I transcribed Jeffrey Sachs’ 3 minutes on how we should give WHO authority over biowarfare research
And pay WHO 0.1% of the rich world GNP
And pay WHO 0.1% of the rich world GNP
https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/19/pentagon-psychological-operations-facebook-twitter/ The Pentagon has ordered a sweeping audit of how it conducts clandestine information warfare after major social media companies identified and took offline fake accounts suspected of being run by the U.S. military in violation of the platforms’ rules. Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of defense for policy, last week instructed the military commands that…
Not sure their stats are trustworthy of course
I will be one of the speakers, The FLCCC Alliance presents its inaugural conference to bring together the top experts in the field of pathology, evaluation, and treatment of Long Haul Covid and vaccine injury.
One of the interviews was with Russian emigre Veronika Kyrylenko at the New American and the other was with Terry Gilberg (Timeline with Terry). Terry has been a US journalist for decades who has maintained her self-respect by refusing to broadcast the single narrative approved by our deep state, and she continues to tell the…
One of the interviews was with Russian emigre Veronika Kyrylenko at the New American and the other was with Terry Gilberg (Timeline with Terry). Terry has been a US journalist for decades who has maintained her self-respect by refusing to broadcast the single narrative approved by our deep state, and she continues to tell the…
Has she been asleep for the past year? Or does she know something we don’t? ———– And now we hear there is a cholera epidemic in Syria. More BW? This is a reflection of unsafe water or deliberately contaminated water supplies. It kills via massive diarrhea and dehydration, though it is otherwise not a severe…
https://merylnass.substack.com/p/monkeypox-cases-are-dropping Meryl Nass 3 hr ago There have been 2 deaths in Americans who had monkeypox. Both were said to be severely immunocompromised. Sept. 12, 2022, 12:33 AM EDT / Updated Sept. 13, 2022, 12:20 PM EDT The Los Angeles County health department on Monday confirmed the first death from monkeypox in the U.S. In a statement, the…
But the Administration keeps expanding the targeted population for the vaccines and trying every which way to jab us
Good try, CDC, rolling out your dangerous and ineffective vaccines to unsuspecting gay men–why do you do this to them?
I wrote an important 4400 word discussion of the new COVID boosters. The Defender published it last evening, but left off the last 1.5 pages by mistake. I am having trouble transferring the images to blogger (here). So I suggest you go read it at Substack to get the complete experience. ; ] https://merylnass.substack.com/p/the-high-speed-bivalent-covid-boosters
Watch out. There is nothing good about them, and we should be worried about why they are being used
If you want the government to be your doctor, then please do nothing
And why grandfathering COVID shots is entirely different and MUCH WORSE than grandfathered flu shots.
Sasha Latypova did the first thirty minutes and I did the second thirty minutes. I unpack the new booster authorization and approval of the rollout. Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech versions of the new boosters contain the old vaccine and a new vaccine that contains mRNA coding for a BA.5 omicron spike. Neither vaccine has had any…
Steve Kirsh discusses this; will later reveal the documents
I am a weekly panelist on this show and have my own monthly show on CHD-TV
https://www.globalresearch.ca/europe-energy-armageddon-from-berlin-brussels-not-moscow/5792005 On August 22 the exchange-traded market price for natural gas in the German THE (Trading Hub Europe) gas hub was trading more than 1000% higher than a year ago. Most citizens are told by the Scholz regime that the reason is Putin and Russia’s war in Ukraine. The truth is quite otherwise. EU politicians…
Hat tip to Joel Smalley https://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/news/breaking-news/gps-to-receive-incentive-payments-to-deliver-accelerated-care-home-covid-boosters/ GPs to receive incentive payments to deliver ‘accelerated’ care home Covid boosters Costanza Potter 02 September 2022 GPs will be incentivised to deliver ‘accelerated’ autumn Covid boosters in care homes, with payments of up to £525 per completed care home. The autumn programme is due to start from next…
For a threat that has evaporated. Liability-free, of course. No human testing of the new US “bivalent” boosters
And in the US, the vaccine has not had any human testing yet. Moderna began injections last week but their study won’t complete till year’s end. By then the 512 people in the Moderna trial will be irrelevant to the tens of millions that already received this new booster, which so far has only completed…
From STAT: Life expectancy for Americans born in 2021 is just 76.1 years. That’s the lowest since 1966 and the steepest decline in almost 100 years. It’s astonishing to people who closely follow these data, prompting comparisons to the drop after another pandemic: the Spanish Flu of 1918. “It’s a ridiculous decline,” Bob Anderson, chief…
https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/acip-meeting-recommendations-to-covid-19-booster-framework-liveblog-by-dr-meryl-nass The meeting runs from 10 am-5 pm EDT Sept 1 and 10 am-noon on Sept 2. Keep a barf bag at the ready. As usual, my application to speak during the public comment period was rejected.
