White House allocates $475 million to medical centers to push bivalent boosters, when they don’t work and do maim

The US government continues to bribe medical institutions to force vaccines on hapless patients.  When will the courts finally judge this to be a crime, given what we already know about the shots?  What is wrong with Congress that it allows taxpayer money to be spent this way?  Congress approved $4.5 trillion to be spent…

It’s gonna be cooler than we thought! — NY Times, Oct. 26

Beyond Catastrophe A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View By David Wallace-Wells https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/10/26/magazine/climate-change-warming-world.html You can never really see the future, only imagine it, then try to make sense of the new world when it arrives. Just a few years ago, climate projections for this century looked quite apocalyptic, with most scientists warning that continuing…

FDA and its vax advisory committee were told by Pfizer on December 10, 2020 at a public meeting that the vaccine did not prevent transmission–I wrote about it in Jan 2021 on my blog

and EMTs were being lied to and shamed to force vaccine uptake. Below is my Jan 11, 2021 blog post with updates

Here is my live blog for today’s ACIP meeting, and some comments first

After top CDC officials said yesterday they were not adding COVID vaccines to the childhood schedule yet, today they added them. Not really a surprise, but it was both sneaky and remarkably bold. There were so many extraordinary goings on at this meeting, entirely apart from the braindead members and briefers who wanted to inject…

Ezekiel Emanuel (Rahm’s brother, doctor and ethicist, adviser to the W.H.O. D-G) pushed the mandates on HCWs and universities while outside gov’t — he should be another litigation target

My Board hearing starts today, new booster fake data, and some odds and ends.

The US govt’s 2 main functions in 2022: scare you to death and bankrupt you

Seen on a bus in New Jersey last week. Fear of nuclear war is their Plan B for one world government if the WHO pandemic rules don’t pan out. “Stay tuned”—oh really? When did the federal government give you useful advice? After the anthrax letters? NO. After the Ebola cases? NO. After the pandemic started?…

After this, I bet CDC removes itself from the WayBack Machine. OOPS. Error.

Here is the ERROR. (Thanks to Josh Mitteldorf). A million unboosted people got boosted in the past 3 weeks, but we don’t know how many people who had already been boosted got another booster. CDC does not post the total number of Americans that got more than one booster. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-people-additional-dose-totalpop

WaPo editorial on the Lancet Commission Report makes it easy to see the limited hangout.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/09/17/lancet-covid-pandemic-failure-reforms/ “The ability of the public health system to identify cases, trace contacts, and isolate infected individuals can be overwhelmed in just a few weeks of uncontrolled community transmission,” the report says. Right, so you stop doing contact tracing when you know if doesn’t work. Instead, contact tracing was started after it was known to…

2 excellent interviews I did recently with 2 ladies who did their homework.

One of the interviews was with Russian emigre Veronika Kyrylenko at the New American and the other was with Terry Gilberg (Timeline with Terry). Terry has been a US journalist for decades who has maintained her self-respect by refusing to broadcast the single narrative approved by our deep state, and she continues to tell the…

If you don’t think there is worldwide coordination of pandemic responses, here is the evidence: Canada, UK, Switzerland, European Union and US all authorize nouvelle boosters simultaneously

For a threat that has evaporated. Liability-free, of course. No human testing of the new US “bivalent” boosters

No clinical trials. No advisory committee. Newly formulated boosters to be injected starting in 10-12 days !?!

FDA Plans to Approve Omicron-Targeting Booster Vaccines Remember the movie, “The Gods Must Be Crazy.”  Well, the Biden administration and its FDA and CDC regulators must feel like Gods to do this, and they must be crazy.  And so are you, if you go along with this plan.  Three days ago, Pfizer asked for permission…

What a difference a month makes: WHO tells the press some truth today about the monkeypox vaccines

The story is evolving.  First the Jynneos vaccine was 85% effective.  (Maybe they meant effective at causing cardiac inflammation?) Today at its press conference, the WHO dropped a truth bomb.  Dr. Kate O’Brien, Director of Immunizations at the WHO, said she wanted to emphasize the following about the monkeypox vaccines: “We don’t have a substantial…

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