Sir Jeremy Farrar helped Fauci cover up the origin of COVID, was central in the Recovery and Solidarity trials that overdosed 2600 patients with hydroxychloroquine, now heads to WHO for world takeover

So it is good to read between the lines and see what his forked tongue has to say–what narratives is he pushing now? Full text with comments below.

Twitter has now locked my alternate account. But twitter is only the tiniest tip of the censorship iceberg. Learn how the USG created a censorship/propaganda monolith

Listen to Mike Benz explain that the feds helped devise the Twitter Rules, then flagged accounts for twitter, claiming they might be breaking them.

4th NH Testimony on 2/16/23

Honorable Chairpersons, Members and Senators, My name is Dr. Meryl Nass.   I am testifying in favor of HB408.  Children in the Granite State who live in homes where there are foster children are required to have COVID vaccinations, although such experimental, unlicensed vaccines are not required for other New Hampshire children.  Apart from the discriminatory…

3d NH Testimony on 2/16/23

Honorable Chairpersons, Members and Senators, My name is Dr. Meryl Nass, and I am testifying against HB 425. We have learned from the COVID experience that vaccines given to 80% of Americans may yield only brief and partial benefit.  See the CDC graphic below, presented to its advisory committee last fall, which reveals around zero…

2nd NH Testimony on 2/16/23

Honorable Chairpersons, Members and Senators, My name is Dr. Meryl Nass.  I am testifying in favor of HB557.  Earlier today, I showed you that virtually every time a vaccine is given to a population without undergoing the testing required for licensure, unexpected and severe adverse events result, usually ending the vaccine program. And last May…

James Corbett and I dig deeper into the background of the global biosecurity state–which preceded and underlies the WHO power grab

One pandemic after another has been rolled out to condition us to think them inevitable, that we need to shift our societies to be ready to deal with them, trading freedom for some elusive safety

fyi, the Doctors for COVID Ethics symposium 5 is available for viewing Gold Standard COVID Science in Practice – An Interdisciplinary Symposium V: IN THE MIDST OF DARKNESS LIGHT PREVAILS Organized by Doctors For Covid Ethics Hosted by UK Column Some of the individual talks can be found here Below you will find each approximately one hour segment, by topic Edited Replays with Summaries Session I The Fundamental…

Congresswoman Mace reveals her own COVID vaccine injury at hearing today and grills former Twitter (head of censorship) attorney Vijaya Gadde. 4.5 minutes

Who is Vijaya Gadde? She was Twitter’s general counsel and head of censorship and propaganda, responsible for covering up the Hunter Biden laptop story and much else—the buck stopped at her feet. Her work helped conceal the adverse effects of the vaccine. Gadde earned nearly $17 million in 2021 as Twitter’s chief legal officer, and…

WHO official tells us we must start now to increase surveillance, increase sequencing (no DNA privacy?) and increase the use of clinical care pathways

Which means everyone gets the same drug and nobody gets to choose. WHO gets a head start imposing its International Health Regulation amendments before they are voted on in May.

The writings of Thomas Harrington explain how we got here and what everyone else is thinking Tom Harrington is a Brownstone Institute Senior Fellow who provides us with sharp cultural and psychological analyses that have been missing from common discourse. They contextualize our situation in a way that few others have been able to do. For example, he explains that we have been drowning in false narratives our entire lives,…

Paul Craig Roberts: The Incompetent Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine Just Had Its Dumbshit Ass Handed to It by the Destruction of one of its incompetent hired gun witnesses against Dr. Meryl Nass

… in a hearing the incompetent Board was forced to hold

My hearing Day 3. How many pieces of silver were the ‘experts’ given to do their best to ruin me and deprive the people of Maine COVID care?

Dr. Courtney got $125/hr but Mr. Big(shot) Dr. Faust received $500/hour to opine on my lack of fitness to practice medicine and justify permanent revocation of my license. Narratives don’t come cheap

CHD-TV Roundtable today ran 1.5 hrs, with updates on myocarditis, Naomi Wolf’s book summarizing the Pfizer FOIA docs, and our win vs AB2098 (doctor censorship bill)

I spoke about the “hear no evil, see no evil” mindset in Amherst, MA which paid students to get vaxxed 4 months after an Amherst HS student died from myocarditis

URL for my live blog of FDA’s VRBPAC vaccine advisors’ meeting, Jan 26, 8:30 am to 5 pm Will we learn FDA’s plan for schoolchildren and why the COVID vaccines are on the childhood schedule? Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Will we hear how the UK is against vaccines for almost all age groups? Will…

Francis Boyle and Meryl Nass did some pretty good prognosticating in January of 2020 regarding the virus and the coming vaccines. And we prognosticate about the WHO today.

Shout out to our friend, journalist Sam Husseini for going back and finding our emails discussing the newly discovered Wuhan virus even before it hit the US. Full text below.

Why did I say I thought the USG was the prime mover of the WHO treaty/amendments?

Because the US proposed the IHR amendments from 12 months ago got the WHO process started. And read the below, from a White House fact sheet titled “Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Expansion of Global Health Security Partnerships and Releases Annual Progress Report from November 29, 2022:” Support the planned Global Health Security Coordinating Office being established by…

1/13/23 Judge: NY healthcare worker mandate “null, void and of no effect;” health dept lacked authority to impose it 13, 2023 BREAKING: CHD Defeats NY State Healthcare Workers COVID Mandate Press Release For Immediate Release In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the NYS Dept….

As news gets out that the bivalent boosters were KNOWN not to work before authorization, FDA advisors will meet to discuss newer versions of COVID vaccines on Jan 26

Is that why all the publicity has focused on the lack of efficacy of the bivalent boosters? Cause a newer one is on the threat board?

A few months after their 16 year old student dies running track, Amherst MA school superintendent admits they will hold a COVID vaccine clinic for students and be paid $2,000 to do so by the state.

The students who get COVID shots will receive $75 gift cards each. Have the grownups no shame?

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