10 am to 5 pm, no human data, pretend scientific meeting
https://helenofdestroy.substack.com/p/when-you-read-alone-you-read-with The narrative managers have done their best to memory-hole the Nurenberg Codes By Helen of desTroy | ALETHO NEWS. August 28, 2022 You would be forgiven for not knowing that last Friday was the 75th anniversary of the Doctors’ Trial, one of 13 Nazi war crimes trials conducted at Nuremberg after World War II and…
I guess no one could find a doctor who would push these bogus shots. Meantime, the public health establishment finally found someone who died with monkeypox. Well, maybe. Rochelle can stop beating the bushes looking for that elusive case… –Meryl FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 29, 2022 Harris County Resident with Severe Illnesses in Addition to Being…
If you have not been reading the “Coffee and COVID” substack you have missed out on some of the most up-to-date info on all things COVID from the sharp, discerning and amusing legal mind belonging to Jeff Childers. Today I see the title is “COVID and Courage,” which I think refers to trusting the mouse…
Thanks to Robert and Jill Malone
https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/some-cities-see-signs-of-monkeypox-plateau-4-updates.html Erica Carbajal – Aug 25, 2022 There are early signs monkeypox cases may be peaking in Chicago, New York City and San Francisco, according to health officials. In Chicago, “we’re not seeing the potentially exponential growth that we were seeing early on,” Allison Arwady, MD, Chicago’s Department of Public Health commissioner, said during an…
History repeats itself because we don’t understand it sufficiently to recognize when it returns. Below is from a very special and seasoned journalist, Christine Dolan, who discovered the story below without my help. She wants to help us recognize our history and use the lessons to save ourselves. –Meryl IN PLAIN SIGHT – Time For…
History repeats itself because we don’t understand it sufficiently to recognize it coming back
Muriel Bowser’s Washington DC stunt has imploded
The criminal imposition of mandates to force children to get COVID vaccinations was floated in many school districts, especially those on the woke west coast. The reason I say it is criminal is because neither the manufacturers nor the USG are willing to risk being held liable for injuries. So they have made none of…
CDC has scheduled its ACIP Advisory Committee meeting for Sept. 1 and 2 to sign off on the new Omicron boosters. The normal notice was not provided in advance of this meeting. In accordance with 41 CFR 102-3.150(b), less than 15 calendar days’ notice is being given for this meeting due to the exceptional circumstances…
From Etana’s Substack: https://etana.substack.com/p/safe-and-effective-wash-rinse-repeat The World’s Laboratory That Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer coined Israel as the “world’s laboratory” is by now well known. By any reasonable definition, one can assume that the world’s laboratory would be meticulously tracking all vaccine-related data with all the seriousness that a mass medical intervention deserves. Unfortunately at this…
Two days to discuss: nothing. There is no human data on how these newly formulated vaccines work
Thanks for promising so much transparency, Peter Marks MD, PhD, MORON, head of FDA’s vaccine division
FDA Plans to Approve Omicron-Targeting Booster Vaccines Remember the movie, “The Gods Must Be Crazy.” Well, the Biden administration and its FDA and CDC regulators must feel like Gods to do this, and they must be crazy. And so are you, if you go along with this plan. Three days ago, Pfizer asked for permission…
FDA Plans to Approve Omicron-Targeting Booster Vaccines Remember the movie, “The Gods Must Be Crazy.” Well, the Biden administration and its FDA and CDC regulators must feel like Gods to do this, and they must be crazy. And so are you, if you go along with this plan. Two days ago, Pfizer asked for permission…
The story is evolving. First the Jynneos vaccine was 85% effective. (Maybe they meant effective at causing cardiac inflammation?) Today at its press conference, the WHO dropped a truth bomb. Dr. Kate O’Brien, Director of Immunizations at the WHO, said she wanted to emphasize the following about the monkeypox vaccines: “We don’t have a substantial…
The story is evolving. First the Jynneos vaccine was 85% effective. (Maybe they meant effective at causing cardiac inflammation?) Today at its press conference, the WHO dropped a truth bomb. Dr. Kate O’Brien, Director of Immunizations at the WHO, said she wanted to emphasize the following about the monkeypox vaccines: “We don’t have a substantial…
I wrote this 18 months ago, but it has held up. The last part talks about how one might start a COVID origin investigation.
