‘Bobby Steps Up’ by James Howard Kunstler
a comprehensive discussion of the speech and the man for this time
a comprehensive discussion of the speech and the man for this time
I decode the language and concepts for you. The article is in plain text. My comments are in italics. What a load of malarkey. Peter Daszak was on the Commission.
All the MSM covered it, which in itself is a magic trick. Maybe his voice will get through…
Unable to get retribution, some take aim at the Malones. Does this remind you of the guy who gets beaten up by his boss, then comes home and kicks the dog? We need to stop eating our own.
The lady who texted with Pfizer’s president over the price and number of doses of COVID vaccines the EU would buy–10 doses per person. What else has she done?
Further I identify the globalists’ corruption and misuse of language
Italy previously had the lowest birth rate in western Europe. Now Italy has the lowest rate since recording started in 1861.
It’s time again to show we mean business and we’ll never stop fighting for our freedom
It is terribly effective, beautifully done. Show it to everyone you know!
Lots of Beltway Bandits, new vaccine platforms, and a completely different way of viewing the world were encountered.
from September 2020 in Nature. Pay attention to the bolded sections. Jeremy 007 takes the rap for both the Solidarity and Recovery overdose trials
She missed that Peter Daszak was given a Columbia U. faculty ‘position’ in Ian Lipkin’s lab but she sure didn’t miss much
The damage done, she rotated off the NIH COVID guidelines committee. Interesting how many HIV docs/ Fauci acolytes were on the committee.
Except the noses are different. The area under the eyes is different. The color of the hair roots is different. The voices don’t match. The old Tiffany has less curvature of her facial bones.
Yet another public-private partnership (socializing the cost, privatizing the benefit) with $5 Billion of your money to start with. Special to the WaPo.
Not exactly a disinterested source, but usually a good starting place to look at healthcare economics. By request.
“California will only be safe when everyone is safe.” said the DHCS Director.
Vaccinating during a house call got you $75.50
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this
This is the proof that a bait and switch took place: FDA improperly issued a COVID vax license in order to impose mandates. This needs to be part of the litigation
Maybe this financial boon had something to do with that recommendation
The WHO, Bio-Security Agenda, One Health, the Avian Flu Culling and more
Farrar discusses drafting the Nature Medicine article. Garry tells us how to build a SARS-CoV-2.
There is plenty more, but I thought this was enough for today.
From the WHO’s Maria van Kerkhove’s SCIENCE bio we can identify many co-conspirators
An example from the UN Environment Program. The plan is laid out for embedding the idea that health and biodiversity are inextricably linked–to push the One Health agenda as outlined below.
by a Midwestern Doctor
Kudos to a Servant of Truth by Kelly Em
John Leake at Peter McCullough’s Courageous Discourse sums it up. P.S. Alex Stein is a fabulous comedian of our current situation: AlexStein99
a wonderful summary of what is being proposed through the WHO to wrest sovereignty from the human population under the guise of public health
Readers, if there are documents you have that the committee requested, or that you think they need to see, please send them to me for this meeting
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years
Children’s Health Defense streamed the hearing, and other states may get ideas of how to deal with similar bills in their states.
Ignore if you are not planning to attend or give testimony
Malone Fake Tweet #2. How many of these are circulating? A clever method to anonymously brand someone as evil without possibility of blowback to the perp.
Below are the bills and instructions for providing testimony by zoom or in person
“This is a War on Religion” and “Welcome to the Revolution” Who’d have dreamed my favorite music is this, hip-hop?
The attack is a lot bigger than Peter and Ginger Breggin. Use Discernment.
My COVID sampler. I will briefly describe some of the standouts.
I consider both Robert Malone and Catherine Austin Fitts good friends and extremely effective and knowledgeable, creative, brilliant warriors. Both I believe share with me the same conception of our world. I have never met or spoken to Matthias Desmet and I slightly know the Breggins. While I was not taken with Desmet’s theory of…
Catherine Austin Fitts’ ways to fight back, from a talk she gave today https://home.solari.com/why-a-sovereign-state-bank-is-good-for-tennessee/ Https://ourmoney.solari.com/taxation https://home.solari.com/i-want-to-stop-cbdcs-what-can-i-do/ https://silverandgoldaremoney.com/ Stop CBDCs. Use cash! Encourage the elites to fight among themselves Encourage sovereign banks at the state/region/local level Avoid biometric technology, QR codes, avoid surveillance as much as possible, avoid smart phones as much as possible (consider Faraday…
James Roguski Exposing MDM (Mis-Information, Dis-Information and Mal-Information)
All other meetings are closed. There is a public hearing today at noon (required by federal meeting law) with 3 minute presentations, at which I will speak.
reprinted from Brownstone Institute to give readers the deep dive
There is a lot to do.
Interesting how there are so few MDs at the top of the WHO. She was in Cambodia when Farrar was in Vietnam. She is in a network. A fixer, not a scientist.
Let’s look a little closer at this part-time ER doctor, who is being paid $500/hr by the Maine medical board to give them a reason to revoke my license. Hired gun or hired clown?
What could be causing “died suddenly’? The media are especially imaginative. Then some smiles.
The DOD testified to Congress that this was so back in 1999
So did 31 different “scientific societies” — see an article in SCIENCE magazine, the journal of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science
you take screenshots of their emails and tweets
The first 27 items were posted in June 2020, and the rest were added over roughly 10 months.
