I will be doing an extended presentation on bird flu with Bruce de Torres at 2 pm ET tomorrow, July 1
Prepare to be amazed (if we can still be amazed) by what I have found
Prepare to be amazed (if we can still be amazed) by what I have found
A surprise decision by President Emmanuel Macron to hold a snap election appears to have backfired badly, giving the National
From the front page of today’s NYT the Biden campaign relies on its brainwashed minions to disbelieve their lying eyes
This is worth understanding so bear with me
I can’t wait to see the egg on FDA’s face, or…
Using the same methods we used to push back the WHO we will turn back the attack on food and agriculture
Celia Farber says more people watched Bobby in the debate than CNN. I noticed the # screening RFK’s Real Debate went from about 1.9 million to 5.4 million by the end.
Just a quickie, and remember I am not a lawyer, only a litigant
The surveillance/censorship/propaganda state has been highly successful
I need a long-form interview or a venue to present all this material
https://www.therealdebate.com/ The show starts at 9 pm Eastern time, 6 pm Pacific time. RFK will be answering the same questions that Presidents Biden and Trump are being asked. You have a right to hear the opinions they don’t want you to hear. You pay for their salaries and their mistakes and their wars. You are an…
Just so you know what is coming down the pike elsewhere if we let it
Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, John Roberts join with the 3 female Dem-appointees to refuse to uphold the clear meaning of the First Amendment
Here is where you go for the hearing and to learn more: https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/follow-science-oversight-biden-covid-19-administrative-state-response The House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust will hold a hearing on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. ET. The hearing, “Follow the Science?: Oversight of the Biden Covid-19 Administrative State Response,” will discuss the Subcommittee’s oversight that…
I went to grab some pizza and read the weekly newspaper at the pizzeria and had to share
Sorry but life has been pretty intense
Rep. Thomas Massie’s Subcommittee on the Administrative State released a 600 page report on the White House-FDA conspiracy to illegally license experimental (EUA) vaccine in August 2021.
Thanks again to the wonderful Patrick Wood for revealing this
Put the little guy out of business -> Food industry consolidation -> Government merges with industry -> Fascism -> Totalitarianism
Join us. We are going to have to do something about this soon!
FDA and USDA are not allowed to go onto farms and start testing healthy cows, so they have developed “guidance” documents and nearly a billion dollars is offered to allow them to start the process
Was the anthrax vaccine program the dress rehearsal for managing the COVID vax mandate? Probably. Tom and I worked together starting 26 years ago, and he is a true fighter who never gives up
So let’s look at his background and that of his compatriots who wrote the Proximal Origins paper. Pulling up some old writings of mine.
Do you want more information before you make your choice?
Certain types of bird flu viruses that typically spread among birds are now causing infections in cows and humans in Western countries
We must thank BMGF for laying out the wily ways our governments avoid truly regulating emergency vaccines. Bill Gates wanted this information, and so do we.
Our old friend Jeremy Farrar helped create and control the narrative for 20 years, and now he is marketing the vaccines. He knows a lot we don’t.
That is also what they said in 1991, when I revealed they were not being truthful
Excerpts from today’s NYT
Bobby and the Bird Flu possibilities
The answer: Our goal has not changed. It is to defeat the Great Reset. Our approach is to broaden our efforts.
And the WHO AGAIN drags out its “Independent Panel” funded by Gates and Soros to beg the world to prepare for pandemics. Are we surprised?
Info that people with high school kids will need
Using the best cherry-picked study each year for the last 15 years
Full genome sequencing only costs $1,000 now. Are the feds paying the states for this program or did NY and NC simultaneously decide to do it?
This should make it clear to all what a disaster we would have faced had the WHO’s February 2023 version passed
3-7 June, 2024 UN Behavioural Science Week Two sessions with WHO behavioural scientists will take place from 3-7 June. Speakers include: Professor Cass Sunstein, Professor of Law, Harvard University (and member of WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Sciences for Health) Sunstein Co-wrote the book “Nudge” and its publisher, Yale University Press, said, “The book has…
PO BOX 952Portland, ME 04104United States DoorToFreedom.org Dear Friends, The World Health Organization was employed to centralize control of public health and health information by globalist elites. They failed to achieve any of their major goals at May’s World Health Assembly–but the globalist agenda continues to move forward. The United Nations, like the WHO, has…
Dr. Mercola, I and others warned about potential severe side effects of the experimental swine flu shots, and though the USG purchased the adjuvants, they were not used in 2009-2010
Analysis of later articles will be coming. The skinny on why this was a big win.
It’s probably more jealousy than hate
The Ivy League or the Slimy League?
