WHO, Gro Brundtland, the Plan to leave no one unjabbed using untested 100 day vaccines, and how portable vaccine factories will allow the entire human herd to be jabbed simultaneously–but with what?

Further I identify the globalists’ corruption and misuse of language

If you already own the professor, you can have her “prove” HCQ and IVM don’t work, and include her on the NIH COVID guidelines committee to kill those drugs and push remdesivir

The damage done, she rotated off the NIH COVID guidelines committee. Interesting how many HIV docs/ Fauci acolytes were on the committee.

FOIAed email from FDA’s #2 vaccine regulator to the FDA Commissioner reiterates that the Commissioner (and/or the #1 vax regulator) believed mandates of EUA vaccines were illegal

This is the proof that a bait and switch took place: FDA improperly issued a COVID vax license in order to impose mandates. This needs to be part of the litigation

Here is how the globalists take illogical concepts and turn them into pillars of our culture, for instance, that health relies on planetary biodiversity

An example from the UN Environment Program. The plan is laid out for embedding the idea that health and biodiversity are inextricably linked–to push the One Health agenda as outlined below.

More on what can I do?

Catherine Austin Fitts’ ways to fight back, from a talk she gave today https://home.solari.com/why-a-sovereign-state-bank-is-good-for-tennessee/ Https://ourmoney.solari.com/taxation https://home.solari.com/i-want-to-stop-cbdcs-what-can-i-do/ https://silverandgoldaremoney.com/ Stop CBDCs. Use cash! Encourage the elites to fight among themselves Encourage sovereign banks at the state/region/local level Avoid biometric technology, QR codes, avoid surveillance as much as possible, avoid smart phones as much as possible (consider Faraday…

Another WHO criminal, who has recently been pushing more vaccine doses, comes from Imperial College (like her former boss Prof. Neil Ferguson and the former head of MI5 who was Imperial’s Chair)

Interesting how there are so few MDs at the top of the WHO. She was in Cambodia when Farrar was in Vietnam. She is in a network. A fixer, not a scientist.

The amazing Dr. Faust, who is the expert witness testifying against my ability to practice medicine, is a buddy of Rick Bright, who conspired w/ FDA to issue the EUA to kill hydroxychloroquine

Let’s look a little closer at this part-time ER doctor, who is being paid $500/hr by the Maine medical board to give them a reason to revoke my license. Hired gun or hired clown?

How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more–the most important piece I ever wrote, which also kills the fantasy that Malone singlehandedly could have stopped the shots with HCQ

The first 27 items were posted in June 2020, and the rest were added over roughly 10 months.

“The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It”/ Newsweek/ Harvey Risch, MD, PhD, Yale professor of epidemiology

The following is the text of Professor Harvey Risch’s opinion piece in yesterday’s [July 23, 2020] issue of Newsweek. As professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals. I am usually accustomed to advocating…

Breaking: RFK, Jr. and CHD sue Biden, Fauci for Alleged Censorship

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/lawsuit-rfk-jr-chd-biden-free-speech/ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense on Friday filed a class action lawsuit against President Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top administration officials and federal agencies, alleging they “waged a systematic, concerted campaign” to compel the nation’s three largest social media companies to censor constitutionally protected speech. Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is…

A warning that there will be a barrage of posts on many subjects over the next few days. This one is about current COVID death rates, per CDC

84% of the US population, per CDC, are bivalent booster antivaxxers. (100%-16.4%) COVID cases keep trending down. But because the disease is now usually quite mild, many do not test or notify the authorities of a case. So these numbers may not be accurate. Deaths are a more accurate measure. Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a…

As Peter Marks, FDA’s vaccine head, calls for accelerated approvals for gene therapy products, New Zealand documents reveal the regulators knew many COVID vaccine failings from the beginning

And they hid them. Did you lose a relative or your health to a COVID vaccine? Aren’t you angry yet?

Daniel Horowitz: DeSantis’ state compact against ESG is the blueprint to fighting federal-corporate fascism

https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-desantis-state-compact-against-esg-is-the-blueprint-to-fighting-federal-corporate-fascism While we all slept for a number of years past, the federal government has worked with global governments and corporations to remake our society, economy, culture, laws, and policy. More recently, these governments and corporations have built an enforcement mechanism against anyone on the wrong side of “total state” values. It’s a trap of…

Worse than I thought: No risk from Avian Flu, but CDC invented a vaccine, for which it would get royalties if avian flu spreads to humans

So CDC is desperately seeking human cases, and might be culling birds to keep exposing humans to the virus, in hopes somewhere someday there might be human-human spread –and $$$ ROYALTIES

Now that did not take long. No published article, just a claim by 3 unreliable scientists (known spooks) and the WHO is on the raccoon dog trail!

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Worobey has been covering up COVID’s origin since the beginning; he just didn’t happen to coauthor the Nature Medicine article.

FDA authorizes 4th booster for babies–while data from the UK and Germany suggest you cause 22 serious injuries with the shot in order to prevent a single child’s hospitalization

We need to start charging the individual public health officials with crimes for acting outside their legal authority

Canada’s Dr. William Makis has been reporting daily on very important topics, particularly untoward deaths. Now he reports on the effort to vaccinate children in Canada without parental consent

The identical language for vaccinators is found in US documents that similarly ignore the law on parental rights. It is after all a Global Reset. Please follow him.

CDC’s current stats on US vaccinations: still only 16% took a bivalent booster

https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-people-booster-percent-total How CDC Estimates Vaccination Coverage aka How CDC gets away with claiming that more people are vaccinated than actually got vaccinated CDC estimates the number of people receiving at least one dose, the number of people who are fully vaccinated, and the number of people with booster doses. CDC estimates are based on data…

The Virality Project: the deep censorship network packaged as “academic research” is actually a huge network of illegal activities paid for by US government grants

The USG is absolutely prohibited from censoring Americans due to the First Amendment. But Rs & Ds built a massive censorship network-one REQUIRED to convince Americans to voluntarily poison themselves

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