The CDC’s Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices: Do its members have conflicts of interest? I watched and live-blogged almost every ACIP meeting for 2 years during the pandemic, almost all on the Children’s Health Defense website. Most of my commentaries are still there, and some are on this blog as well. Sometimes I summarized what happened afterwards, and often I provided comments to The Defender on the ACIP…

EPA Deregulation: When you make an omelet, you have to break some eggs. Do we want a reduced cost of living? Do want small businesses, farms and ranches to drown in regulation?

Do we want cheap cars that are sold elsewhere to be allowed in the US? NYT is terrified the country might actually pull out of its tailspin.

The STAT health newsletter tries to discredit the current administration every which way, from measles to mental health to dissing the candidate for CDC Director

First STAT story: “I believe in my gut not all measles cases are being reported.” And as Senator Cassidy noted, some people believe Elvis is still alive. Really, who cares how many there are? Maybe some people don’t want to be catalogued, categorized and used by a government they no longer trust. Why health experts…

How you do it: Suggest industry fix the problem. If they don’t, THEN you fix the problem with regulation Dr. Peter Lurie, a former F.D.A. official and director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, an advocacy group, said… that Mr. Kennedy’s move might be effective because the dyes do little other than to make unhealthy food appear more appealing.

Announcing our new efforts at Door to Freedom to repair America’s food and agriculture systems

The March 12, 2025 Door to Freedom Newsletter Dear Friends, Door to Freedom is back, furiously working on new projects. We think that the MAGA and MAHA ideals fit right in with our efforts to improve the food and health of Americans, and repair America’s disastrous agricultural system. I hesitate to say too much about…

Columbia University and Georgetown Law School are crying over threats of $ cuts. Both supplied the globalist henchman for taking over the world using pandemics, vaccines and One Health

These two centers of “higher learning,” which helped create the narratives destroying our civilization, deserve their comeuppance

MEASLES. A second death? A deep dive into the disease, the vaccines, the risks and benefits and how it has been spun to damage Sec. Kennedy

First, tonight’s NYT repeats the slander: This outbreak has been a trial by fire of the new secretary of health and human services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent vaccine skeptic. His equivocal response has drawn harsh criticism from scientists, who say he has offered muted support for vaccination and has emphasized untested treatments…

OMG, NBC agrees with us MAHA folk that small flocks that are pastured are much safer (and tastier) than CAFO’d chicks when bird flu comes calling

The organic pastured egg suppliers have had only small culls and did not raise their egg prices, which are now cheaper than conventional eggs in many stores!

Like colds or heart attacks, this or that bird flu will be with us forever, and we will have to learn to live with it. There is simply no way to stop a virus spread by migratory birds.

People will be infected here or there. We’ve spent $1.5 billion on culling. Where is the research on treatment????

*Very important issue: Under the guise of stopping hate speech or misinformation, the globalists are trying to accomplish planet-wide censorship using several governments under their control

Can a Foreign Court Control Free Speech in America? Read the entire article here! What happens when a foreign government tries to force American tech companies to censor speech that’s protected under the First Amendment? A recent legal battle has exposed a bold attempt to expand foreign censorship beyond national borders and the implications…

The Ninnies move forward: Evil Ursula to replace her COVID vaccine deals with military equipment deals I had several posts taken down from my substack because they included full text articles, so I will no longer be able to provide full texts from readers. Here are excerpts: Hours after the U.S. suspended military aid for Ukraine, the European Union proposed a $158 billion fund to bolster military spending and support…

The economics of bird flu, and don’t eat raw food if you are a cat … The egg production industry has consolidated over the last three decades. Cal-Maine has acquired more than two dozen companies since 1989. It and four other large producers control roughly half of the egg market in the United States. The others are privately held and don’t make their financials public. The second largest of…

The facts about measles in a one minute read, written by me and published in the BMJ Even when all eligible children are vaccinated, there will remain those who cannot be vaccinated with live vaccines, and those who fail to achieve immunity from their immunizations. Even after 2 doses, the mumps vaccine is only 86% efficacious. (6) Measles vaccine is 85-95% efficacious after one dose, (7) and 90-98% after two.(8) In…

While Natural Asset Corporations were kept off the NY Stock Exchange, the idea that farmers can be paid to relinquish certain land rights in perpetuity persists… with potential dire consequences

Tennessee’s legislature will vote on whether to provide public funds to NGOs like the Nature Conservancy to gain rights to private lands

Senator Ron Johnson, now chair of the Committee on Investigations, demands details from Zuck on Facebook’s censorship re COVID vax injuries

Due by February 18 and demands the names of all employees involved. Sen. RJ was unable to do this until the R’s took the Senate and promised to do this as soon as he could

Part 3: Vaccine Safety. Don’t trust the WHO to get this right. Italian scientists show why using the WHO’s algorithm to identify vaccine causality is a very bad idea

Many countries, including Italy, follow WHO guidelines on assigning vaccine causality for an injury. This must change.

CDC has issued a bulletin requiring hospitals to test for bird flu (H5N1) so they can find human cases and start the vaccine rollout

Was this the idea of Gerald Parker, DVM, former Fort Detrick, One Health proponent, just appointed to head the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy?

I am worried about the bird flu caper. Here is some ammo to fight back: a USDA spreadsheet on 1188 farms that depopulated 100 million chickens, ducks and turkeys using a variety of cruel measures

$841 million paid for the culls up to last July–with over 50% more birds culled since then

Darn! I was thinking about writing a post titled something like, “Trump is using a sledgehammer against globalism, and I don’t think globalism will survive.”

Here’s what I want to shout out: Fellow human beings, what we have been facing is a very powerful attempt by elites to take over the world and turn us into slaves. Those who are still left. Require us to take injections. Possibly require us to submit to transhumanism: physical alterations of our bodies and…

“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost” -Thomas Jefferson, 1786

“The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” – Thomas Jefferson,…

Dems (and Gostin) Defend WHO, and a law firm wants to sue Trump but can’t find plaintiffs Fighting for WHO Scores of Congressional representatives have written a letter to Trump asking that he “reevaluate” his order to withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization, arguing the U.S. “should not cede its title” as a global health leader. Their rationale: The move would endanger American jobs and American lives. They’re not…

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