Doctors who were paid $12-16 million pimped for Medtronic’s poor quality spinal fusion material / NY Times

Finally, members of my profession are fighting back against corrupt doctors and the companies who pay lavishly for their undeserved testimonials.  Respected university bigwigs are just as susceptible as anyone else to 10 or 20 million dollar payoffs:  and they may feel they have no conflict of interest as a result and their work is…

Memo reveals intelligence chief wrote dossier on Iraqi WMD knowing that “in terms of WMD Iraq is not that exceptional”/ Guardian

From the Guardian, an article provides new information on how Tony Blair’s administration lied to make the case for war in Iraq. What do you call this crime?  Is it treasonous to start a war under false pretenses, costing your country hundreds of lives and billions of dollars?  And what was it for, anyway? The…

Use of Psychological Profile to Infer Ivins’s Guilt Is Problematic/ Clinical Psychiatry News

Dr. Annette Hanson penned the following piece on the ethically impaired “Expert Behavioral Analysis Panel” paid for by FBI: In March, a panel chaired by Dr. Gregory Saathoff, commonly known as the expert behavioral analysis panel (EBAP), released a report containing a summary and analysis of the investigation of Dr. Bruce Ivins, the suspected anthrax…

FDA Anger over Australian flu vaccine investigation/SMH

From the Sydney Morning Herald comes this piece that says our FDA found CSL’s “investigation” of why so many children had seizures post-vaccination to be entirely inadequate.  If you don’t find the problem then you don’t have to make any expensive changes to your manufacturing facility.  And you are not liable for willful misconduct, which…

What DHHS proposes to tell parents about giving anthrax vaccine to their children

In order to meet the requirements of 45 CFR 46.407, a federal advisory panel must review the proposed pediatric research, agree that it will provide important generalizable knowledge, and that children participating in the research will be protected from taking dangerous risks.  DHHS has convened the necessary panel, which will meet to discuss details of…

Fukushima lesson: You can’t rely on govt or industry when a real crisis comes along/ NY Times

Most detailed look yet at the flawed decision-making and terrible information sharing between TEPCO, government bureaucrats, political leaders and outsiders during Japan’s nuclear crisis by the NY Times: Reuters The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, damaged by a tsunami on March 11, became the site of the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, as workers successfully warded…

F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds/NYT

More on America’s widening surveillance state from the NY Times: The Federal Bureau of Investigation is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents, allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention. Valerie E. Caproni, the…

Attorney General Dominic Grieve refuses to order an inquest on death of David Kelly

After David Cameron recently said a full inquest into David Kelly’s death was unnecessary, it was no surprise that his Attorney General soon afterward echoed his statement.  Excerpts from the BBC: On the day Dr Kelly’s body was discovered, then Prime Minister Tony Blair asked Lord Hutton to conduct an urgent investigation into the circumstances…

Why we are still in Afghanistan: One trillion $ in minerals/NPR

 Mines, like this one in  Badahkshan, could lift Afghanistan out of poverty (NPR) From National Public Radio, information on how the Pentagon is working to develop business opportunities in Afghanistan for US corporations: There’s close to a $1 trillion waiting to be unearthed beneath the rocky soil of Afghanistan. The massive deposits of iron, copper,…

More on the bureaucratic challenges of injecting children ” with no clear benefit” with anthrax vaccine/DHHS

See here for a detailed discussion of the expanding anthrax vaccine stockpile, vaccine maker Emergent Biosolutions, and the illegality of shooting up children with an anthrax vaccine potion that is too dangerous for adults. *

WHO: Radiofrequency radiation from cell phones and other sources a possible carcinogen

From the Washington Post: “After a weeklong meeting on the type of electromagnetic radiation found in cellphones, microwaves and radar, the expert panel said there was limited evidence cellphone use was linked to two types of brain tumors and inadequate evidence to draw conclusions for other cancers.” This whole issue is totally gummed up by…

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