
And may provide a glimpse of Trump’s thinking
from Sasha’s substack, organized by MicMeow, the nurse who was instrumental in getting Oklahoma’s law passed that denied jurisdiction to the WHO, UN and WEF, and the Former Feds Group:
Turn Jacinda Ardern’s legacy around. Don’t adopt WHO-based domestic laws either!
We need to grasp the broad insidious nature of the ways we were manipulated and forced to comply–and harm ourselves
And links to two more articles detailing troubling features of the treaty, particularly regarding sexualization of children
Article dated December 24, 2024. Provides many reasons to leave the WHO.
Hopefully before any more mRNA or SA-mRNA vaccines roll out
Snippets from 2 NYT articles and a link to our symposium talk on sewage sludge. How many ways have we been poisoned due to our health agencies working against our health?
Surely the authorities won’t unleash a virus or vaccine on us with less than 2 weeks remaining in Biden’s term…?
STAT has no additional information on the patient. Even though the Privacy Act no longer applies after death, info on her age, co-morbidities and causes of death are being withheld
STAT has no additional information on the patient. Even though the Privacy Act no longer applies after death, info on her age, co-morbidities and causes of death are being withheld
Educational cartoons to beat the Great Reset
The Brief includes Exhibits 2-5. Exhibit 1 is a video that I have not included. 2024 10.7MB ∙ PDF file Download
The Board of Licensure in Medicine brief justifying the BOLIM’s decisions: Bolim 80c Brief Augsc Ap 23 45 1.82MB ∙ PDF file Download My attorney’s initial reply brief: 2024 2.5MB ∙ PDF file Download At my request, to clarify issues that were not included in the reply brief, my attorney submitted the following supplement the…
Things were a little dicey getting to court. Because I had missed the oral arguments for my federal case against the Board last January 2024 in Portland, as an unexpected blizzard prevented me from driving the 165 miles to the courtroom, I was bound and determined not to miss today. My car was making some…
From 1/1/2020 to 12/13/2024 there were cumulatively 9 reported HUMAN deaths worldwide
And let’s make this the most productive year yet and start modeling the world we want to have
While I have shown that bird flu is a psy-op, it is still important to closely observe what the federal agencies are doing so we can protect our food supply and call them out on bad policies
This is a very hopeful piece
Over 2/3 of California’s 984 dairies already affected
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