The WHO and its old bag of tricks/Zahra Sethna
We never learned after the WHO pulled the trigger on a mild flu season in 2009
We never learned after the WHO pulled the trigger on a mild flu season in 2009
Charley (UK) on “Before It’s News” “Epidemics Proven Biological Warfare” Tommy (Portland, Maine) on Spreaker and on Rumble. “The takeover of US Sovereignty”–59005404
In which we talk strategies for stopping the WHO in the second half
This is a very important dive into the origin of COVID–another MUST-READ. The Montana NIAID lab that could have been associated with the origin of Lyme Disease is where Munster studied SARS viruses.
My comments are in italics
Op-Ed by Pierre Kory and Paul Marik in The Hill
Why am I not surprised? Now he moves over to control carbon, after his Net Zero damage is done
Curated by what made me laugh or cry
Another piece of evidence to add to the stack. Thanks to Kirstin Murfitt, a NZ attorney
Fingers crossed that ICAN can get this broadened to public schools as well.
He interviewed me today and was so knowledgeable, I asked to read what he has been writing. This is the first article I read.
A very different interview. 1 hr 15 minutes. One of my favorites.
At CPAC I learned from Ashlee Babbitt’s mother and others whom I spoke with that 4 people were killed by Capitol Police that day
The Lancet editors can no longer edit: “costs have been spent.” My comments in italics. They are getting desperate. Note the vague terminology regarding the treaty’s ephemeral benefits
I rushed home from my trip to DC to hear the State of the Union last night. In previous years, I had learned about the plans for Paxlovid and Molnupiravir this way. What might Biden be offering today? But I had to shut it off after 15 minutes because it went back and forth between…
Gov’t lies about sovereignty grab and says pandemic agreement cannot impose lockdowns, vaccines–because that provision is in the amendments, not the “agreement”. (How they weasel word the public)
Finally!! Truth about the bogus Biosecurity Agenda in the mainstream press. Tremendously important.
And so we sent them a few thousand MREs (stale military meals that last for years) in addition to the munitions. Will the MREs make the State of the Union tonight?
The dam (holding back information) is finally starting to leak. The truth is coming out and millions will learn what the globalists are using the WHO for: a world takeover. With English subtitles
and it is still up on YouTube. A miracle in itself.
The report “discusses challenges in building and sustaining trust in science in general and research with pandemic risks more specifically.”
Important to do list. So glad I discovered this, despite being 2 months late.
Honest Media States Try Censoring Social Media Since the Feds Got Blocked In November of last year, Honest Media reported that New York Governor Kathy Hochul was setting up her own social media censorship surveillance efforts. This move happened after a state law requiring social media companies to censor speech was temporarily halted by the…
John Stone reveals damning evidence of senior UK government officials’ involvement in WHO and GAVI – explaining the government’s refusal to discuss the WHO ‘Pandemic’ Treaty
Never forget this one
There are over 700 UK MPs, but recall that once Andrew Bridgen was the only one speaking up. Free Telegraph link on
Forget the IDF bot and troll farms’ insistent propaganda. Even the IDF’s BFF the NYT has to tell the truth sometimes.
When do we get a real president? If they do that to Gazans, they will do it to us, too
Sue Sweetin and Elizabeth Kucinich are amazing activists. We are making the connections with the leaders who can make a difference, working in concert with Sovereignty Coalition members.
Anne Can’t Stand It! WHAT THE NURSES SAW WHAT THE NURSES SAW by Ken McCarthyAnne Can’t Stand It! is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber… Read more 10 months ago · 16 likes · 7 comments · Anne Gibbons
Shots recommended for those “at risk” every 4 months
Amrei Müller is an Assistant Professor/Lecturer (Ad Astra Fellow) at University College Dublin, Sutherland School of Law. Dr. Silvia Behrendt is the founder and director of the Global Health Responsi
Actually, you only need to declare a public health emergency to use the IHR. The Pandemic Treaty will be in force 24/7.
Watch the video at the Sovereignty Coalition website. Join the movement.
and noting where my talk is. I will blow up the slides for you here.
A hour discussion with a wonderful British psychologist
Richard Lowenthal (liber-net: Countering digital authoritarianism )is organizing this convention of ‘Digital Rights Dissenters‘ in May in Spain: Call for participants: Convening of digital rights dissenters – Airtable Would you mind forwarding the link to people who you think might be interested in attending? The convention is meant for “Advocates, NGO workers, journalists, media-makers, academics and researchers…
The group says memes are “health disinformation super-spreaders” and complains that they can “evade fact checkers and content moderators.”
Here is just one section of the article. Read the rest. The 2013 book “Dissolving Illusions” is a classic on vaccines and infectious diseases. This 600 page update should be extremely interesting. 2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World Paul Craig Roberts Don’t let the alarmist sound of this column’s title put you off. It is not a “conspiracy theory.” This column is a factual report as you will see if you read on. Everyone needs to understand that…
You must go to the website and click with an RSVP
Veronika Kyrylenko, editor of The New American interviewed me again. 16 minutes. (I had a cold). This is a very good summary of what the WHO is trying to do. Sharona at the Mike Lindell channel interviewed me as well. Steve Gruber interviewed me. Those may have been in real time and I don’t…
These are no longer bad words but accepted facts. Which means we can now move to the next level in fighting back, since so many people already know or sense what we are up against. or you can reach it through twitter
The “pandemic treaty” negotiated under the World Health Organization fails to address the international health system’s failures during COVID-19. Steven Groves / @stevegroves / Brett Schaefer Pictured: The WHO’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, addresses the Feb. 12 opening session of the World Governments Summit in Dubai. (Photo: Ryan Lim/AFP/Getty Images) Steven Groves @stevegroves Steven…
First the whole thing (which is in small print) then the part relevant to the WHO in larger type. I like the linkage of police state tactics against political opponents (and politicizing medicine has made doctors like me political opponents) in other countries to what is happening in the US as well. Are we cooking…
Part III of Our Interview with Whistleblower Dr. Meryl Nass.