The story is that this is a “breaking news” story. The goal is to peel off the most conservative members of the court by any means possible.
Do you want mRNA or the proteins it induces in your milk or meat?
Who can get him before a Congressional committee with the networks recording him doing it?
The hacking was so obvious this past week even the mainstream media reported on it
CNN made their standard clear for those who would be invited to debate. Only Kennedy met the standard.
Hot, uncomfortable and expensive–so this is probably the method to get agreement on vaccinating the animals and perhaps agreement for widespread culling, to avoid the requirement for PPE
Remember that to avoid stigmatizing monkeys it is now called MPox
7 month old news, but I missed it till now
and a few reliable propagandists
https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/eu-elections-the-winners-and-the-losers-5665619 EU Elections: The Winners and the Losers The biggest winner was the National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, which dominated the French polls, causing President Macron to call a snap national election. Supporters of French right-wing National Rally react at the party election night headquarters in Paris on June 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Lewis…
On 22 May 2024, the International Health Regulations (IHR) National Focal Point (NFP) for India reported to WHO a case of human infection with avian influenza A(H9N2) virus detected in a 4 y/o male.
May 10, 2024—Slovakia refuses pandemic treaty and IHR amendments despite a meeting with Tedros to convince Slovakia otherwise https://enrsi.rtvs.sk/articles/news/362844/slovakia-will-not-support-new-pandemic-treaty May 15, 2024—Slovakian PM Fico shot at very close range by multiple bullets by a former security guard and writer https://apnews.com/video/slovakia-prime-minister-robert-fico-shot-multiple-times-in-attempted-assassination-0000018f7dffd716affffdff4e340000 May 16, 2024—The Atlantic Council just one day later tells us five things we need…
A vaccine for a disease you don’t know you have until WOAH/OIE tests you for it
Apologies. It was late last night. This is truly terrible. And the EMA transposed its RMP for Sequirus’ H5N1 onto the H5N8 vaccine
The Dem-globalist-totalitarian cabal sees the 6-3 Court (6 were installed by R Presidents, 3 by D) as something that could stand in their way
The news? Some woman attending a Supreme Court gala who wore a wire tried to get Alito and Roberts to implicate themselves re church and state
The regulators really are criminals. Read their own marketing authorization.
Here is our newsletter this week. And I would like to elicit your comments on issues to focus on now
Latest news from WHO and WHO events page Monday, 10 June Ranking food safety risks at the national level Webinar, 13:00-14:10 CEST In 2025, WHO is planning to release an update to the burden estimates of foodborne diseases at the national, regional, and global levels. This webinar will describe key components of risk analysis with a focus on risk…
We need a $1,000 or more penalty each time any public agency or figure publishes a lie. We need to leave the post-truth world and get back to facts. Make lies cost $
They are targeting farm workers. Another method to reduce the food supply?
According to my memory, this is quite accurate
Glad to post this while I work on a very detailed piece
Are we surprised? How much is the NY Times losing per day?
Many of the world’s largest companies rely on carbon offsets to reach “net zero” emissions goals. However, investigations reveal that more than 90% of these offsets are likely “phantom credits” that allow corporations to continue polluting while claiming to lower their carbon footprints. by The New Lede https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/carbon-offsets-scam-why/ June 3, 2024 By Bill Walker Apple…
Front page. Penned by Sarah Knapton, Science Editor, who has written truthful articles about COVID and deaths before
Take that Jeff Bezos and the other mainstream media on life support. Censorship and propaganda only work for so long.
Don’t lose these nuggets
Here are the proposed and adopted articles 1,2,3 and 6. I think the onus should be on those who claim this is a disaster, to show their evidence. I am getting tired of repeating myself.
Everything in plain text is UNCHANGED from the 2005 (existing) version of the IHR. Everything bolded (except section headings) is new language (= amendments).
3 hours of great speeches and songs
The diplomats in Geneva were called back for yet another Plenary meeting, to approve a new version of the IHR amendments dated TODAY, June 1, 2024. Finally they approved this version and their meeting ended at 10:48 pm. This is what was approved: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA77/A77_ACONF14-en.pdf The bolded words are what has changed from the existing…
We did it. People power beat the $ and the connections of the globalist cabal. The IHRs that passed were merely a face-saving measure.
The diplomats in Geneva have been called back for another Plenary meeting to approve a new version of the IHR amendments dated TODAY june 1, 2024: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA77/A77_ACONF14-en.pdf I am pleased to report that while I had only a short time to read this, the document looks basically like what I have predicted all week. It…
There is no agreement on the IHR amendments because nations have seen the pandemic preparedness agenda as the Trojan horse it is: intended for centralizing control and causing indebtedness
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