Republicans Push Back Against Accord Giving WHO Power Over US Pandemic Response. Epoch Times
Legal experts question whether Senate approval is necessary. By Kevin Stocklin
Legal experts question whether Senate approval is necessary. By Kevin Stocklin
More on Sir Jeremy Farrar. I published this on my blog on June 3, 2021
So it is good to read between the lines and see what his forked tongue has to say–what narratives is he pushing now? Full text with comments below.
Hugely important info if you have not already looked at these books by RFK Jr., Robert Malone and Ed Dowd
17 Repub Senators cosponsor bill to require WHO treaty to undergo Senate ratification before becoming US law
New international health accord avoids necessary Senate approval
Thanks to my friend John Stone who provided photos from tweets of recent fires in food/animal/chemical factories
Oops, sorry, there won’t be any answers so forget the questions
Listen to Mike Benz explain that the feds helped devise the Twitter Rules, then flagged accounts for twitter, claiming they might be breaking them.
Honorable Chairpersons, Members and Senators, My name is Dr. Meryl Nass. I am testifying in favor of HB408. Children in the Granite State who live in homes where there are foster children are required to have COVID vaccinations, although such experimental, unlicensed vaccines are not required for other New Hampshire children. Apart from the discriminatory…
Honorable Chairpersons, Members and Senators, My name is Dr. Meryl Nass, and I am testifying against HB 425. We have learned from the COVID experience that vaccines given to 80% of Americans may yield only brief and partial benefit. See the CDC graphic below, presented to its advisory committee last fall, which reveals around zero…
Honorable Chairpersons, Members and Senators, My name is Dr. Meryl Nass. I am testifying in favor of HB557. Earlier today, I showed you that virtually every time a vaccine is given to a population without undergoing the testing required for licensure, unexpected and severe adverse events result, usually ending the vaccine program. And last May…
I hope bits of the testimonies, or the official graphics from CDC and FDA might be helpful in other states, or in conversations
The entire town was relocated. From the EPA website
Nice guys from the US DOD are here to “protect” you from the future.
Is the churn part of the globalist effort to rebuild TRUST?
This will be a ~4 hour event on CHD-TV, beginning at noon, eastern time.
Excellent article explaining the process by which medical boards harrass doctors who fail to stick to the government narrative. Epoch Times, full text article from Feb. 10, 2023
One pandemic after another has been rolled out to condition us to think them inevitable, that we need to shift our societies to be ready to deal with them, trading freedom for some elusive safety
Below is the cover letter and a promotional video.
Zachary Stieber at the Epoch Times Gold Standard COVID Science in Practice – An Interdisciplinary Symposium V: IN THE MIDST OF DARKNESS LIGHT PREVAILS Organized by Doctors For Covid Ethics Hosted by UK Column Some of the individual talks can be found here Below you will find each approximately one hour segment, by topic Edited Replays with Summaries Session I The Fundamental…
BOLIM moves further along the Soviet path. When will they ever learn?
How do we get you back on board?
Of course we did it. Was there really ever any doubt?
Who is Vijaya Gadde? She was Twitter’s general counsel and head of censorship and propaganda, responsible for covering up the Hunter Biden laptop story and much else—the buck stopped at her feet. Her work helped conceal the adverse effects of the vaccine. Gadde earned nearly $17 million in 2021 as Twitter’s chief legal officer, and…
Which means everyone gets the same drug and nobody gets to choose. WHO gets a head start imposing its International Health Regulation amendments before they are voted on in May.
Dr. Sue McIntosh freely gave out vaccine and mask exemptions to all comers–ethically, since experimental therapies by law are voluntary. Connecticut suspended her and sent it out to the press
Just a few tweets provides a lot of information. Thx again to A Midwestern Doctor for decoding his hogwash (or someone’s hogwash with his name appended to it) for us.
A Midwestern Doctor explains what the rest of us with jaded and suspicious minds were thinking. Great thinking and writing btw. And how did Newsweek let a med student write a major piece?
My error: Dan Cohen created this compilation, with support from VSRF, for Redacted? Below the short video are his longer pieces on this issue. Great additional videos!
A little-noticed provision of the omnibus spending bill gave the agency power to ban off-label use of approved therapies.
Will he make headway this time around? Tom Harrington is a Brownstone Institute Senior Fellow who provides us with sharp cultural and psychological analyses that have been missing from common discourse. They contextualize our situation in a way that few others have been able to do. For example, he explains that we have been drowning in false narratives our entire lives,…
Her final episode of the the docuseries “Never Again is Now–Global” runs tonight, and she spoke with us today on CHD’s Friday Roundtable
This version is dated February 1, 2023 and could be voted on at the World Health Assembly meeting in May 2023
Here is the first drop. Included are the first 3 talks given the am of January 21, 2023. Three more talks will be released daily for 8 days. I urge you to watch all–though some were in Swedish.
I consider David Bell the best expositor of what WHO is doing with the International Health Regulations, so am re-posting his long article in full here. Thanks to Jeffrey Tucker for hosting him.