The following is the text of Professor Harvey Risch’s opinion piece in yesterday’s [July 23, 2020] issue of Newsweek. As professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals. I am usually accustomed to advocating…
I reprint my article to correct the record. There was a worldwide coordinated assault on the drug going on because it worked so well.
I cite 4 papers (2 by USG scientists) which showed in 2004, 2005 and 2014 that repurposed drugs could kill SARS-1 and MERS at usual safe doses. This should have prevented the EUAs for COVID vaccines
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/lawsuit-rfk-jr-chd-biden-free-speech/ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense on Friday filed a class action lawsuit against President Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top administration officials and federal agencies, alleging they “waged a systematic, concerted campaign” to compel the nation’s three largest social media companies to censor constitutionally protected speech. Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is…
Just arrived home
84% of the US population, per CDC, are bivalent booster antivaxxers. (100%-16.4%) COVID cases keep trending down. But because the disease is now usually quite mild, many do not test or notify the authorities of a case. So these numbers may not be accurate. Deaths are a more accurate measure. Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a…
Not according to Matt Taibbi’s twitter feed and the Twitter Files.
And they hid them. Did you lose a relative or your health to a COVID vaccine? Aren’t you angry yet?
But vetoed by Governor Kristi Noem.
And they could not find anything bad to say. Which is why he is my favorite Member of Congress. A Jeffersonian.
Yet another scheme to create further indebtedness and create massive new financial products. a) How do we stop climate change? b) How do we learn how much is due to weather warfare?
Next post will be on the White House’s PREPARE program
Hat tip to Steve Kirsch and Rebekah Barnett
Dane who went to Cambridge for his PhD and learned to carry the dirty water with the best of them. Fauci acolyte, first author of the Nature Medicine propaganda piece, joined at hip to co-conspirators
One of 7 researchers who brought a $150 million grant (state funds/your taxes) to the U of Arizona
https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-desantis-state-compact-against-esg-is-the-blueprint-to-fighting-federal-corporate-fascism While we all slept for a number of years past, the federal government has worked with global governments and corporations to remake our society, economy, culture, laws, and policy. More recently, these governments and corporations have built an enforcement mechanism against anyone on the wrong side of “total state” values. It’s a trap of…
COVID coverups, monkeypox studies, Lassa, and hangs with his co-conspirators (see #5) including Koopmans who was on the Fauci call and on the ‘frozen food’ WHO COVID investigation team
So CDC is desperately seeking human cases, and might be culling birds to keep exposing humans to the virus, in hopes somewhere someday there might be human-human spread –and $$$ ROYALTIES
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Worobey has been covering up COVID’s origin since the beginning; he just didn’t happen to coauthor the Nature Medicine article.
The twisted tale of Bob Garry and his merry band of spook physicians and scientists
Eddie, Michael, Kristian, and Angie Rasmussen said so. Until the bought and paid “virologists” are chucked out of the fold, they can be toted out as needed to push whatever propaganda is desired
New Data Links Pandemic’s Origins to Raccoon Dogs at Wuhan Market Genetic samples from the market were recently uploaded to an international database and then removed after queries were made to China
The disease is almost impossible to transmit and symptoms are mild. Why cull? Food control? Fear-mongering? Vaccine-mongering? Harbinger of a future lab-designed virus?
Largest voter turnout in 30 years, and with 18 parties in Parliament, the Farmers party (BBB) got 30% of the vote, by far the highest–and Holland’s current leaders will soon be out on their ear.
We need to start charging the individual public health officials with crimes for acting outside their legal authority
How did he know in 2019 that disTrust in medicine was about to go big?
The identical language for vaccinators is found in US documents that similarly ignore the law on parental rights. It is after all a Global Reset. Please follow him.
from U Michigan
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-people-booster-percent-total How CDC Estimates Vaccination Coverage aka How CDC gets away with claiming that more people are vaccinated than actually got vaccinated CDC estimates the number of people receiving at least one dose, the number of people who are fully vaccinated, and the number of people with booster doses. CDC estimates are based on data…
Everything is great, we are thrilled with our vaccines and the only problem is not enough people are up to date, so stop the misinformation already, got it?
Marburg, Schmarburg. The natural infections cannot cause deadly epidemics in the developed world, and cause very small ones in less developed nations
New information on the NDAA and One Health/Lancet assertion that all life (animal and human) is equal
He made a dirty deal and now attempts to wiggle out of the spotlight by misrepresenting the situation in the 2/23/23 New England Journal of Medicine.
A tale of government disinfo and the destruction left in its wake, including friendship.
Amazing! They got that vaccine developed just in time!
The USG is absolutely prohibited from censoring Americans due to the First Amendment. But Rs & Ds built a massive censorship network-one REQUIRED to convince Americans to voluntarily poison themselves
$125 Million granted in October 2021 — so taxpayers can pay for the next pandemic
But the headline is all wrong
Although he worked as a BMJ editor, Peter only got to post this article to his BMJ blog, and not get it printed in the BMJ. Nov. 26, 2020
This was just my comments on one JHU think tank’s attempt to manipulate people to get vaccinated. Nov. 13, 2020.
Maybe we need to blame FDA for hiding its concerns from the public?
Dammit, I didn’t want to do this. But in the last 2 days 2 colleagues have been hoodwinked by an extraordinary load of BS, which I comment on.
But Matt Hancock used the term quite differently. Injecting Bill Gates’ chips? And therefore Bill owed Matt a favor?
Full text, by Dr. David Bell, published by Brownstone and the Epoch Times
Here is one more puzzle piece, from Sir Dr. Jeremy (007) Farrar’s book SPIKE
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