The program quickly fizzled due to the info getting out it caused heart attacks and myocarditis. 1 in 175 recipients gets myocarditis
The NY Times has published a graphic with 4 separate graphs on it daily, since close to the start of the pandemic. It received all the information in the graphs (and probably the graphics themselves) from the CDC. The graphs provided the number of cases, ordinary hospitalizations, tests performed and deaths. Months ago, a useful…
Do what you went to medical school to do. Serve your patients. https://rumble.com/v1gssez–sen.-ron-johnson-issues-a-plea-to-all-doctors-and-nurses-put-an-end-to-thi.html
https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/eu-issues/vera-sharav-unless-all-of-us-resist-never-again-is-now-75th-anniversary-of-the-nuremberg-code/ My good friend Vera Sharav’s speech today at the 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Code, Nuremberg, Germany ———————————————————————————- I came to Nuremberg to provide historical context to the current global threat confronting our civilization. These past 2 1⁄2 years have been especially stressful— as painful memories were rekindled. In 1941, I was 31⁄2 when…
From my close friend’s keynote at today’s 75th Anniversary celebration of the Nuremberg Code at Nuremberg, Germany
The real truth. Some links omitted as they are included in earlier articles by me. Monkeypox is a real virus that spreads due to skin contact, almost exclusively. If you don’t want to call it a virus, that is okay with me. It is a contagious something that spreads person to person or rarely between…
First, I’d like to show you the current $1 billion plus contract for Jynneos, inked in 2017. This came after the contract for the first 20 million doses had been completed, which cost (approximately) a first $Billion. But the USG can’t find the doses. Monkeypox is a real virus that spreads due to skin contact,…
This is a very worthwhile talk I gave for Doctors for COVID Ethics recently. Others are not writing/talking about these topics.
Tonight I reached 10,000 subscribers.
https://thecountersignal.com/denmark-bans-covid-vaccine-for-youth-under-18/ Denmark has announced that people under the age of 18 are no longer allowed to get the COVID vaccine. Denmark bans vaccine for youth under 18 Those wanting their first shot were cut off after July 1, and no one in the age group — aside from those who are considered “high risk” and…
This is so important I stole the whole article from Daniel Horowitz, writing at the Conservative Review
Then, for the first time in history, the ceremonial Governor General dismissed the government. Now, the Governor General blessed the usurpation of 5 ministerial positions by the Prime Minister.
181 monkeypox patients (average age 37) were studied in Spain, and their illnesses described in the Lancet. “Mitjà and co-authors noted that 32 individuals in their cohort (18%) acquired monkeypox infection despite a smallpox vaccination history, which “warrants further investigation to better understand the protection provided by vaccination in the context of the current outbreak.”‘…
This is just another update from the CDC and NY Times. Remember that the CDC websites now lists deaths “with COVID” and has no category of deaths due to COVID. Those hospitalized are also “with” COVID not necessarily “due to” COVID. What is obvious is that COVID cases in the ICUs have been at pandemic…
Yet more evidence suggests we should be wary
Here is what happened and how to get it back: The Universal Pledge will help us all turn the corner on tyranny and corruption by providing a roadmap for the initial fixes
From ICAN, the Legal entity associated iwth Del Bigtree, comes this interesting news about more insurance companies increasing their payouts last year, relative to 2020 when the most COVID deaths occurred. Through freedom of information requests, ICAN has obtained annual statements from several major life insurance companies which show the “Ordinary Death Benefits” paid out…
Has the tide turned? Not yet, because the anger would be deafening. But the ship is slowly turning. People are realizing the incredible lies they have been told by government and all mainstream media. It starts with the NY Post but it won’t end there… See how the CDC issued worthless new recommendations last week,…
A minor clarification for Amazing Polly
Reported from Walter Reed. It had to be ACAM-2000
But they still don’t tell you the whole story…
When the Johns Hopkins brain trust that lives off the fear of pandemics and biowarfare publishes an Op-Ed calling a TIME-OUT for the use of ACAM-2000 for monkeypox, you know this is a very bad, terrible vaccine. They are scared it will be the coup de grace that ends the vaccine enterprise as we know…
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560886/ Refusal of Care Benjamin D. Pirotte; Scarlet Benson. “A patient’s right to the refusal of care is founded upon one of the basic ethical principles of medicine, autonomy. This principle states that every person has the right to make informed decisions about their healthcare and that healthcare professionals should not impose their own beliefs or…
Thanks to Coffee and COVID, Jeff Childers’ Substack, and Congressman Tom Massie, for identifying how CDC quietly removes the misinformation it has been spreading.