… in a hearing the incompetent Board was forced to hold
Does the coup’s control of politicians simply hinge on lots of blackmail photos, a la J Edgar Hoover? And if so, is this our pivot point to save the world?
Congress never disappoints. Expect the worst and you will never be mistaken.
Dr. Courtney got $125/hr but Mr. Big(shot) Dr. Faust received $500/hour to opine on my lack of fitness to practice medicine and justify permanent revocation of my license. Narratives don’t come cheap
CJ is the Bomb. You must subscribe. Another cross-post.
Merriam Webster defines emergency: 1. an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action 2. an urgent need for assistance or relief
A survivior and student of the Holocaust, Vera noticed that many things imposed on us for COVID ‘protection’ echoed what the Nazi did in the lead-up to the final solution.
A past-present-future of how the medical establishment has been used as a tool to get us to where we are today
I don’t know the order of events, but physicians Robert Malone, Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, Harvey Risch and Steven Katsis will testify on my behalf.
I spoke about the “hear no evil, see no evil” mindset in Amherst, MA which paid students to get vaxxed 4 months after an Amherst HS student died from myocarditis
Looks like they have teed us up for another crapshoot Will we learn FDA’s plan for schoolchildren and why the COVID vaccines are on the childhood schedule? Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Will we hear how the UK is against vaccines for almost all age groups? Will…
Concludes natural immunity alone (+/- vaccine) “provides good levels of protection against severe COVID-19”
I was there and here is what happened. Not a whole lot actually.
Today I will set the record straight
DeSantis calls a spade a spade: suggests permanent protections against the “biomedical security state” Isn’t that a breath of fresh air?
Shout out to our friend, journalist Sam Husseini for going back and finding our emails discussing the newly discovered Wuhan virus even before it hit the US. Full text below.
15 minutes. And I promise you there will be no posting for a week after this unless something crazy important happens.
I have selected relevant sections and I tell you what I think they mean [in italics]. But read it all and share your impressions with us
Well CDC, here is YOUR list of the databases you promised to study to evaluate vaccine safety. What do they show wrt strokes? Put up or shut up.
Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Because the US proposed the IHR amendments from 12 months ago got the WHO process started. And read the below, from a White House fact sheet titled “Biden-Harris Administration Announces Expansion of Global Health Security Partnerships and Releases Annual Progress Report from November 29, 2022:” Support the planned Global Health Security Coordinating Office being established by…
This is something we can start working on locally: getting more sponsors, moving it forward.
Avoid these drugs at all cost
Crosspost. What are they planning? Already doing? It isn’t appetizing. And BTW, Bovine Growth Hormone (used in fake meat) is a carcinogen, banned in Canada, Australia, Japan, and the EU. But not US.
Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Its budget was $5 million in 1948. Current budget a bit under $4 billion. Desired budget $60 billion/year to manage the world whenever it declares a pandemic.
The age of ‘self-consent’ was lowered to 11 from 12 by Philadelphia’s health authorities. Presumably CDC came up with this brilliant idea. Thx to Mary Beth Pfieffer and Linda Bonvie for this update.
by Paul Craig Roberts, today
The usual suspects will be there, as will I. In-person events are great fun. The energy in the room is electric.
It was beaten down in DC but that did not stop these criminals
Changing climate goalposts and extreme weather events
They have been going up down up down in an odd fashion so I decided to document them.
Revelations about the executive branch’s use of social media (and presumably MSM) surrogates to serve as a Ministry of Truth may be the crack we need to finally end the 1984 world we are in
Another goodie from AnneCan’tStandIt!
And the only requirement is for the WHO Director General to declare a public health emergency of international concern… like monkeypox, or a new cold virus 13, 2023 BREAKING: CHD Defeats NY State Healthcare Workers COVID Mandate Press Release For Immediate Release In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the NYS Dept….
IT CAME OUT ON FRIDAY NIGHT OF A 3 DAY WEEKEND which is proof they wanted to bury it
And also spoke with attorney Michael Alexander
Titled ‘They Use Fear to Keep a Grip on You – And How to Get Free’
Thanks to Hal Turner radio show
Whether it gets hotter or colder, be worried. Be very worried.
Harvard says so, therefore it must be true. And Circulation printed it. But it took 6 months to get through review.
They harm the public and make a mockery of informed consent
Never mind, go get a booster
The priests of science want us harming each other.
Is that why all the publicity has focused on the lack of efficacy of the bivalent boosters? Cause a newer one is on the threat board?
Here is the death certificate to prove it. Children are not for sale to the government to poison.
Medical professionals and scientists: please consider signing
The students who get COVID shots will receive $75 gift cards each. Have the grownups no shame?
I also discussed recently implanted cultural myths that are crucial to the cabal’s success
The 300 million Americans who got at least one lab-created COVID infection he helped pay to produce? The 60 million Americans injured or killed by his poisonous vaccines? (60 million is a guess) The rulers of the Great Reset (the real Godfathers) who relied on him to create a viral bioweapon that could never be…
From COVID’s Best Chronicler, Margaret Anna Alice
But it also goes into biowarfare, vaccines, lab leaks, coverups
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