Your tax dollars at work. Welcome to the Great Reset.
If those who offered to donate would make a stripe e-donation at in the next couple of days I will know if I can afford to bring on a fourth person.
Tedros begs children to raise their voices and call for the Pandemic Agreement
Reviewing exactly what is inside the worst treaty of our lifetime and the heroic efforts that are stopping it. This was shot in November but was released today. 18 minutes.
Proud to say I told my readership about him one year ago. He is still telling the same story, with some more details.
Was it the negative return or the potential lawsuits that is starting to turn this crazy climate leviathan around?
Had to get this zit off my chest
“This Board has the authority to discipline a physician who has been disciplined in another jurisdiction”
It’s not supposed to make sense. It’s supposed to frighten and confuse you, keeping you off-balance. Remember, avian flu mutated and is no longer a threat to humans.
Could Ireland be the tipping point for the WHO treaty and amendments, as mentioned earlier by Tess Lawrie?
Bobby broke into the MSM–this is from the Baltimore Sun!
Then received a boilerplate response right back, and then I responded again. I hope others will use this information and challenge their elected reps when they misinform us about this critical matter.
We rely on you, the reader, to straighten these politicians out. School them on the truth, please.
BTW there is no sightseeing and there is sleep deprivation instead. Poor Christine Anderson had 2 nights in a row without sleep
From: WHO Media <> Date: February 12, 2024 at 5:20:15 AM ESTSubject: WHO Director-General’s speech at the World Governments Summit – 12 February 2024 Monday, 12 February 2024 WHO Director-General’s speech at the World Governments Summit – 12 February 2024 Your Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Dear colleagues and friends, Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. I thank Your Highnesses for your hospitality, for…
This gives an idea where some lawmakers are going with this issue
The whole, unadulterated BS and boy does he slather it on. The pandemic fairytale starts about 1/3 way down. My comments are in italics.
Tedros slams us for lies but it’s all projection: here’s the documentary proof it is the WHO that is lying
The the WHO lawyers are trying to play us, saying the nations are sovereign because they still make the laws. What the WHO omits saying is that under the Treaty and proposed IHR Amendments, nations will be forced to pass the laws that the WHO tell them to pass. Examples of this and other…
By John Klar (DoortoFreedom contributor) at the American Thinker.
And what the WHO is doing to protect this grift now that the public is wising up to it.
Don’t let yourself be confused. I wish I didn’t need to make this clarification, but many have asked me to do so.
Great to boil the threat we face into its essence
9 minutes. Don’t miss this excellent summary
It behooves all of us to do whatever we can to support this bill and others like it.
I was so glad that people are waking up about the attack on food. Our hats say, “No farms, no food” By the way, don’t forget that I produced an extremely interesting symposium last March with 17 speakers on the attack on food and farming and solutions. Learn more about this subject, of critical importance…
Loads of favorite people turned up to hear it. So nice to see so many good people, and perhaps even a few sneaky hecklers who tried to school us that we were going after the wrong villains.
Who are they trying to fool, or is it assumed we are too stupid to notice?
The globalist lawyers who drafted the pandemic treaty definitely anticipated injuries from the 100 day vaccines. So what did they do? They made sure that all the nations signing up to the Treaty “shall shall shall” i.e., MUST give the WHO, its lawyers, the nations, the manufacturers, the doctors and anyone else involved a bullet-proof…
Don’t you LOVE it?
This was a lovely addition to the 13 who supported the original letter
Farmers lit fires, set off fireworks, blocked entry and police attacked with waterhoses, right outside the heart of the EU system
Meryl Nass, MD January 31, 2024
from the BMJ. Tedros is only speaking about the Treaty and not the IHRs. This is meant to make people think they are not at risk from the IHRs, which are even more dangerous than the Treaty.
The Nazi label is so easy to wield. Christine is no Nazi. Her party AfD has been banned in Germany because they became so popular they scared the globalists running the country.
Protests intensify as farmers resort to actually digging up highways leading into Paris.
From the Atlanta journal-Constitution, Jan 22, 2024
Davos in the Desert presents, next Monday Feb 5(while I will be speaking in the UK Parliament to mostly empty benches, no doubt) a truly high-powered meeting of the minds. I urge you to check it out.
I’m pinching myself. Is this idea now mainstream? 2024 election candidates join thousands of doctors in opposing dangerous COVID shots Great campaign initiated by physicians Mary Talley Bowden, assisted by Kat Lindley and probably others I don’t know. Get candidates for office to pledge they will stop the dangerous COVID vaccines. Ask about the WHO’s power grab and banning the shots at…
We will focus on * Sovereignty/Constitutionality; * Human Rights and * Freedom of Speech.
MP Andrew Bridgen is hosting another important meeting in UK Parliament on Monday 5th February. MEP Christine Anderson, Dr Meryl Nass & Lawyer Philipp Kruse will discuss the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine harms, 15-minute cities, Farmers protests in Europe & the WHO power grab. All MPs & Lords have been invited to this…
Love this one. Who would have suspected that the owners of our mainstream press could be bought off so cheaply, and would willingly torpedo freedom of the press? Centralization of almost all the US’ major media into 7 big companies is all it took. And they don’t seem to mind their subsidiaries committing suicide, which…
Mark is a wonderful guy, works at World Council for Health now, and I urge you to support his appeal.
Unfortunately the Gateway Pundit story is incomplete; the records were sealed; a report was recently released
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