New Swine Flu Strain Keeps Health Officials on Alert/ ABC News

ABC News reports that a new strain of influenza has appeared in several states.  CDC officials are worrying that it might become the predominant strain this flu season.  Based on modelling, CDC thinks Tamiflu might help.  (However, Tamiflu only shortens bouts of flu by one day, according to the package insert.  It is probably a…

Australian Medical Association urges watch on vaccines/ The Australian

This article is by Natasha Bita, who just won a Walkley journalism prize for her series on flu vaccine dangers in The Australian. UPDATE:  The public’s responses to her story “Virus in the System.”  It is astounding that after the widely publicized problems with last year’s childhood flu vaccine, the Health Minister (a lawyer) has…

Unused German swine flu vaccine goes up in smoke (about 250 million Euros worth)/ The Local

… But the [2009 swine] flu was much milder than expected, and this, combined with safety fears over the new vaccine, led to only around seven percent of Germans opting to get the vaccine. Germany actually purchased two different types of swine flu vaccine:  one with a novel adjuvant (that used less antigen and instead…

US to pay $2.5M in photo editor’s anthrax death/ AP

From the Associated Press, Maureen Stevens settles with the US government for her husband’s death by anthrax, due to lax control of the material at government’s Fort Detrick lab. UPDATE:  From Scott Shane at the NY Times: … A Justice Department spokesman, Charles S. Miller, said he could not comment on why the government was…

Future cancers from Fukushima plant may be hidden/ AP

As long as the research is methodologically sound and designed to capture a broad range of possible adverse outcomes from radiation released at Fukushima (where people have been exposed to many different isotopes through skin contact, inhalation and ingestion at widely varying doses), you will probably learn a lot about how the radiation affected health. …

Dr. Joe Mercola’s wide-ranging interview with me

Last month I went to Chicago to do a video interview with Dr. Joe Mercola on bioterrorism issues, anthrax, government responses and some of their ramifications (especially vaccines).  I thought he performed masterfully, asking the right questions and providing perspective.  The material he elicited builds a surprising story, which encapsulates most of my work over…

Cost, need questioned in $433-million smallpox drug deal // aka Biodefense: Giving from the 99% to the 1% / LA Times

UPDATE:  Senator Claire McCaskill calls for DHHS IG to investigate the government’s sole-source contract with Siga. If you are unconvinced that government seeks ways to buy products from “insider” companies that tithe to those at the center of government, read David Willman’s article in today’s LA Times.  A few grams of anthrax, grown from stock…

Secret reports: With security spotty, many had access to anthrax /McClatchy

A McClatchy piece I thought was duplicative, but there is more meat than I realized at first glance: … The existing security procedures _ described in two long-secret reports _ were so lax they would have allowed any researcher, aide or temporary worker to walk out of the Army bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick, Md,…

Infamous Endorsement of Anthrax Vaccine for Children/ AHRP

The Alliance for Human Research Protection has written about the NBSB recommendations for testing anthrax vaccine in children: … The NBSB recommendation was made despite its own report acknowledging that: “Currently, U.S. children are not at immediate risk from anthrax and would not benefit directly from pre-event AVA [anthrax vaccine] administration.” “There is no known…

High Court judge will hear call for inquest on Dr David Kelly’s death/ Daily Mail

From the Daily Mail’s Miles Goslett: The death of Dr David Kelly is to be examined at the High Court next month after a senior judge ordered a special hearing as part of  his review of the case. Mr Justice Kenneth Parker is considering an application from retired West Country surgeon David Halpin to challenge…

Public Citizen Goes on Record Opposing Unethical Anthrax Vaccine Trial in Children

From the Public Citizen advocacy organization, discussed by periodical The Hill: November 1, 2011 The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius Secretary Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 RE: Proposed Clinical Trials Testing the Anthrax Vaccine on Children Dear Secretary Sebelius: Public Citizen, representing more than 225,000 members and supporters nationwide,…

Critically important piece on biopreparedness: How Ready Are We for Bioterrorism?/ NY Times

Here is another blog post coming from the long NY Times article on our government’s response to the threat of bioterrorism.  This article is brilliant in its simplicity.  It simply covers the field.  The author interviewed over 100 people who work in biodefense, and he makes clear that the $60+ billion spent on bioterrorism efforts…

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