A Pledge to Restore Our Nation and Its Values Meryl Nass Aug 12 122 73 1. REVOKE UNENDING STATES OF EMERGENCY I support limits on emergency powers. All government emergency laws, rules, regulations, orders, and directives that haven’t undergone legislative review and approval must have strict time limits, not to exceed two weeks. (1) 2. …
Alex Berenson has said that he has evidence the White House itself selected him as a target. The information below includes documents showing how CDC worked with social media to impose censorship. Didn’t the federal brain trust know that emails leak and what they were doing was unlawful? These people assumed they were untouchable. Time…
https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/how-to-end-medical-blindness How to End Medical Blindness In the previous parts (1, 2, 3, and 4) of this series, I have tried to illustrate potential explanations for why physicians are unable to see medical injuries and that they will frequently gaslight patients through their denial that these injuries could have occurred. The ideas I put forward…
Footnotes have been edited at 4:45 pm EDT on August 15.
The vaccine does not prevent infection Just like the COVID vaccines, it turns out that in the animal experiments, Jynneos did not stop monkeys getting monkeypox, but did stop them from dying. Since the current strain of monkeypox is mild, and virtually no one dies from monkeypox, this is another reason to avoid these dangerous…
By the way, you need to look at the graphics in the NEJM article to see the difference in duration of infectivity between the vaxxed, boosted and unvaxxed. The fact this is getting into the NEJM is astonishing. Is the system now going to try and normalize all the problems with the vaccine? Good luck…
The vaccine does not prevent infection Just like the COVID vaccines, turns out that in the animal experiments, Jynneos did not stop monkeys getting monkeypox, but did stop them from dying. Since the current strain of monkeypox is mild, and virtually no one dies from monkeypox, this is another reason to avoid these dangerous vaccines…
Very high rates of cardiac effects and HIV worsening compound the problem that there are no efficacy data from humans. Does it even work?
Below I have excerpted from the label for Jynneos. In a nutshell, 1) there is no evidence to support using this vaccine in pregnancy, lactation or children. There is no information on male (as well as female) fertility effects or carcinogenicity. 2) About 2% of recipients had a serious adverse event 3) According to the…
and preliminary footnotes to explain the pledge ideas
I am warning you that the moneypox vaccine Jynneos is a huge scam, in every way, including the supposed shortage. I will disclose more about that soon. The government purchased 20 million doses of Jynneos between 2003 and 2013, and purchased 8 million doses after 2013 but before the COVID pandemic, and millions more since. …
https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/heres-how-to-detox-from-the-covid-spike-protein-from-the-jab-or-the-virus/ I need to add a caveat that these measures have NOT been tested, nor are there published studies supporting them for use against spike protein. However, they are the best ideas being offered currently, and because these recommendations are generally safe, it would be reasonable to try them under a medical practitioner’s supervision.
CJ Hopkins bats another one out of the park: https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-unvaccinated-question-revisited On 1 September, 1941, Chief of Reich Security Reinhard Heydrich, one of the most fanatical, mass-murdering Nazis, issued a now notorious decree ordering Jews above the age of six to wear an identifying badge in public. The Jewish Badge, a yellow Star of David with…
Then the US government ordered 7 million more doses since 2020. But CDC keeps saying the supply is limited… Limited to whom, by whom?
Then the US government ordered 7 million more doses since 2020. But CDC keeps saying the supply is limited. Limited to whom, by whom? From today’s Wall Street Journal: “Given the current limitedsupply of vaccine, CDC recom-mends temporarily changingsome behaviors that may in-crease a person’s risk of beingexposed,” an agency spokes-woman said. Why is it…
Comments helpful
Prevents the vaccinated from seeing the light as it is just too painful
https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/pfizer-vaccine-lot-sizes-do-not-explain-the-abnormal-lot-to-lot-variability-in-adverse-events-and-deaths-32e126eb I told you so! Data obtained through FOIA. Background: My colleagues and I have been analyzing CDC VAERS data since the start of the mass “vaccination” worldwide. While many good researchers and doctors have rightfully called attention to the catastrophically high levels of adverse events, serious adverse events, and deaths associated with mRNA injections, our group…
Need your help again, please
Despite the USG ordering new COVID boosters for $3.2 B, it is not clear yet what will be used
Many older vaccines are already approved for this coming flu season, while many others remain in development. Some have been promised to the public despite complete lack of human trials of the COVID Omicron BA. 4 and BA. 5 variants. It is amusing to watch the media, citing CDC, try to push as many vaccines…
The newest narrative to get those shots into you: Bad Biden administration didn’t take $moneypox seriously enough, and let it spread, but now we are coming back from behind the eight ball and gonna get those savior vaccines out there for the hungry public that is begging for them. And Dr. Xavier Becerra gonna fix…
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